
Cooking Lessons
By Cubone

Lemmy: The lasagna is done!

Clawdia: Why Lemmy, this dinner you prepared us looks lovely!

Lemmy: Thanks Mom!

It was Friday night, and Lemmy had generously volunteered to cook dinner for his family.

Bowser Jr: Are the noodles in lasagna supposed to be white?

Roy: Who cares? I'm starvin'!

Roy began to bury is face in the lasagna.

Morton: The sauce looks too red...

Wendy took a bite out of the lasagna and spit it out in Ludwig's face.

Ludwig: Hey! What do you have against my face?!

Larry: Hehe... That reminds me of when we all had our armies attack each other...

Wendy: This stuff tastes like garbage!

Morton took a bite and spat his food in Larry's face.

Larry: Hey!

Ludwig: Not so funny, is it?

Morton: Eww! What did you put in this anything-but-food, ya little twerp?!

Lemmy: Well, I couldn't find Marinara sauce, or noodles, so I used ketchup and wheat bread.

Ludwig: That's gross!

Roy: It tastes good when you're starving.


Everyone stared at Iggy, who was pointing at Bowser. Bowser was choking.

Clawdia: Someone call the hospital!

Lemmy ran over to the phone.

Lemmy: What number do you dial for nine one one?

Morton: Gimme that!

Morton knocked Lemmy down and grabbed the phone and called for an ambulance, which arrived shortly.

Doctor: Where is the choking monster?

Roy: Right here.

Roy led the doctor to the choking Bowser. The doctor did the Heimlich maneuver on Bowser, who coughed up Lemmy's "lasagna".

Doctor: Here are some throat lozenges.

Bowser: Thanks.

The doctor left the relieved Koopa family.

Bowser: Whew... LEMMY, YOU'RE GROUNDED!!!

Lemmy: But Dad, I-

Bowser: That dish of yours nearly killed me! Go to the dungeon now!

Lemmy hung his head in shame and went to the dungeon.

Clawdia: Bowser, don't you think that was a little bit harsh?

Bowser: Nope.

Iggy: But Dad, it's Lemmy we're talking about! Of course the food was bad! But he was just-

Bowser: YOU KNEW?! You knew Lemmy was a terrible cook but said nothing?!

Iggy: Father, it's Lemmy! He was just trying to help! Maybe if someone could give him lessons...

Clawdia: Splendid idea, Iggy! Lemmy could be given cooking lessons by one of the top chefs in all of Dark Land!

Bowser: Well... Ok. He can take lessons, because if he doesn't, he won't be allowed near my kitchen anymore!

*****One day later*****

Lemmy was on his way to the "Food Store" where Bowser had arranged with the chef in charge to give his son cooking lessons.

Lemmy: This is gonna be so exciting! I can hardly wait!

Passing Koopa Troopa: That would explain why you're talking to yourself.

Lemmy: Be quiet...

Lemmy finally came to the "Food Store" and excitedly entered the building.


???: Silence! You'll scare the customers away!


???: I am not a ghost! I am the chef!

Lemmy: Oh. Where are you, Mister Chef Guy?

???: I am in the back kitchen, and call me... Kamek.

Lemmy entered the back kitchen and saw it was Kamek, along with someone else who was wearing a chef hat.

Lemmy: Hi Kamek! Long time no see!

Kamek: Greetings, young Koopa. I will be teaching you how to cook.

Lemmy pointed to the other person.

Lemmy: Who's that?

Kamek: That is Cubone. He works here as well.

Lemmy: Cubone?

Cubone: Err... Look! The circus!

Lemmy: Where?!

Lemmy turned around, while Cubone chucked his bone at the window, shattered the glass, and jumped out the window.

Lemmy: I don't see it... Hey, where'd Cubone go?

Kamek: I haven't a clue. Oh well…

Lemmy: So, what am I gonna cook first?

Kamek: You do not cook, you watch and learn.

Lemmy: Awwww...

Kamek: Luckily, I do not believe in that teaching method. I'll let you cook something simple first, just to see how you do things. Make me, some grape jelly toast.

Lemmy grabbed a slice of bread and put it in the toaster and waited for five minutes, then took the toast out.

Lemmy: Tadda!

Kamek: Lemmy, you burnt the toast and didn't even put jelly on it.

Lemmy: Oh. Can I try again?

Kamek: Of course. A good cook always keeps trying, until he gets the dish right.

Lemmy tried again.

Lemmy: Tadda!

Kamek: Umm... You didn't even put the toast in the toaster and you used honey instead of jelly.

Lemmy: Oops, I'll get it right this time!

Lemmy spread butter on a piece of bread and put in the toaster, but the butter dripped into the toaster and messed the toaster up.

Kamek: ... Let's try something else.

*****Five Minutes Later*****

Kamek: You will next make soup. I already have the broth prepared for you, so all you have to do is add the vegetables.

Lemmy: Can I make whatever I want?

Kamek: Of course. A good chef, is a creative one.

Lemmy: Yay!

Lemmy began to cut up vegetables such as carrots and onions and potatoes, and added them to the soup.

Lemmy: Needs salt.

Lemmy grabbed an unlabeled container and poured what was inside into the soup.

Lemmy: Done.

Kamek: It looks good, now for me to try it.

Kamek tasted the soup, but as soon as he took a taste, he ran to the nearest toilet to... ya know...

Kamek: Lemmy! You put garlic powder in the soup! And a whole lot of it!

Lemmy: Oops.

Kamek: Let's try something different.

*****Five Minutes Later*****

Kamek: This time, you just make lemonade. Can you handle that?

Lemmy: Yup!

Kamek: Just remember to read the labels this time.

Lemmy began to extract juice from lemons and poured the juice into a pitcher. Then Lemmy grabbed a bag of "sugar" and poured some into the pitcher, and lastly filled the pitcher up with water.

Kamek: I think you might have it this time!

Kamek took a sip, then ran to the toilet again. Lemmy took a look at the "sugar" bag and saw he’d accidentally mixed salt into the lemonade. Then the telephone rang. Lemmy picked the phone up.

Lemmy: Hello? ... Yeah... Ok... Ok, see ya.

Kamek walked slowly out of the bathroom.

Kamek: Who was that?

Lemmy: Some dude talking about a cake.

Kamek: OH NO! I forgot I was supposed be baking a cake for my customer!

Lemmy: I'll help you make it!

Kamek: Ermm...

Lemmy: Pleeeeaaaase? I won't mess up this time!

Kamek: Ok, but this needs to be perfect.

*****One Hour Later*****
(I don't know how a cake is made, so I'm gonna skip to when it's finished.)

Kamek: Finally it's done!

Lemmy: It looks great!

Then Wart hopped in.

Wart: I'm here to pick up my cake.

Lemmy: Right here, sir!

Wart: It looks delicious! I think I'll taste it now...

Wart ate the half cake... but turned blue and died.

Lemmy: Nice dead guy impression, Uncle Wart!


Lemmy gulped.

Kamek: But why did he die?! He just dropped dead!

Lemmy: I don't know! He must have been allergic to something we put in the cake...

Kamek: Lessee... Eggs, flour, milk-

Lemmy: And I put some jelly in the middle. As a little surprise.

Kamek: It must have been the jelly! I've made Wart a cake before, but this didn't happen!

At this moment Bowser walked in.

Bowser: Lemmy! I'm here to pick you- What the?!

Lemmy: Dad, it was an accident!

Bowser: Who cares?! My brother is dead!

Lemmy: Please don't kill me!

Bowser: Why would I kill you? I hated my brother! He once tried to eat me in my sleep!

Lemmy: So I'm not in trouble?

Bowser: Nope.

Lemmy: Say, want me and Kamek to whip you up a cake?

Bowser: Ya mean YOU made this delicious-looking cake?

Lemmy: With Kamek's help.

Bowser: Then sure.

Kamek: Well, are you up to it, CHEF Lemmy?

Lemmy: Am I ever, Kamek!


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