Pyro Guy: Hello there all you amazing peoples!
Conrad: You're awfully happy today!
Pyro Guy: Well, I get to do an extreme Interview today!
Conrad: With who?
Chained Kong: OOK! I'm here for the Interview.
(Pyro Guy grins evilly. No on can tell under his mask though.)
Conrad: I see where this is going. HEAD FOR THE HILLS!!!
(He leads most of the audience away.)
Chained Kong: Soo, do we start now?
Pyro Guy: Sure, hehehe. Now, why do you live in Barrel Volcano?
Chained Kong: I love the heat. Plus most of the enemies down there are actually OOK friendly. And I can bully most of them into doing whatever I want.
(Pyro Guy presses a button and an anvil drops on Chained Kong.)
Chained Kong: OOOOOK!!!
Pyro Guy: Extreme Interview. I only wanted two reasons.
Chained Kong: You never said that!
Pyro Guy: Don't question me!
(He drops another anvil.)
Chained Kong: OOK!
Pyro Guy: Cheater.
Chained Kong: What?
Pyro Guy: Nothing. Now, why were you always with Vomers?
Chained Kong: They just liked me. I think they wanted to eat my flesh though, so I moved to the Forest Maze with my cousins.
Pyro Guy: So you are related to Guerillas?
Chained Kong: Of course.
Pyro Guy: You should learn to stand your ground.
Chained Kong: Oh no- OOK!
(This time the anvil is replaced by another Chained Kong.)
Pyro Guy: Now for the obvious question. Explain your chains.
Chained Kong: These things are a great way to workout. They give us the extra strength and variation to separate us from our cousins.
Pyro Guy: You should've learned to use special attacks.
(He drops another anvil.)
Chained Kong: STOP THAT! And we're monkeys! What did you expect from us?!
Pyro Guy: Double anvil for that.
Chained Kong: OOK!
Pyro Guy: Last question from me. What do you think about cinnamon?
Chained Kong: That was incredibly random.
Pyro Guy: No answer, BURN!
Chained Kong: OOK! How did that hurt?
Pyro Guy: Answer me!
Chained Kong: It tastes good!
Pyro Guy: Wrong. (under breath) Not really. Anvil!!!
Chained Kong: OOOOOKKKK!!!
Pyro Guy: Audience questions, seat IWILLSWALLOWYOURSOUL! Disturbing.
Glum Reaper: Do you consider yourself a *sigh* narcissus?
Chained Kong: What? Of course not! I just know that I'm better than everyone else!
Pyro Guy: Learn what narcissus means. And have an anvil.
Chained Kong: OOK!
Kamek: What is your greatest weakness?
Chained Kong: Ice. Wait, oh no!
Pyro Guy: I invited him just for that. Idiot.
(He drops yet another anvil.)
Chained Kong: Ook!
Pyro Guy: You do realize your win over Wrench Guy was cheap? Right?
Chained Kong: No! I won fair and square!
Pyro Guy: Not what I wanted to hear. Kamek?
Kamek: With pleasure. ICICLE STORM!
Chained Kong: OOOOOKKKK!
(He passes out.)
Pyro Guy: Hehehe. End Transmission everyone.
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