(One day, in a decrepit, old, abandoned-
Andy: WE GET IT!
-spaghetti factory, a teen in a red shirt and khaki shorts is about to make a studio. He thrusts a Wii remote, and a studio is created.)
Andy: There... Wait! Where did this stuff come from?
Iggy: My studio!
(Andy captures an audience somehow.)
Andy: Today, I shall interview Roy!
(Roy is dragged in by a girl in a hot pink skirt and a tank top that reads "Iworld".)
Roy: I was defeated so simply! *cries*
Andy: Why pink?
Roy: Why not pink?
Erin: Hot pink is where it's at.
Andy: So, why do you wear sunglasses?
Roy: I am much cooler than my siblings.
Lemmy: I would BEG to differ, Mister "Prettily Pink Pony-Wony".
(The audience roars with laughter.)
Roy: I'll kill you.
Andy: HA HA HA! Anyhow, why did you decide to takeover the sky?
Roy: To fly.
Andy: Audience question time!
Random Toad: Do you kill Toads?
Roy: Yes. In fact...
(He kills Toad.)
Lemmy: *snicker* Do you still have that doll of Daisy you had before you came?
Roy: *shifty eyes* NO!
(The audience starts dying of laughter.)
Roy: GRRRRR...
Doogan: Do you… Ha Ha.. intend on getting revenge on Mario?
Roy Yes.
Doogan: How? I mean, you've only got wands and ponies.
Roy: I K33L U!!!
Luigi: (dark, raspy voice) Do you like coffee?
Roy: Yeah… These questions are ridiculous.
Andy: Yeah... Shut up.
Gooper Blooper: What do you think of Bowser Jr?
Lemmy: Because he saw you planting flowers.
(More laughter)
Erin: No. Shut up.
Roy: I think I'll kill you all.
Andy: After you have a skip through the rainbow plains.
Roy: That's it! I challenge you, Andy!
Andy: Bring it.
(They have a 2-second deathmatch.)
Andy (unscathed): You fool...
Roy (pulp): Ow.....
Erin: Never challenge my boyfriend. He'll kill you.
Lemmy: What do you think of Wario?
Roy: Weakling.
Erin: I wouldn't speak if I were you.
Roy: Fine. An equal in strength.
Erin: Better.
Andy: Let's end this.
Erin: End transmission!
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