
AB KOOPA interviews IGGY
By Ab Koopa
Ab Koopa: Okay, everyone, and welcome to Ab Koopa’s Interview Show!

Lemmy Koopa: Ahem!Ab: … Also known as Lemmy’s Interview Show.

Lemmy: Thank you!

Ab: Okay, today I will be interviewing one of my favorite Koopalings, Iggy Koopa!

(Iggy walks onstage and the crowd gives a big applause for him.)

Iggy Koopa: Thanks for coming, everybody!

Ab: How are you, Iggy?

Iggy: Okay, I guess, just neutral.

Ab: That’s good. Okay! First question! I know lots of people are curious about this, so can you tell me why you have glasses but Lemmy doesn’t? I mean, you pretty much look exactly the same except for that one thing. Why is it?

Iggy: Well, it’s mostly because Lemmy has better eyesight than me. You see, I strained my eyes playing Nintendo, so I had to get glasses.

Ab: Oh, well… All’s well that ends well!

Iggy: Yeah, I guess…

Ab: Next question, what’s your favorite Mario game?

(Iggy I like Super Mario World! Whenever I get to the first boss, who’s me, I always let myself win!)

Ab: But if you always do that, how do you beat the game, then?

Iggy: Huh?! Oh! Reeaallllyy?! No wonder I haven’t beaten the STUPED game yet! Like… isn’t THIS just EMBARRASSING! Ha! Ha!

Ab: …

Iggy: … What?

Lemmy (in audience): Ha! Ha! Ha! So funny!

Ab: Umm, so, yeah… Next question! Who are your first three favorite Koopalings?

Iggy: First three favorites? Well, my first favorite is Lemmy…

Lemmy: Yay! Iggy doesn’t hate me for laughing at him!

Iggy: Wait… That was YOU?!


Iggy: Oh… I’ll deal with you later, Lemmy.

Ab: No violence in my studio until AFTER the show!

Iggy: Whatever, anyway… my second favorite Koopaling would be Ludwig.

Ab: Ludwig?! Why? Doesn’t he beat you up all the time?

Iggy: Well, we have an alliance right now; if I let Ludwig use whatever he wants from my lab, he won’t beat me up as much anymore!

Ab: Really? What’s he making?

Ludwig Von Koopa (in audience): I’ll NEVER tell! WHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! … It’s a racecar.

Iggy: Best brother ever!

Ab: I see… Anyway, third favorite?

Iggy: My third favorite… Morton.

(The audience gasps.)

Ab: I’m not even going to ask.

Iggy: What?

Morton Koopa Jr. (in audience): I feel unloved. *sniff… *

(Morton starts to cry.)

Ab: Would someone get Morton OUT of here?! Security!

(Roy and Nick, who are wearing dark blue vests, run into the studio and throw Morton out the window.)

Morton: Aah! My skull! IT HURTS!

Nick Koopa: When do I get my twenty buck?

Ab: When the Interview’s done.

Nick: ‘Kay.

(Nick takes Morton’s seat.)

Roy Koopa: Hey!

Nick: You want to sit sown, take someone else’s seat!

Roy: Okay FINE! I will!

(Roy goes and throws Mario from his chair and out the window, then sits down in Mario’s seat.)

Mario: Mamamia!

(Mario lands on Morton.)

Ab: Okay! Can we PLEASE continue with the Interview now?!

Nick: Fine by me.

Roy: Whatever!

Ab: Good. Okay, Iggy, next question!

Iggy: Lay it on me!

Ab: Yeah… Next question, this one’s kind of for my own curiosity, but… are you and Lemmy REALLY twins?

Iggy: Yep! I’m the older twin!

Ab: How much older?

Iggy: Fifteen seconds older!

Ab: Poor Clawdia!

Iggy: Why?

Ab: Never mind… Okay! We’re running out of time! So questions from the audience, please! Seat I’MABIGKIDNOW!

Waluigi: Is there anything you’re afraid of?

Iggy: Roy.

Waluigi: I’m afraid of Roy too, he scares me!


Luigi: I like my seat!

Iggy: Yes, I do too, but that isn’t a question.

Ab: Yeah! Ask a question, Luigi! NOW!

Luigi: Okay! Okay! Hmm… What do you think of Mario?

Iggy: I don’t like him very much.

Luigi: I totally respect you now!

Ab: Hmm… We have time for one more question from the audience, now. Seat IWILLKILLEVERYONEINMYWAY 

Bowser Koopa: Shouldn’t you be out trying to kill Mario?

Iggy: Roy and Nick already threw him out the window and into the water, what more do you want us to do?

Bowser: Did he drown?

Iggy: No, but Mario DID land on Morton.

Bowser: Oh… Well, then! Carry on!

Ab: And that’s all the time we have today! Until next time, END TRANSMISSION!

Iggy: You and me, Lemmy, NOW!

Lemmy: Bring it, geek!

Nick: Can we have our twenty bucks now?!

Ab: Ugg… If anyone needs me, I’ll be playing my mind-numbing Nintendo!

Iggy: Did someone say NINTENDO?!

(Lemmy jumps Iggy and they get into a big fight.)

Nick: So… I get my money later?

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