
Mips Returns
By iggy

One day in the Mushroom Kingdom, Mario woke up for his Easter breakfast.

Mario: What are we having on this fine morning, Luigi?

Luigi: We were having eggs, but someone stole them.

Mario: It must have been that large reptilian fiend!

Luigi: What? Bowser?

Mario: Let's see if the princess knows anything!

So the dynamic duo went to the princess.

Luigi: Someone stole our eggs.

Mario: It must have been that large reptilian fiend!

Peach: Bowser? It couldn't be. I sent him a chocolate treat as a piece offering.

Toad: It was actually Birdo.

Mario: I have an idea! If it's Easter an Easter bunny must have taken them!

Toad: But it was Birdo!

Mario: There he is!

Mario spotted Mips drinking his tea.

Luigi: Get him!

So Mario and Luigi chased Mips all around Toad Town.

Luigi: This is hard!

Mario: Don't worry! I can catch him.

Mario ran as fast as he could. He grabbed Mips by the tail and started spinning him around.

Luigi: Mario, you got him!

Mario let go and Mips flew across the sky.

Mario: So long thee Bowser!

Luigi: That was the Easter bunny, not Bowser! We needed our eggs from him!

Mario: Oooooooooooooooooooh.

So the heroes journeyed on, and after hours of searching...

Luigi: There! I see his ears!

Mario yanked the rabbit ears out of the ground.

Bugs Bunny: Put me down!

Mario: Drat!

Luigi: There!

They saw the Mips and started chasing him.

Mips: I don't have any eggs!

They chased him into Birdo's house.

Mario: You're cornered!

Mario dived and caught Mips.

Mips: Help!

After hours of searching Mips for the eggs, they gave up.

Luigi: Who could have the eggs?

Mario: Birdo..!

Birdo was climbing out the window with a giant pile of eggs.

Mario: Happy Easter.

So the Mario Bros. never found the eggs because they didn't use their brains.

!The End!

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