
Anti Dude and Lemmy on: Making a Good Interview
By Fillet-O-Fish

Anti Dude is drinking a smoothie when Lemmy Koopa falls from the sky.

Lemmy: That's the last time I ever anger King Dad. Why, hello, Anti Dude

Anti Dude: 'Sup.

Lemmy: Today I am going to use the nearest pedestrian to help me explain how to make a good Interview.

Anti Dude: No way! I'm not doing that!

Lemmy: I'll ban you. Or decline this submission.

Anti Dude: I don't want to do this! I blame the author!

A human with silver hair and a white overcoat, shirt, and pants appears out of nowhere. This person is me.

Me: What?

Anti Dude: Nothing!

I vanish.

Lemmy: In your Interviews, have interviewee seats. Anti Dude, sit in the interviewee seats.

Anti Dude: We don-

Lemmy: SIT!

Anti Dude: Yessir.

Lemmy: Have lots of-


Lemmy: Yeah, what he said. Also have sidestories.


Iggy: You cannot win, young Sasketchewan!

Anti Dude: My line!

(Iggy throws Anti Dude into a pile of pancakes.)


Lemmy: Have lots of crewmembers.

P.T., Spike, BIll, Bogmire, and Bogmire: Hi!

Bill: Give me a dollar.

Lemmy: No. Also have pain inflicted on someone nearby.

Anti Dude is being chased by wild Chain Chomps.

Anti Dude: THE PAIN!

Lemmy: Break the fourth wall.

Anti Dude: Help me, person outside of computer/laptop!

Lemmy: Have your main person lazy and not wanting to interview or anything.

Anti Dude: I said I didn't wanna do this! But noooo-oooo.

Lemmy: Also have a rivalry with people using each other as battery rams.

P.T.: My joke!

P.T. uses Lemmy as a battering ram. Then Phil uses Anti Dude as a battery ram.

Lemmy: Have lots of cameos. But not too many. You don't want a Looney Tunes character in every Interview.

Anti Dude is standing next to Yosemite Sam.

Anti Dude: You're tellin' me.

Lemmy: And also use a Wheel of Fate or some other cliche.

Roy is spinning a Wheel of Fate. It lands on "Explode". Anti Dude explodes. Anti Dude pushes up his sleeves (sorta) and walks over to Lemmy.

Lemmy: And one more thing... Revenge!

Anti Dude chases Lemmy around the studio.

Lemmy: I-I-I-I'm the webmaster! You can't do this to me!

Anti Dude: Not for long, friend.

The End!

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