
Mario Builds a Snowman
By Fireball and Phantos67

One winter day, Mario decides he wants to build a snowman since it has snowed. He goes out to the store to get a copy of “Dummies Guide to Building Snowmen” He comes back happily carrying his book. He then sits down right in the snow and starts to read, but it is upside-down.

Luigi: What are you doing?

Mario: Reading a book about snowmen, apparently they were out of the English version.

Luigi: That is English! It’s upside-down!

Mario: Oh.

He turns the book right-side up.

Mario: Darn it, Luigi. Now you made me lose my place.

Luigi: ...

Mario: It says to take some snow and turn it into a ball.

Mario stands up, gets a twig, and points it at the snow.

Mario: KAZAM!

Luigi: ...

Mario looks at the stick, then points it at the snow again.

Mario: KAZAM!

Luigi: Make a snowball first.

Mario: Oh, ok.

Mario goes to the store and gets a copy of “Dummies Guide to Making a Snowball”. He then comes home whistling a snappy tone and sits in the snow, in the same place we was last time.

Mario: Ok! "This book must be for you, dummy. Plus-"

Mario throws the book away

Luigi: Why did you throw the book away?

Mario: Gosh! You threw my book away when I was trying to read, Luigi! You’re the worst!

Luigi: No comment.

Mario: I didn't want to hear your comment! Nor do I want to know what it means.

Mario stomps on the snow

Mario: Ok, that's where I'm going to put my snowman! Or snowwoman!

Mario gets a little piece of snow and rolls it around until it is bigger than him.

Mario: All right! My snowman is complete! Now to get him parts for his body!

Luigi: You-

Mario: I don't have time for your whining, Luigi!

Mario takes Luigi's hat and puts it on the big snowball.

Luigi: He could have a-

Mario: Glasses with a nose, and that funny mustache!

Mario walks all the way over to Peach’s castle

Peach: Yes, Mario?

Mario: Can I borrow Toadsworth?

Peach: Sure.

Mario takes Toadsworth to his house.

Luigi: All right... Why did you bring Toadsworth into the picture?

Mario: To add... drama!

Toadsworth: All right Master Mario, but just this once.

Mario: What?

Toadsworth: All right Master Mario, but just this once.

Mario: Oh... Leave me be!

Mario runs over to Toad’s house and takes him back to his house

Toad: Why do you want me here?!

Mario: To talk to Toadsworth!

Mario runs off to Wario‘s house

Waluigi: Why, hello there Mario. What's going on?

Mario: I need a pair of your overalls and not much.

Waluigi: Ok...

Waluigi gives Mario his extra pair of overalls

Mario: Oh, thanks for reminding me, I need Wario's shoes.

Waluigi: What does this conversation have to do with shoes?

Mario: Just give me the shoes...

Waluigi gives Mario Wario's extra pair of shoes

Mario: Oh, thanks for reminding me again, can I also borrow a tall glass of milk?

Waluigi: What... uh... all right.

Waluigi gives Mario a tall glass of milk.

Mario: Oh, thank you.

Mario runs off back to his house and puts overalls and shoes (somehow) on the big snowball, and gives him sticks as arms and uses oven mitts as hands and puts a tall glass of milk in his left hand.

Mario: Nice!

Toad: Why. Did. You. Bring. Me. Here.

Mario: To talk to Toadsworth!

Toadsworth: Master Mario, why am I here?

Mario: For drama.

Toadsworth: Oh, yes.

Mario: "Yes" what?

Toadsworth: Oh, nothing Master Mario.

Mario: Ok.

Toadsworth: Why did you bring us here, REALLY? We didn't do very much, and there was no point of bring us here. What a waste of my day, Master Mario. You should think before-

Mario: Let's just enjoy my snowman...

Toadsworth: ... Are we going to do anything else, Master Mario?

Mario: We could sniff the snowman if you want.

Toadsworth: ...

Mario: Or poke it with my magic stick.

Toadsworth: That's it! I'm leaving!

Mario looks at the snowwoman.

Mario: You scared him away!

The End

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