Loxo123: I'm here today interviewing the oldest Koopaling. He’s also the second to last Koopaling who will be interview. That's right; sadly enough, I will be interviewing Bowser Jr. after this Interview. But that is not what I'm here for today! That's right, GIVE IT UP FOR LUDWIG VON KOOPA!
Audience: (clapclapclapclap)
Loxo123: ... You guys are SO mediocre. You know?
Ludwig: I believe we have an Interview to conclude quickly?
Loxo123: Fine, fine, fine. First question. Why do you say you want to conclude this Interview quickly?
Ludwig: When you're a genius like me you have A LOT of experiments to carry out, symphonies to orchestrate, and younger siblings to lecture about the marvelous laws of science.
Loxo123: What about the fact that most of your inventions have failed?
Ludwig: ... Just gloss over that fact. Ok?
Loxo123: Nah...
Ludwig: If you insist I'll be forced to utilize my hypnosis machine.
Hypnosis Machine: BZZZZZZ (Whirrrrrr-click!) *BOOM*
Ludwig: That was uncalled for.
Loxo123: For you. For the rest of us, we already knew that wouldn't work.
Ludwig: How would YOU, a simple-minded Duplighost, know that?
Loxo123: Name 10 inventions that you made that worked.
Ludwig: Hmph.
Loxo123: See what I mean?
Ludwig: I refuse to clear out any of my schedule.
Loxo123: Persistent.
Ludwig: SILENCE!
Loxo123: Next question, why do you love chocolate?
Ludwig: Ah, chocolate. It is not that I like chocolate, it is that I require chocolate to continue my inventing. In fact, I've grown fond of chocolate.
Loxo123: Ok.... Now, what do you personally feel about "Meeting" Karma?
Ludwig: That is a private and more personal matter that shouldn't be asked in an Interview.
Loxo123: I'm waiting....
Ludwig: ...
Loxo123: Fine, have it your way. Next question, explain how on PLIT you manage to flutter jump in the air? I mean, you have all of this weight and you still manage to flutter jump!
Ludwig: Ah! That is one of my functioning inventions! Flutter Jump Footpads!
Loxo123: ... Well, that's a surprise....
Ludwig: Ah, you don't know the genius of my invention!
Loxo123: But most of your other inventions failed!
Ludwig: ... Shut up.
Loxo123: Fine, next question, why do you rule Pipe Land?
Ludwig: I wanted to experiment with and study the science behind warp pipes.
Loxo123: Did you ever finish that?
Ludwig: I'm still working on it!
Loxo123: That probably means that your experiment failed.
Ludwig: Silence!
Loxo123: Audience questions! Seat 684404534564304648403840564463046216402534!
Larry: What is your favorite invention that you made?
Ludwig: I think that would be Kooper-Dooper Raiser Upper, because it is one of my strongest inventions. Until it was destroyed when the doomship crashlanded.
Loxo123: Seat 6546566546555546506!
Luigi: Exactly how bad are your Koopa symphonies?
Ludwig: Everyone says my Koopa symphonies are horrible, but I believe that they're, according to musical theory, some of the most wonderful symphonies ever to be composed.
Loxo123: Final audience question, Seat 747645646676737463743676373!
Toad: Why did you take over world 7 in NSMBW?
Ludwig: I took over that world because my thickheaded brother, Roy, took over world 2. Also, I was planning to investigate more about antigravity in world 7.
Loxo123: Well, that's all for now! Now for the "lucky" person who will be zapped...
Roy: BlagidiblagidiblagidiblagidiblagidiblagidiBLAAAG!!!! Loxo123: End transmission. Whoops! You're not logged in!
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