
The Koopalings Make a Rock Band
By Lester and zz1666

One night, the Koopalings are sitting home, bored as can be.

Roy: I'm bored as can be.

Then, out of nowhere, a figure crashes through the ceiling.

Roy: What the?

The Koopalings walk over to the figure.

Ludwig: Egad, I've never seen anything this ugly in my life.

Larry: It looks like it has a nametag on it.

The Koopalings turn the figure over, and find he has a nametag that reads "lester”.

Roy: What in the world is a lester?

Lemmy: I think it's some kind of peanut butter.

Ludwig: Foolish Lemmy, everyone knows lesters are test dummies, made for scientific testing.

Just then Wendy turns the TV on, and there's a reporter on screen.

Toad Reporter: This just in, Plit's top rocker, Lester, has disappeared!

The Toad reporter shows a picture of Lester.

Iggy: Hey, that's the ugly thing that just landed here.

Wendy: You guys thinking what I'm thinking?

Roy: Yeah, we should keep him as a hostage, and demand tons of ransom money!

Morton: No, you unintelligent brother of mine, we should use him to create a Koopaling Rock Band! Oh, how I've always wanted to be a famous rockstar!

Lemmy: I thought your dream was to be a slice of wedding cake.

Morton: That too.

Later Lester is in a cage, with a guitar that’s beat up. Roy is on the drums, Morton is the singer, and Ludwig is the lead guitarist.

Wendy: But I want to join!

Roy: Ok.

Roy hands Wendy a triangle.

Wendy: What? A triangle?!

Lester: I got to use the bathroom, guys.

Roy: Shut up! Ok, ready?

Lester: No.

Roy: A-1, a-2, a-1357!

The band sounds terrible except for the bass. The triangle can't be heard.

Roy: We sound perfect! But Lester, play better, and Wendy, I heard you play and it was terrible. You’re fired.

Roy throws her in the closet right before the tantrum comes out.

Roy: All right, now Lester, don't stink as much.

Lester: But I-

Roy: And Morton, sing better.

Morton: I didn't even sing!

Ludwig: Why does it seem you are the bandleader?

Roy: Well, unless anyone thinks they can take me in a fight, then I'm leader.

Lester: Well, let's start again.

Roy: All right. A-1, a-2, a- Wait, what comes after two?

Morton: You got to be kidding me.

Roy: Just start.

Lester: (Maybe if I play badly they'll kick me out.)

The whole band plays badly, but Lester pays worse.

Roy: That was great, Lester! You've made improvements. So what’s the song called?

Lester: Call it "kick me out of this band".

Roy: I like it... very catchy. Now Morton, come up with some lyrics.

Morton: Oh, I have a catchy chorus in mind!

Ludwig: Well let's hear it!

Morton: (singing) Oh kick me out of this band! Oh Roy's so dumb, and Mort won't shut up, but I just, want to get out of this band, yeah, yeah! Ludwig can't shred for his life, so kick me out of this band!

Roy: Amazing!

Lester: You know, those lyrics basically describe my thoughts toward this band.

Roy: Lester, saying that won't get you credit.

Lester: I didn't ask for credit.

Roy: I got a good band name!

Lester: What? Roy Plus Three?

Roy: No! I was thinking Roy Plus... Ok, you were right.

Morton: I don't like that name. It does not acknowledge the rest of your brothers who also help you reach stardom on the very tippy-top of Mount Success.

Roy: Anyone who doesn't agree gets it!

Lester writes something down in a notepad.

Roy: What’s that?

Roy snatches it. It reads, "Lester: Morton, your dream is to be a slice of wedding cake!”

Morton: That is correct.

Roy: Hey, you’re stealing jokes from zz1666, aren't you?

Lester: Uhhhh, no?

Morton: Who is this "zz1666" you speak of?

Ludwig: Who cares? I'm just wonderng why I never get to play a guitar solo.

Roy: Well let's hear one.

Ludwig strums horribly for about two seconds.

Roy: Dude, that was the longest, greatest solo I've heard! I think we're ready for our first concert!

Lester: Concert? You got to be kidding me, we stink.

Roy: Lester, just because you stink is no reason to blame it on anyone else. Now, let's go play our first concert!

At the concert, there are millions of people in the audience.

Lester: I can't believe I'm about to be embarrassed in front of a million people.

Roy: Stop being so optimistic.

Everyone walks onstage, and the audience starts to look at them all.

Roy: And a-1, and a-2, and a-3!

Surprisingly everyone, not just Lester, plays amazingly. The audience bursts into cheers.

Lester: What the- Did you guys just gain musical talent in 30 seconds?

Roy: Man, we stunk.

Ludwig: But nice job, Lester.

Morton: Guess we're not good enough to be in a band.

Roy: Yeah. That was by far out worst song yet. Well, guess we better throw in the towel.

Lester: What the-

Everyone except Lester leaves, leaving him on the stage.

Lester: Why do I always get stuck with the idiots?


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