Spiker: Hi.
Lemmy: Lemmy’s- Oh, hey Spiker.
Spiker: Bye.
Lemmy: See you later!
Blue, Light Blue, and Bonetail: ...
Spiker: Anyway, welcome to Spiker’s Interview Show-
(In the background of the studio, Lemmy is running around crying)
Lemmy: I have been fooled! *sobs*
Spiker: Today, with this relaxing Interview, we will be interviewing a noble man named...
(Spiker pulls out a dice and rolls it. It lands on Shy Guy.)
Spiker: *monotone* Shy Guy.
Blue: A jolly good show, my good man.
Spiker: Thank you, kind-hearted Yoshi.
Blue: Rather cold in here, is it not?
Spiker: Well if Light Blue would be a dear and turn up the heater in here…
Light Blue: You guys really need to stop talking like that...
(While Light Blue is angrily turning up the heater, a Shy Guy comes out and sits in THE CHAIR.)
Shy Guy: This is a really nice chair, guys!
Spiker: Thank you for saying in the manner that it is a most excellent interviewee chair as I have proceeded to ask you in a most kind and noble way the questions that the people would like to hear in the matter of saying of which the first question will be answered by you, the noble goodman who will be unprepared in asking these peculiar and mind boggling questions asked by those before in the ancient past and the most technological advanced future. It is wonderful and delightful to know that by answering these well thought out questions I will soon ask, that this Interview show will not only increase in audience ratings, but in general popularity overall within this one site called Lemmy’s Land.
Light Blue: Wow, I think you broke a record there, buddy.
Blue: Well spoken, my good man.
Spiker: Question one, what games have you appeared in?
Shy Guy: Well I would say our first appearance is in SMB2. But we have appeared in mostly a lot of sports games like Mario Tennis. Oh, and Mario Party as the hundreds of NPCs.
Blue: Most excellent answer.
Spiker: I would suggest that there is some irony within your appearances due to the fact that your name disagrees with how many games you should appear in. Such is the life of a Shy Guy, I would suppose, in a hasty matter of not thinking over what I have heard within a few moments within my long termed life.
Blue: Quite a well-spoken comment. Question two! What kinds of Shy Guys are there?
Shy Guy: Too many to count! I’ll name some: Shy Guys (I think in any color), Anti Guy, Fly Guy, General Guy, and um... Spear Guy!
Light Blue: Cool!
Spiker: Yes, well-played, good chap.
Blue: To undertake in the next question... or not to... That is the question...
Shy Guy: I say... yes?
Blue: Question three, my good man, is “where is your residence?”
Shy Guy: Well we live in the Toy Box, which is in Toad Town. Although usually we hang around in Sub-con and Jade Jungle.
Spiker: I must say that this Interview hasn’t been this well prepared since the days of yore with James. Speaking of whom, I must confer with him sometime and invite him over for a bit of tea-
Light Blue: JUST SHUT UP!
Blue: I must not confer with you, Light blue, for he makes total sense in the matter of adults.
Light Blue: He’s got you too, Blue! COMMERCIAL BREAK!!!
Slim Bankshot: HI MY NAME IS- What? MY NAME IS- What?- MY NAME IS- *record scratches* SLIM BANKSHOT!
Slim Shady: ...
Kyle Koopa: Want to be famous like Slim here? Well you can! Just give us your SOUL!!! And we will make you a star!
Back at the studio… Spiker: I advise you not to ruin such a good and lovely Interview, Light Blue. As the audience saw during the commercial, our ratings have dramatically increased over this time period of which, I have gotten three things which I have never tried to obtain in such a easy manner of doing so.
Light blue: And they are?
Spiker: I have more Power, wealth and investments, as well as Blue has his most important things on the earth to him.
Light Blue: We all know he has the property of Yoshi’s Island and blueberry muffins...
Shy Guy: I am most glad you guys have your things... but back to my interview?
Blue: Question four, how did you join Bowser's army if you were living in Sub-con for awhile?
Shy Guy: Well just like the Birdos, we saw their way out and decided to leave to join Bowser's army. and he let us!
Spiker: I think it is a delightful time for audience questions...
Light Blue: Finally... SEAT CUTESTARTHINGY!!!
Starfy: Why do you wear those masks and robes?
Spiker: Yes, why-
Shy Guy: Because one, the robes give us our character. And two, the masks are... Well because we are shy! And nobody wants to see my face!
Blue: Seat Microsoft.
Master Chef: You total N00Bs got my name wrong... dude.... Anyway, what kind of rank are you in Bowser’s army>-_-< NEWBIES...
Shy Guy: We aren’t a very high rank, since we originated from Sub-con. But we are higher than Goombas and other walkoffs...
Spiker: Final seat of the day... Seat B.l.u.e.
Blue: Do you enjoy or like the presence of Mike Myers in a movie or any other event in life?
Shy Guy: No, not really.
Blue: You have enraged me so... It must truly be woeful since I am about to unleash such a devastating fury on you...
(Blue beats Shy Guy to a well-mannered pulp.)
Spiker: Well I can conclude that this Interview is over and done for today due to the many facts that have appeared in this one single show.
Blue: Rather interesting.
(Some tuxedo penguins run into the studio with a trophy.)
Tux 1: Congratulations, Spiker, you broke a Lemmy’s Land record in beating Morton for longest line!
Morton: Darn it! I will-
Tux 2: Sorry, can’t audition ‘til next year!
Spiker: YES! I knew all the little people out there in the audience helped me!
Audience: YAY!!!
Light Blue: Of course, reward Spiker for some words of no sense...
Spiker: Well still, it was pretty good... Let’s never do that again!
Blue and Light Blue: Agreed.
Spiker: POINTY OBJECTS RULE! I mean... um... Err...
Luigi: End Transmission!
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