(Somewhere, past the treacherous mountains-)
Fawful: Whoop! We finally got that clip deleted!
Boom: Mmm… Podoboos are so delicious.
Roncor: Well, there goes our interviewee and interviewer.
(Boom's corpse is seen. Kamek enters.)
Kamek: I'll revive him for five bucks.
Fawful: What's a buck?
(generic studio laughter)
Roncor: As you see, our audience died long, long ago.
(Fawful is seen pummeling Kamek)
Fawful: Buck is slang for punch.
(generic studio laughter)
Podoboo: (sarcastically) Ha. Ha. Ha.
(Kamek revives Boom.)
Kamek: Nice doing business with– Oof!
Fawful: And stay out!
(generic studio laughter)
Boom: Start the Interview already! … Why are you all looking at me?
Boom: You read the title again, didn't you?
(Stop talking in separate sentences! It wastes Lemmy's valuable space! I quit!)
Roncor: Wow. I guess I'll take up the job.
Podoboo: INTERVIEW ME!p>Fawful: How many times have I heard that?
Boom: One. (to Podoboo) What are you? Which do you prefer, HD or Blu-ray? What is the circumference of the world? Will I stop asking stupid questions? Where's your favorite vacation spot? Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, BLAH!
Podoboo: I'm a fireball and I can't hold a remote, calculator, or crystal ball; my favorite vacation spot was Thwomp Volcano until the Marios came and ruined it. Now I like to chill in castles. I have no idea what that last question meant but I don't think it was a question since it had no question mark.
Boom: You answered them? Noooooooo!
Roncor: Boom dies, again. Kamek re-enters.
Kamek: I'll revive him for five bucks.
Fawful: What's a buck?
(generic studio laughter)
Roncor: Fawful is seen pummeling Kamek.
Fawful: Buck is slang for punch.
*generic studio laughter*
Podoboo: (sarcastically): Ha. Ha. Ha.
Roncor: Kamek revives Boom.
Kamek: Nice doing business with– Oof!
Fawful: And stay out!
(generic studio laughter)
Boom: (to Fawful) You're wayyy too lazy. That was just copy and paste, wasn't it?
Fawful: Not all of it! If this actually gets in, I will question the sanity of Lemmy-
Roncor: It's already been done.
Fawful: -again.
Boom: What's the difference between Lava Bubbles, Embers, and whatever you are?
Podoboo: Ranking. We are at the top, Embers in the middle, and Lava Bubbles down there.
Boom: Why?
Podoboo: The only way Mario could beat us was with a Starman, and in Paper Mario, Embers are stronger than Lava Bubbles.
Fawful: Don't misuse the word "then".
Boom: But you typed it!
*generic studio laughter*
Roncor: Japanese music starts to play.
Random Japanese People: Wii™ would like to play.
Boom: Darn, out of ammo.
Roncor: Chicken nuggets!
Boom: What?
Boom: WHAT?!
Roncor: Toad's not sharing... *sob*
Wario: Mwahaha!
Boom: That has to be in every Interview, right?
Fawful: Yup.
Boom: Tape-recorded questions time!
Tape Recorder: Why do you hop out of lava in castles?
Podoboo: Ummmm... CHICKEN NUGGETS!
Roncor: Podoboo and I devour Toad.
Tape Recorder: Answer ME!
Podoboo: Since when do you have a mind?
Tape Recorder: Since now.
Podoboo: Too cool off. Those puddles can burn even a Podoboo!
Tape Recorder: How do you live if you're a fireball?
Kamek: ME!
Podoboo: It's true.
Boom: BOOM!
Podoboo: ?
Tape Recorder: Trend ansmission.
Roncor: The screen goes black.
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