
LUDWIG X interviews LUDWIG
By Ludwig X

(The camera zooms into a room next to the main stage, where Ludwig X can be seen sitting on a bench.)

Ludwig X: (sighing) How long is this going to take?

Karma: I have no clue. Just a sec.

(She pulls out a cell phone.)

Karma: Ludwig, get over here now before the audience members have a cow.

Ludwig (on the phone): I-

Karma: NOW!!!

(She throws the phone to the ground. A second later Ludwig walks through a small door inside the room.)

Karma: Oh… Hello.

Ludwig X: You ready?

Ludwig: I suppose so.

Ludwig X: Good. Let's get out there!

(Lemmy is on the stage when the two step out. He's telling a few jokes and preparing the audience for the Interview.)

Lemmy: (noticing the two) Okay! Here is my genius brother! Let's hear it for Ludwig!

(Half the audience claps and cheers, but the other half either remains silent or stands up and boos him.)

Lemmy: (whispering to Ludwig X as he rolls by) Do good this time! I know you can!

Ludwig X: (lifting his sunglasses) Thanks, kid.

(Ludwig and Ludwig X take seats in NICE chairs.)

Ludwig X: Thank you for being here with us, Ludwig! We're glad to have you.

Ludwig: My pleasure alone.

Ludwig X: Okay, first question: Do you really go crazy every time someone says… 'Chocolate'?

Ludwig: …

Ludwig X: Thank you for dispelling that myth. Second question: What was your greatest invention ever?

Ludwig: Well, I am now working on one that will top all others, but in the past I would have to say… the Koopa Klogger.

Ludwig X: That was the one where you clogged all the pipes between the Real World and the Mushroom Kingdom, Right?

Ludwig: Right.

Ludwig X: Okay! Next question: Are you or are you not the oldest of the Koopalings?

Ludwig: I am not. Roy is. The DIC TV series that we starred in put us in real age order. which is as follows: Roy, me, Morton, Larry, Wendy, Iggy, Lemmy, and Bowser Jr. (They didn't use Bowser Jr., though.) Nintendo put us in a different order because they thought it would be more fitting that the oldest was the smartest.

Roy: (standing up in the audience) Now just a minute here!

(Security ninjas drop down from ropes and tie Roy up.)

Ludwig X: I see… Question number four: Who is your favorite sibling?

Ludwig: They are as follows: Larry, Bowser Jr, Lemmy, Iggy, Morton, Roy, Wendy.

Ludwig X: Oh dear. You might have some trouble when you get home now. Last question: What are your feelings towards Karma?

Ludwig: Well, we used to not like each other, but then as we grew closer and closer, we learned to love. She's my best friend right now, even though we may get in fights. I will indeed be marrying her when I am of age.

Ludwig X: I'll be there. Audience questions! Seat: IMATHIEFANDISHOULDGETCAPTUREDBUTIMNOT.

Croco: Were you born with that hair?

Ludwig: Yes, I was. My parents were worried that it wasn't hair and that I would be bald.

Ludwig X: Seat IMSOWEIRD

Bowser: Who ARE your parents?

Ludwig: …

Bowser: …

Ludwig: …

Weird Guy: *pulls off mask* April Fools!

(He then runs out of the studio.)

Ludwig: But it's August…


Sonic: What is your favorite food?

Ludwig: Well, it's not chili dogs, although they're good. I would have to say French fries.

Sonic: Cool. I like those too.

Ludwig X: Last question of the night. Seat ILOVESONIC.

Amy: Do you like Sonic?

Ludwig: He's a hedgehog that can run at the speed of sound. That impresses me, as well as it intrigues me. Other than that I have nothing for him and nothing against him.

Amy: You don't like Sonic?!

(Amy and Ludwig stare at each other for 2 seconds before Amy falls down in a dead faint.)

Ludwig X: Thank you for being with us, Ludwig! We got some good questions answered and *under his breath* I hope that was funny enough…

Ludwig: I've gotta run. Thanks for having me.

Ludwig X: Anytime. END TRANSMISSION!


(Ludwig X walks out the back door to the ally to find that it is pouring. He slips down the three steps and lands on his face. After he gets up, he sees Midbus, Stone and Aaron looking at him.)

Stone: (shivering) Why did you lock the door?

Ludwig X: I never did!

Aaron: (hair dropping into his eyes) We're soaked!

Ludwig X: Why didn't you use the front door?

(They all stand there and think about that for a while.)


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