Spiker Koopa

Spiker Koopa reports:

Spiker Koopa
First Appearance: SPIKER KOOPA AND PHANTOS67 interview KOOPA KID
Age: 24 years old
Type: Spike Koopa
Favorite food: Any food that they eat in the army
Least Favorite Food: Peas
Favorite Minion: Spike Koopas
Least Favorite Minion: Bob-omb
Favorite Mario Game: Super Mario Galaxy
Favorite Non-Mario game: Metal Gear Solid
Favorite Sport: Dodgeball
Favorite Koopa Kid: Iggy
Hates: Mario, Luigi, Peach, Toad, and Yoshi
Likes: James, James’s Interview Show, and the army

Bio: Spiker, nobody really knows his past, but we got some information from his parents. Spiker was going to be named Edward Louis Koopis, but his mom said they would name him after whatever he likes, Spiker touched a spike on his growing shell, so they named him Spiker J. Koopis. Soon he trained in the Bowser army, he did so well that at the age of 17 he became one of their generals. Spiker quit after the Mario Brothers hit him in the head, 26 times. Spiker was hired when Phantos67 told him to come and help on James’s Interview Show. Soon James hired him. Spiker now plays a big role in James’s crew.

** This bio is part of a group: James Issac Koopa's Crew Bios

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This character may be associated with the following: Bob, Bowser, Luigi, Mario, Peach, Phantos67, Spike, and Toad

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