Name: Chair
Species: ... Must I answer that?
Weight/Height: It's a chair, for cryin' out loud!
Hobbies: ... I actually don't think chairs rather enjoy being say upon, so I can't say that... maybe being left in the summer sunlight makes them happy
Age: Chairs don't age, you incompetant... oh, sorry, did I write that? Been watching Karma's motivational videos again...
(At this point, the author is taken away to be given a slap)
Occupation: Chair
Weakness: Fire
High Point of Day: If Bow forces Lemmy out of his own Interviews, as she never sits the interviewee on him He once said, "Whoever had the idea to make her take over the show, thank DAD she did!
Backstory: He came (well, at least he was built), he saw, he... had Mario's fat &(%* planted on him. And then Ludwig, Karma, Bowser, Wendy, Lemmy... it had to stop after he saw Hot Foot melt his brother, so he took off when Ignitia was about to sit on him. He was gone for a while, but he made it home from a bad exchange in Sky Land.
** This bio is part of a group: John's Interview Characters
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This character may be associated with the following: Bow, Bowser, DAD, Hot Foot, Karma, Lemmy, Ludwig, Mario, and Wendy