Iggy K: Cyan? Cyaaaaaan?
Iggy K peers into the break room, where a Light Blue (or Cyan) Yoshi is drinking milk, eating Oreos, and playing Mario on the Wii.
Iggy K: Cyan! You’ve never done an Interview. Stop slacking and interview Muddy Buddy!
Cyan: Fine.
(Cyan sits the milk, Oreos, and Wiimote down and goes onstage.)
Cyan: Welcome to Iggy’s Interview Show. Today I’m interviewing Muddy Buddy.
Muddy Buddy: Hi BLOP everyone GLOOP!
Cyan: Hi. Why did you assist the Yoshis in Yoshi’s Island?
MB (Muddy Buddy): I didn’t GLAP mean BLAUP to. GLOO-I-BLOOG attached to his GLAAAKUP feet and BLOOOGOOP it was help-GLOOO-ful.
Cyan: So do you work for Kamek and Bowser?
MB: Yes.
Cyan: What’s with the blopping, glooping, glapping, blaupping, glooing, blooging, glakupping, bloogooping, and glooing?
MB: One, GAAAALP, you said GLOO glooing twice; GLAAAAP two, it’s BLAUP like the BLOOP booming of the Bob-GLAAAP-ombs.
Cyan: Are you a member of a species?
MB: Bob-omb Buddy.
Cyan: … How?
MB: I was GLAAA walking through BLAAAP Bowser’s Castle and GALAAAAAAP fell into a bunch of DAAAAHP modified mud. GLAAAUP Then I was turned evil and worked for him as GLAAAAAA Muddy Buddy.
Cyan: … Why were you in Bowser’s Castle?
MB: During GAAAAALP the Yoshi’s Island GLOOGOOP period, Bob-GLAP-omb Battlefield GLAA was being taken over by Bob-OOP-ombs instead of GLOO Bob-omb Buddies. I was GLAAA kidnapped and sent OUP to Bowser’s GLAAAA Castle and then, GLOO well, I already exGLOOPplained the rest.
Cyan: Phone-In!
Jackster: Call 1.
Phone: It’s me, Larry. Why do two of you appear in Yoshi’s Island?
MB: Well, BLAP I had plenty GLOUP of time before GLOOGOOP Yoshi got to my GLA second location. So I GLAUP got a ride there.
Larry: Duh. Ok.
Jackster: Um… No one’s called.
Cyan: What? Um, so now what?
Jackster: Um… Audience Questions?
Cyan: Seat… 2?
Bob-omb Buddy: Can you still BOMB explode?
MB: No. GLAP It was LOOP jammed by the GLAP mud.
Cyan: Ok… I think we’re done.
Oreo Guy: But we haven’t done any running gags!
Oreo Guy: AAAAAAH!
Iggy K: Jammer! Bammer! Get rid of these two!
The two Hammer Bros. (apparently Jammer and Bammer) come out and carry Cyan and Oreo Guy away.
Cyan: But I work here!
Iggy K: You can come back later.
Jackster: End transmission!
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