Blue Virus
Name: Blue Virus
Position: Leader of The Viruses
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Lives: Most anywhere; Currently inside of Popple
Favorite Food: Mold
Favorite Smell: Cherries
Favorite Game: Paper Mario 2
"Well, I guess I would describe myself as a fun-loving virus. I basically boss the others around. And yes. I'm interviewing myself. So what? Doesn't everyone?"
** This bio is part of a group: Interview with The Viruses
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Height: .0000000001 cm
Weight .0000000000000000000000000000000000001 pounds
Favorite food: Ice, anything moldy
Rivals: Dr. Mario, Wario
Friends: Red Virus, Yellow Virus
Resides: Anywhere there's germs
Random Fact: Blue Virus has another name: Chill
According to the Mushroom people, they are cursed with these freaks because Bowser wanted an unbeatable army. The story goes that when Mario first went to the Mushroom Kingdom from the Real World he brought along these weirdos who wanted revenge by accident. They infected Bowser and he thought, "Hey! If an illness can keep me, THE INVICIBLE KOOPA KING, down then imagine what a concentrated version could do to Mario."
And so Bowser created the improved version of these diseases, but they grew too big and coudn't infect people the way they did Bowser, but only cause slight illness. It wasn't a total loss for the Koopas.
They first appeared in the NES version of Dr. Mario. These cretins have made many comebacks in several games, such as Dr. Mario Deluxe and Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga, along with other appearances.
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This character may be associated with the following: Bowser, Dr. Mario, Icy Blue Jojora, Luigi, Mario, Popple, Red Virus, Wario, Yellow, and Yellow Virus