(Inside the interviewing studio, Lemmy comes onstage.)
Lemmy: Hello everyone, and welcome to-
(Mimi runs onstage and into Lemmy, sending him flying across the stage.)
Mimi: Hello! I'm Mimi and today, I'm going to interviewing the smartest of the Koopalings, Ludwig Von Koopa. Now get out here, Luddy. :3
(Ludwig comes onstage and sits in a seat.)
Ludwig: Don't call me Luddy.
Mimi: Okay. Now, first question. When Mario first fought you, you were in charge of Pipe Land, but in newSMBwii, you had Sky Kand. Why the change of land?
Ludwig: Well, we all thought that if most of us switched lands, it would confuse Mario since he'd be expecting the Koopaling that originally had that land, and he wouldn't be properly prepared.
Mimi: Interesting. Now, I know you were named after a famous composer, and you love classical music. Is this merely a coincidence or not?
Ludwig: Kinda both, I suppose. I was named after Ludwig Van Beethoven because my parents were listening to him and decided to name me after him. Then when I got older, I decided to listen to it, and now I enjoy classical music.
Mimi: Okay, now one more question from me and then we'll take questions from the audience. You and Iggy are both mechanical geniuses. Did you teach him that stuff or did he learn from watching you?
Ludwig: He learned from watching me. I then decided to let him take care of that stuff so I can focus on my music.
Mimi: Okay, now questions from the audience. Seat PURPLEWEEGEE.
Waluigi: What would you do if Iggy became smarter than you?
Ludwig: I'd just use one of my old inventions, the IQ Dropper, to lower his intelligence so it's lower than mine. I tested it on Lemmy and it worked.
(Lemmy runs onstage)
Lemmy: Waitaminute! I don't remember that!
Ludwig: You used to be almost as smart as Iggy. Now your IQ is much, much lower.
Lemmy: I'm telling King Dad!
(Lemmy runs offstage.)
Mimi: Okay. Next question from the audience! Seat POINTLESSCAMEO!
Bill Murray: I've heard rumors that you are addicted to chocolate. Is this true?
Ludwig: Absolutely not! I don't know who started these falsehoods, but I insist that they be discontinued immediately!
Bill: Oh really?
(Bill takes out a chocolate bar and is about to take a bite. It disappears.)
Ludwig: (eating the chocolate) Uuuuh, next question please!
Mimi: Last one. Seat THIEF.
Popple: What would you do if you ran Lemmy's Land?
Ludwig: If I were in charge of Lemmy's Land, I would make it educational and call it Ludwig's Land.
Mimi: That's all we have time for. See you all later.
(Lemmy comes onstage with Bowser.)
Lemmy: He used an IQ drainy thingy on me!
Bowser: Ludwig! To the dungeon! For a week!
Lemmy: Ha ha.
Bowser: You too, Lemmy. I feel like punishing you for no reason.
(Bowser gets crushed by a Thwomp.)
Bowser: Not again!
Ludwig: End Transmission!
(Transmission ended)
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