Dark Koopa: Okay... I'm not doing this Interview either. Go get someone for me! Someone... famous.
Pura: I know of someone...
(Pura runs off.)
Thumbs: Come and knock on our door... We'll be waiting for you...
(Pura drags in that smelly hybrid from that one Interview and I'm probably gonna be smacked for saying that.)
Delrin: You never did tell me where you were taking me...
Pura: I knew you'd refuse until we got here.
Dark Koopa: You again!
Delrin: You again!
Dark Koopa: Echo...
Delrin: It's the empty space in your head.
Dark Koopa: ... The guy at the magic shop said it would fill up the space of a regular brain! Now you, go interview, and I don't wanna hear no backsas!
Thumbs: Backsas.
(Dark Koopa stomps off.)
Delrin: ... Huh? Did I miss something?
Pura: Nah, this is normal. Thumbs, bring out the interviewee.
Thumbs: I'm tired of doing stuff others can do easily... Come out, Koops.
Koops: Um, hello.
Delrin: Hello.
Koops: You're not gonna hurt me, are you?
Delrin: Of course not! Not unless you attack me, that is.
Koops: No! I won't! Just... ask me some questions and I'll be on my merry little way.
Delrin: Ok, so... How many questions before I can dump it on the audience?
Pura: I dunno... at least four.
Delrin: Ok then... um... How exactly did you find Mario that day?
Koops: Um, well, he passed through my village. I knew about him because he's famous, so I walked up to him, but I was really nervous.
Delrin: Hmm... Why nervous? I've heard he was a nice guy... who doesn't talk much.
Koops: I'm kinda... naturally nervous about things.
Delrin: ... For no reason?
Koops: Kinda... well, a group of bullies beat me up when I was around 8 or so. I've been pretty nervous around everyone since.
Delrin: C'mon, you need to toughen up, man! I was beat up as a child too, but I'm fine.
Koops: I'm a little better now. Mario helped me out there. I'm not nervous around people I've known for a few months now.
Delrin: Well, at least you're making progress...
Koops: Y-yeah. Um... I'm nervous around you though.
Delrin: You don't have to be, I like you.
Koops: You do?
Delrin: Yeah.
Koops: That's good. Um, any more questions?
Delrin: Yeah. What's up with that outfit? I mean, it's the middle of summer. Wouldn't a hoodie with a shell get hot?
Koops: It's the hoodie my father gave me before he disappeared. I wore it out of respect.
Delrin: Ah, I see... Um... So, what have you been doing ever since you finished your journey with Mario?
Koops: Hanging out with my girlfriend... That's about it. Not much else to do.
Delrin: You don't like... go to the city and have some fun? Take a trip to the beach or whatever?
Koops: Too many people there.
Delrin: ...
Koops: What?
Delrin: Um... nevermind. So... uh...
Koops: Hmm?
Delrin: Pura, do you have any questions?
Pura: Why do you have that bandaid on your face?
Delrin: Nice one...
Koops: I recieved a nasty scar from those bullies I told you about. I covered it with this bandaid.
Pura: Why?
Koops: It's an ugly scar.
Delrin: Scars show you're tough.
Koops: They do?
Delrin: Yep.
Koops: Should I take it off?
Delrin: That's up to you.
Koops: I'll try it...
Delrin: With it on, you look cute; with it off, you look tough.
(Koops takes off his bandaid. The audience screams and runs out of the studio.)
Koops: I think I prefer looking cute...
Delrin: Um... yeah, that works... Besides, not many people wear short-sleeve hoodies.
Koops: They don't?
Pura: This guy's pathetic, Delrin...
Delrin: Hey hey... Let's try to be nice...
Pura: It's hard...
Koops: *sniff*
Delrin: Oh, I meant to say that not many tough people wear short-sleeve hoodies.
Koops: Oh, so I'm unqiue?
Delrin: Not exactly... Max Goof wears a red short-sleeve hoodie, if you've ever seen A Goofy Movie or An Extremely Goofy Movie.
Koops: Nope.
Pura: Perhaps we should ask a question...
Delrin: Why not ask the audi- Oh wait, you scared them off... Put that bandaid back on!
Koops: Oh, right.
(Koops puts the bandaid back on. A few audience members who remained in the building return to their seats, though it's the back row.)
(The rest of the audience flees.)
Koops: ...
Delrin: ... If you'll excuse me...
Pura: All right.
(Delrin hops off the stage and follows the audience out the doors. About a minute later, half of the audience comes back in, one Koopa with a fresh black eye. Delrin then jumps back up on the stage.)
Pura: Not bad, not bad at all.
Goomba: Uh... How did it feel to hang around with the other party members?
Delrin: ... Did I call your seat?
Goomba: Um... no.
Delrin: Isn't one of the rules "Speak only when spoken to"?
Goomba: There're rules?
Delrin: ...
Pura: Fry him.
Delrin: No, no... Trying to be nice... and patient... but it's not working as well as I want it to...
Thumbs: It's just an NPC. Those guys are infinite.
Delrin: ... Opposible's still here?
Thumbs: When did I leave?
Delrin: Now.
Thumbs: Oh.
(THumbs leaves.)
Koops: Maybe I should answer the question...
Delrin: Go ahead. We've got nothing else to do.
Koops: Well, Goombella's too sassy, Flurrie's too stuck-up, the Yoshi kid's toughness makes me look bad, Vivian is almost as shy as me, and Bobbery... I don't mind him.
Delrin: I hate Bobbery and Flurrie...
Koops: Why?
Delrin: Flurrie's ugly, lame, and too flashy. Bobbery's... I don't like pirates. You can thank Siro for that.
Pura: Well, at least the awesome rating will go up.
Koops: Um, any more questions?
Delrin: Um... Did you know that you're my favorite partner in the game?
Koops: Ooh, I am?
Delrin: Yeah. The only time I switched you out was to beat the Armored Harriers and to talk to those Bob-ombs in Farh Outpost. Or when you were knocked out during the Smorg battle.
Koops: Cool!
Pura: Oh, speaking of which, how'd you do that Shell Shield thing?
Delrin: I found it rather useless with Superguards...
Koops: I have a bunch of large shells in my hoodie.
Pura: Why not wear one?
Koops: Too heavy.
Delrin: ...
Pura: How do you carry them?
Thumbs: By breaking the laws of physics, of course.
Delrin: Like the slushie machine in your shell?
Thumbs: Yup.
(Thumbs sips a slushie.)
Pura: I wanna fry the Goomba now...
Koops: You can do that... but I'm gonna go.
Delrin: One more question.
Koops: Yes?
Delrin: For those who haven't beaten the game yet, because they're lame and can't play for beans... Why did all y'all come back with Mario after the adventure? And how did you know he was coming back?
Koops: Well, as for us knowing he'd come back, he sent Goombella an Email, who told the rest of us. As for why I came back, I like Mario. He's one of the few people I'm not shy around.
Pura: Okay, can I fry the Goomba now?
Delrin: I notice you're not shy around me anymore.
Koops: Hey, you're right. I guess it's because I found out you're a nice guy.
Delrin: Of course I am, contrary to what all the viewers think.
Koops: Which is?
Dark Koopa: A smelly hybrid.
Delrin: No. That I'm a mean nasty wrestler that thinks he's better than everyone else and likes to slam people around just because they're insuperior while doing my rap thing and making money. Or just because I'm a hybrid that I'm automatically the "scum of the world", which a certain somebody who tries to kill a friend of mine thinks.
Dark Koopa: I think that-
Delrin: Nobody asked you.
Goomba: I asked.
Delrin: ... You can fry him now, Pura.
Pura: My pleasure.
(Goomba is fried.)
Delrin: Oh yeah, while you're at it, fry that Koopa back there with the black eye. He tried to bite me.
(The Koopa is also fried.)
Koops: Maybe I should go before I die...
Delrin: You're in no danger, but if you want to, go ahead.
Koops: I don't like watching death.
Delrin: They're still alive.
Goomba: Pain...
Delrin: See?
Pura: I can change that.
(Koops runs off.)
Delrin: It's useless, 'cause they'll come back after the Interview. They are the audiance, after all...
Thumbs: Yup, NPCs.
Delrin: You're breaking the fourth wall again.
(Dark Koopa is hit with a crate.)
Dark Koopa: Stop it!
Delrin: On second thought, keep going.
Thumbs: Does OOC Delrin dislike IC Dark?
(More crates.)
Delrin: Um... I'm not sure. I guess he does... Why don't you ask him yourself?
Thumbs: OOC Delrin, do you dislike IC Dark?
Delrin's Author: Yes. He's too random for me.
Dark Koopa: You stink!
Delrin's Author: It's your fault.
Dark Koopa: ...
Pura: Um, end tranmission?
Delrin: Sure.
Pura: Okay then.
Thumbs: Witty comment.
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