
By Jalvo the Slime and Your Twin the Fourth

Jalvo: Ok, time for round 2 with YTtF! C'mon Boosly, we're retrieving Mini Jalvo.

Mini Jalvo: Me?

Jalvo: Not you, a different one that was stolen.

(A warp pipe appears in JtS Studios. Jalvo and Boosly jump in and find out that YTtF's studio is Luigi's old mansion.)

YTtF: Thank you, Narrator, for saving me the trouble of explaining this. I presume you're looking for this?

(YTtF then takes out a partial skeleton of a Slime [Do Slimes even have skeletons? I dunno.] and drops it at Jalvo's feet.)

YTtF: Yeah, I kinda forgot he existed… so you can have him back now.


The "bones" begin to hover.

Boosly: I see dead people!

Jalvo: Of course you do. We're in a freaking haunted mansion!

Boosly: Something’s happening!

???: Do I smell bones? Dead, fictitious bones?

(Meanwhile, two pairs of footsteps are heard coming inside the room.)


(He runs away, ignoring the fact that something is going on; specifically, that a purple mass is coming up from the ground and swallowing up the bones.)

Jalvo: Why I oughta-

(Jalvo runs after YMtF in a rage. The other pair of footsteps is revealed to belong to Iggy.)

Iggy: Hi YTtF, what’s going on- What the?! What did you do this time?!

Boosly: Well you see- ACK!!!

(The purple mass finishes with the bones and reveals itself to be Bogmire.)

Bogmire: Good evening...

Boosly: Uh… Good morning to ya. So... care for an Interview?

Bogmire: I don’t see why not.

Boosly: Iggy?

Iggy: Well, it's not like I have anything else to do with my time, but seriously, what did you-

YTtF: None of your concern. I'll go make sure Jalvo doesn't hurt anyone.

(He leaves.)

Iggy: ... So, Bogmire, tell us, why were you in Luigi's mansion?

Bogmire: I was created along with it by the Boos as so I could represent all the fear the mansion struck in others…

Boosly: I see. Why were you the boss for the Graveyard?

Bogmire: I needed more room. More clones, more room.

Iggy: Why were you hiding in that gravestone when Luigi came?

Bogmire: It was a good hiding place, and it was perfect for scaring Luigi when he showed up.

Luigi: I give you credit, it was a nice hiding spot. Scaring me? You can't scare me, that was all acting!

Bogmire: Boo.

Luigi: YIKES!!!

(Luigi runs out the door.)

Boosly: Ok then. Who is your favorite ghost in the mansion? Excluding yourself of course.

Bogmire: I have to say, I like the shadow Bogmires.

Boosly: That's still you.

Bogmire: No. Shadow Bogmires are another species of ghost.

Iggy: Are they really?

Bogmire: Uh... Look, a bat!

(Iggy looks around for this supposed bat, while Bogmire sneaks up on him from behind.)

Bogmire: Boo.


(Iggy faints, though I'm sure he'll be up in about a minute or so.)

Bogmire: Fine, I lied. Other than the shadow Bogmires, I guess I also like the Blue Twirlers, they’re very powerful ghosts.

Boosly: Ok. You worked with Boolossus right?

Bogmire: Yes I did.

Boosly: Were you partners?

Bogmire: No... I was sent to a coffin after I was created so I could hide in the Graveyard.

(Jalvo now walks in, along with YTtF and YMtF. He spots the camera.)

Jalvo: Oh boy! An Interview! When are we starting?

Boosly: It already did.

Jalvo: With who?

Boosly: That guy! *points at Bogmire*

(Iggy then wakes up and gets back on his feet. I love it when I'm right!)

Iggy: Shut up. Now, how exactly did you create the shadow Bogmires?

Bogmire: The power of the mansion and the Boos gave me the ability to partly replicate myself, which is why the shadows are easy to suck in.

Iggy: I see. I have to say, Boos are a lot stronger than I originally thought... That's actually pretty scary. *glances at Boosly*

Boosly: I’m not really that strong.

Iggy: Ok… *notices Jalvo and the others* Oh, it’s you guys. Hey Jalvo, I thought you were off chasing YMtF into oblivion, what happened?

Jalvo: I tripped and splattered.

YMtF: Thank DAD, too, I don't think it would've been too pleasant if anything happened.

YTtF: Indeed, and I totally didn't have anything to do with Jalvo having any sort of accident while chasing you so I wouldn’t have to pay to repair anything. Bye!

(He quickly leaves the room.)

Bogmire: Are you finished with your interview crew drama yet?

Iggy: I believe we are, and I also believe it's time for audience questions!

(Iggy snaps his fingers, and the floor moves so they go down to the basement, where the audience is.)

Random Tourist: The light, it burns!

YMtF: Quiet you!

Jalvo: Seat POT!

Jarvis: So, why are your shadows stronger than you?

Bogmire: That's due to the fact that I place my strength in each shadow.

Iggy: Seat- wait, why is Jalvo still here? Security!

(A door opens, and Turbo and Kollin come out of it wearing bouncer uniforms.)

Turbo: Why are we doing this, again?

Kollin: Because no questions asked means no suffering.

(They drag Jalvo away.)

Jalvo: I'll be back!

YMtF: …I’ll be leaving then.

(He goes in through the door.)

Iggy: Much better. Seat BULLET.

Boom Guy: Ha! Bet you were expecting someone else, weren't you?

Bogmire stares.

Boom Guy: Uh, I mean, why are you here now? How did you get out of the portrait?

Bogmire: One of the Boos got us out again, but this time we're just laying low so we don't get noticed.

Boosly: Seat I HAVE A SEQUEL!

Luigi: Which Boo?

Boosly: How did you-?

Luigi: I snuck in when Jalvo was kicked out. Back to my question.

Bogmire: The King of course.

Luigi: Elvis?

Bogmire: No you moron. King Boo!


Goomy: Well hello to you too. It's an Interview with a ghost, what were you expecting?

Iggy: Why are you even in the audience?

Goomy: I was bored. Sue me.

Bogmire stares.

Goomy: Doesn't work. Why did you change color when you were put in your gold painting?

Bogmire: It probably had something to do with the whole turning into a painting process, some inks and layers that were used to get a higher quality work got messed up and altered my natural color.

Boosly: Seat NEXT ROCKY!

Biff Atlas: What determines your and the other boss ghosts’ frame type?

Bogmire: It depends on the life of the person catching us at the time.


Fishin' Lakitu: Why were you able to be hurt by your own clones?

Bogmire: After becoming separate from me, they were powerful enough to smother me for a while when I was hit.

Boosly: Seat 300.

Random Spartan: Why are the clones a different color than you?

Bogmire: They're shadows.

Iggy: Is this "Random Spartan" character going to be a recurring thing?

Random Spartan: I don't know.

Iggy: Well, whatever, I ran out of questions. You, Boosly?

Boosly: Yep.

Iggy: Well, in that case, there's only one thing to be done!

(Another door opens backstage, and YTtF comes out carrying the Poltergust 3000.)

YTtF: I suggest you run, Bogmire.

Bogmire: So do I.

(He scurries away as fast as he can, with YTtF hot on his heels. Then Jalvo oozes his way through the floorboards, with the top of his head and his eyes peeking out.)

Jalvo: You can't catch him because he's the gingerbread man!

Boosly: He's a ghost!

(Bogmire goes through Jalvo, then YTtF does too and splatters him for a second time.)

Boosly: This isn't going to end well...

Iggy: I agree. END TRANSMISSI-

Random Spartan: What was the deal with Bogmire eating Mini Jalvo's bones?

Boosly: Um.... I dunno. Maybe he’s a creepy ghost that enjoys bones?

Random Spartan: Ah, I see. Works for me.

Boosly: Now Iggy.



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