Lemmy: Lemmy's Interview Show!
Loxo123: Ahem, I believe that the interviewer is supposed to have the first word?
Lemmy: I'm aware. I'm also glad that I can be sure that the interview building won't get destroyed because of your Interviews this time.
Loxo123: Hey! The interview building was only destroyed once! And that was with Crazy Iggy!
Loxo123: Quiet. Anyways, Lemmy, let me just get to the cream of the crop already.
Lemmy: Cream of the cro-
Loxo123: Questions.
Lemmy: Oh.
Loxo123: What else are you doing other than managing Lemmy's Land?
Lemmy: Oh, a ton of things. Trying to beat the Mario Bros, playing pranks with Iggy, trying to avoid getting beaten up by Roy; the usual Koopaling stuff.
Loxo123: Exactly WHAT keeps your Freeze Gun working?
Lemmy: It is a really cold liquid chemical called Iceogen.
Loxo123: You made that name up, right?
Lemmy: Actually, it was LUDWIG who made it up.
Loxo123: Oh. Now, how do you like the cold?
Lemmy: That is a very good question! But, I guess it was something about genetics that Ludwig was talking about, he said something about that in a group of siblings, at least 2 will have completely different preferences for some stuff. And some other stuff he constantly talks about.
Loxo123: So... since Morton loves heat you love ice? But weren't you born before Morton?
Lemmy: Just a few days before. You see, Clawdia was expecting ALL of us in the same year. So Morton probably already developed a preference for heat, and the opposite for me.
Loxo123: Very interesting... Now, how do you manage to balance on a ball?
Lemmy: I was born with a physical disorder that made me walk really badly, so I had to find a new mode of moving, I was fascinated by clowns because they were so funny, and I guess that is how I started riding on the ball. It took a lot of practice but a gradually managed to get it.
Loxo123: K. Now then, why are you and Iggy "twins"?
Lemmy: Because me and Iggy shared many things in common: We had the same kind of hair, we were each somehow physically impaired like my walking problem and Iggy's eyesight problem, we got beaten up by Roy the most, and we like the same kind of foods.
Loxo123: You know, I just remembered something. When you were working with "Bowletta" you walked perfectly fine, how’s that?
Lemmy: I know this is breaking the fourth wall, but in actual reality I didn't. I had a few problems and stumbled a few times. But Nintendo wouldn't really implement that for no real reason so they just made it look like I walked fine.
Loxo123: Ok. Final question before audience questions, how did you make your clones when you worked for Bowletta?
Lemmy: It actually was really simple. I made a few crystal mirrors beforehand, and with the right angle I would create clones from light so focused that they actually could cause damage. Also, a Goomba apparently is squishy enough to fit inside my clones, so that is how I got Goomba help.
Loxo123: Seat 564056156561644415645646!
Luigi: Why did you takeover the Vanilla Dome, when it’s a mostly hot place?
Lemmy: Vanilla Dome actually isn't THAT hot. It is just hot in Vanilla Dome Level 3.
Loxo123: Seat 561654264043245644023254654326043654652!
Roy: What do you think about getting beaten up in my Sports Hall, weakling?
Lemmy: I've netted myself a few wins, but frankly my heart isn't in to fighting in the Sports Hall so I didn't give my best.
Loxo123: Seat 849795647654756156174546714714625714!
Kamek: Do you like me?
Lemmy: No. Period. Except for the time your supersized my ball.
Kamek: Hmph.
Loxo123: That's all for now, folks! Now... who should I fire the laser at... I know!
Mario: BlagdiblagdiblagdiblagdiblagdiblagdiBLAGG!!! Cheese! Lemmy: End transmission Loxo123: I'm supposed to- Whoops! You're not logged in!
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