Ducky.10: Hello. The Scribble you are about to read depicts the events of the Halloween party back in '08. That night, a particular event occurred that left the famous Super Mario scarred for life, his relationship with the princess in shambles, and many party guests traumatized. The information used to retell this story comes from several pages in Mario's Diary, eyewitness accounts, and security camera footage. Voices have been altered to protect the identities of the witnesses. Now, without further ado, let us take a look inside what many call: The Halloween Party Incident.
Cut to Mario, dressed up as Dracula, looking in the mirror. Then cut to Luigi's silhouette sitting in a chair.
Luigi's Silhouette (with an altered voice): Mario... was a very-a egomaniacal person. He-a... he would beat senselessly on-a people if they didn't agree with-a his opinions, and, uh... overall, he was a very self-occupied person-a.
Cut back to Mario dressed as Dracula, stretching his leg out and tripping Luigi, who is dressed as an Egon from Ghostbusters.
Luigi: Ow, hey! What-a in the world, Mario? What's you're beef?
Mario: (looking in the mirror) Luigi, have you ever taken into consideration that you were adopted?
Luigi throws a vase at Mario, breaking it on his head. Luigi then storms out of the room, muttering words that shouldn't be typed. Mario, still looking in the mirror, shrugs.
Luigi's Silhouette: Mario was-a unkind to everyone, and it-a was questionable that enchanting women like-a the princess would even consider a relationship with a person like him an option him. It confused many people, and he even-a threw me off when he stood on his rooftop in his underpants, yelling: PEACH IS MY GIRLFRIEND! PEACH IS MY GIRLFRIEND! ... Do-a people find that attractive nowadays?!
Cut to Mario, traveling to Peach's Castle, stealing little kids' bags of Halloween candy on the way. He enters through the front doors and is soon squeezing through the crowd, searching for Peach. Then the screen changes to a silhouette of Toad.
Toad's Silhouette: Mario just loves to ruin the moment, you know? I mean, he butts into conversations, he ruins the moment, and at one time he went to a wedding... and caused a divorce!
Toad, dressed as Pugsly, and Toadette, dressed as Wednesday from the Addams Family, are talking.
Toadette: And he was like, "That girl looks like a Mushroom!" And I was like, "Well, duh!"
Toad: (laughing) Oh, you are just too much! Say... maybe we could head back to my place after the party-
Mario suddenly pushes Toad, spilling his punch all over Toadette.
Mario: OOPS! Did I do that?
Toadette: My costume…! *sniff* I'M GOING HOME!
Toad: No, wait, Toadette!
Toadette leaves, and Toad slaps his forehead. Mario leans down to Toad and whispers in his ear.
Mario: (whispering) Don't be sad, Toad. You never had a chance with her, anyway.
Mario leaves Toad and continues pushing and shoving through the crowd. A new silhouette appears onscreen and appears to be Wario's.
Wario's Silhouette: Mario... treated everyone like garbage. If you knew him in school, you probably couldn't sleep at night. He would bully you all throughout your life and keep bringing up the beatings he would give to you. He is that merciless.
Cut to Wario, dressed as Jason, talking to Waluigi, dressed as The Joker.
Waluigi: I-a wanted to dress as-a him because he and I-a both wear purple.
Wario: Well, that is a pretty cool costume...
Mario slides past Wario, pulling off his hockey mask mask, and trips Waluigi.
Mario: Nice costume, bean pole!
Waluigi: Hey! It's-a not my fault I'm skinny- *turns to Wario* Woah! That's-a scary! Wearing a mask under a mask? ... Genius!
Wario: That had better be a compliment.
Mario had been killing people's buzz the whole night, and seemingly everyone at the party was peeved at him... And after an hour of searching through the crowd, he finally found the fair princess over in a crowd, dressed as the Bride of Frankenstein.
Peach: Mario! I'm so glad you could make it!
Luigi's Silhouette: Now, the whole-a hour Mario was at the party, he had killed a total of four peoples' buzz. And-a it was time for payback. So ----, -----, -------, and I tried-a to come up with a plan to-a ruin his night... Little did-a we know Mario had-a already doomed himself the moment he-a found Peach.
Mario: I'm glad I could make it, too! Nice costume, by the way! I just wish I’d dressed up as Frankenstein, and everything would've been perfect!
Peach: (laughing) You're funny! Say, could you run to the punch bowl for me, please?
Mario: Anything for you, Mrs. Franky!
Mario then zoomed off toward the punch bowl.
Peach: Whatever, Dracula, just don't get any ideas because that stuff's red!
Luigi's Silhouette: ... Did-a she really just-a say that?
Wario's Silhouette: Corny~!
Mario had doomed himself without knowing it, too caught up in killing peoples' buzz and treating his girlfriend like an angel. His victims began plotting, and soon enough, they were able to set up some tripwire over toward where Peach was standing, her back turned.
Luigi's Silhouette: We thought it-a was high time Mario was-a taught a lesson in manners-a. So ----, -----, ------- and-a I set up-a some tripwire. And, sure enough, Mario began walking-a back toward Peach, two full glasses of-a punch in each hand...
Toad's Silhouette: Things seemed to be going perfect... Mario would trip, and... BAM! Payback!
Wario's Silhouette: But then, something happened.
Toad's Silhouette: Something MUCH BETTER happened.
Luigi's Silhouette: Something so unbelievably great happened, it must be played in super slow-mo.
Mario suddenly jumped over the tripwire without noticing it, and handed Peach her drink.
Mario: Here you are, my princess.
Peach: Thank you, Dracula. *blush*
Luigi's Silhouette: At first, we-a didn't think it worked, so we-a began thinking of a new prank. But then some of-a Peach's friends wanted some-a punch too.
Peach: Mario, could you please get my friends some punch, too?
Mario: Hey, they don't call me SUPER MARIO for nothing! I'll be right back with your punch, ladies!
Wario's Silhouette: Mario came back with at least TEN GLASSES of punch stacked high... And as we turned around...
Mario stepped in front of the tripwire, with all ten glasses stacked high in his hands.
Mario: Here's your punch, ladies! How about a kiss, Peach?
Peach: *giggle* Okay!
As Mario leaned forward to kiss her, his feet came in contact with the tripwire, and...
Toad's Silhouette: It happened.
Cut to Mario, tripping on the tripwire, throwing all the full glasses of punch toward Peach, splashing them all over her and knocking her to the ground. It then replays in slow-mo two more times.
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