Dark Koopa: Was I leaving something in suspense?
Thumbs: Yeah. Those ropes.
Dark Koopa: Oh right.
(Dark Koopa lets go of the rope he was holding. Pura falls from the ceiling.)
Pura: Gah! You idiot! If you're gonna make me spy on Lemmy, at least hold the rope!
Dark Koopa: Wait... Why was I trying to spy on Lemmy?
Pura: You don't remember? It was 30 seconds ago...
Dark Koopa: Stop trying to confuse me. Here, take this.
(Dark Koopa hands Pura a toothbrush.)
Pura: Why are you giving me this? I already brush my teeth daily. To decrease the likelihood of getting tooth decay.
(The "More you know" icon appears.)
Dark Koopa: You'll know when the time is right.
Pura: No I won't. This is stupid. I'm outta here.
(Pura hits Thumbs with the toothbrush and walks off.)
Dark Koopa: You'll be sorry!
Thumbs: Ooh, now I can decrease the likelihood of getting tooth decay!
(The "More you know" icon reappears.)
Dark Koopa: Right, now for the interviewee.
Silver Knight: Hey, what about my security guard job?!
Dark Koopa: Who are you?
Silver Knight: ...
Dark Koopa: Well?
Silver Knight: Forget it. I can really find a better job than working with idiots like you.
Dark Koopa: That's the spirit! Wait...
Thumbs: Today you get Salvo the Slime.
Salvo the Slime: Greetings.
Dark Koopa: Pudding!
Salvo the Slime: ... I'm not pudding.
Dark Koopa: You're pudding with EYES.
Salvo the Slime: I'm not pudding at all!
Dark Koopa: Sure, pudding. Now, why did Kamek choose to make you bigger?
Salvo the Slime: It was at random. I'm not really any different than any other of my species, so that was it.
Dark Koopa: Then why was it considered your castle?
Salvo the Slime: Well, that was picked at random too. I must be lucky or something. Though... The fact I got that castle may have affected Kamek's decision. He didn't tell me, though.
Dark Koopa: How come you look like pudding?
Salvo the Slime: I fail to see how I look like pudding.
Dark Koopa: Why are you that color then?
Salvo the Slime: I started out yellow, of course. I guess the spell changed my color. I'm not sure how, though. Must have been chemicals or something.
Dark Koopa: ... Pudding!
Salvo the Slime: ...
Thumbs: Perhaps we should go to audience questions before Dark gets too hungry. Seat 1.
Lemmy: Why is there a rope in my office?
Dark Koopa: There is?
Lemmy: It's INSIDE the black tape! I made it clear that inside the black tape is my office! I better not see it again!
(Lemmy stomps off and walks inside a square made of black tape. He slams an invisible door, sits in an invisible chair, and starts typing on an invisible keyboard.)
Thumbs: That kid has serious issues. Seat 47.
Lord Crump: Uhhhhhhhhhhh...
Thumbs: Please ask a question.
Lord Crump: Uhhhhhhhhhhh...
Thumbs: Seat 33.
Lord Crump: Wh- Aww...
Shyster: So what were you trying to do in the battle?
Salvo the Slime: Shove Yoshi in the lava, of course.
Shyster: You should have put more holes in the floor.
Salvo the Slime: People don't exactly enjoy having to jump over lava.
Dark Koopa: Uh... How come Yoshi didn't see any of those slime thingies in the castle?
Salvo the Slime: That's because we were all in one room.
Dark Koopa: Why?
Salvo the Slime: We were having a meeting.
Dark Koopa: But Yoshi only saw you in there.
Salvo the Slime: It was a scheduled meeting. I was the first to arrive.
Dark Koopa: Uh...
Salvo the Slime:
We like to travel through the walls and stuff. Yoshi
didn't see any
others because they were trying to get to that room.
Dark Koopa: Right. Seat 107.
Iggy: Why did those other slime guys come out of you when you were hit by an egg?
Salvo the Slime: I'm made out of those other "slime guys". We can split if we need too. We're like cells.
Dark Koopa: Seat 90.
Poochy: Woof woof!
Dark Koopa: Neat! Tell me more.
Poochy: Woof woof!
Dark Koopa: Ooh, go on.
Thumbs: This might take a while.
(Game Guy jumps out in front of Pura with a big check.)
Game Guy: Congratulations! You just won a milli- AHH!
(Pura sprays mace in Game Guy's eyes.)
Pura: Freak.
Game Guy: What did you do that for?! I was going to give you a million coins!
Pura: Really?! Oh, sorry. Can I still get the prize?
Game Guy: I guess.
Pura: Great. What do I have to do?
Game Guy: All you need is a toothbrush!
Pura: ...
Game Guy: So, you got one?
Pura: ... *twitch*
Poochy: Woof woof!
Dark Koopa: Ha! What a great story.
Poochy: Woof woof!
Dark Koopa: All right. Seat 255.
X-Naut: Dude, where's my car?
Lord Crump: Score!
Dark Koopa: ...
Lord Crump: Heheh, I paid him 20 coins to say that.
Dark Koopa: ...
Lord Crump: I'll shut up now.
Dark Koopa: Good. Seat 190.
Spikey: So what happened to you when you were beaten?
Salvo the Slime: I just shrunk back down to my regular size and was knocked out. I can't change back to yellow, though. I don't like this ugly light green color.
Dark Koopa: Hungry...
Thumbs: Err, seat 444.
Kamek: Why was your dang castle so small? It was easy for Yoshi to pass!
Salvo the Slime:
Hey, the castle was newly built. We were still renovating
it to make it
bigger. You know that.
Kamek: I do, but I like to complain about it regardless.
Dark Koopa: Pudding!
Salvo the Slime: Stop with the pudding!
(A bucket of pudding falls of Salvo.)
Thumbs: That was too good to pass up.
Dark Koopa: Mine!
Salvo the Slime: Eek!
(Dark Koopa chases Salvo the Slime out of the studio.)
Thumbs: I'm all alone. Neat.
(Thumbs throws cherrybombs once again into the audience. Screams are heard.)
Thumbs: I'll never figure out why I do this. Oh well. End transmission.
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