Serenity: Hello, people, and welcome to my Interview show! I am Serenity. I will be interviewing Bowser the Great! Come on out, Bowser!
Mario: BOO!!!
(Bowser burns Mario. Mario’s eyes widen as he blinks. Then Toad quickly runs behind Bowser and puts a whoopee cushion on his chair before quickly running back into the audience. Bowser sits down... and...)
Bowser: Okay, I know what you’re thinking! That was not me!
(Toad laughs and Bowser burns Toad.)
Princess Daisy: Get on with the Interview!
Serenity: Okay, okay! First question, why do you keep on kidnapping Peach even when Mario comes and rescues her every time?
Bowser: ‘Cause it’s fun. I get to set traps for Mario and watch him die and come to life again.
Serenity: Second question, what’s your favorite video game?
Bowser: Mario Party 4, I jump on everyone.
Mario: Not if I jump on you first!
(Mario runs up onstage, but Bowser burns him again.)
Luigi: That’s-a my brother you’re messing with!
Bowser: I’ll burn you too, you big @&$^%#!
Serenity: Watch the cursing! Anyway, third question, why do you look different from the cartoon to the video game?
Bowser: They were updating me.
Serenity: Fourth question, do you have a crush on Peach?
Clawdia: Hey!
Serenity: It’s just a question, Clawdia.
Bowser: Uh... Maybe...
(Clawdia comes up onstage and whacks Bowser on the back of his head.)
Bowser: Owww...
Serenity: Anyway, fifth question, why do you want the Mushroom Kingdom?
Bowser: After all the video games, are you still so dull? I just want it and then I’ll take over the universe!
Serenity: Okay, that’s it for today! See you next time on Serenity’s Interview! Astala bye bye!
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