(DB and his crew are currently STILL flying through the sky. Amazing how Thunk stays up so long.)
Zed: I've been thinking.
DB: You liar. Don't lie. Lying is bad. Liar.
Zed: No, really, I have. I've been wondering why it is that I seem destined to be stuck with you two forever. No matter what I do, no matter how hard I try, there's nothing I can do to get away, back to my own life, where I belong. Even when I'm knocked throughout entire galaxies, it always seems that I find a way back to you, DB. And because of you, I'm doomed to a future of never-ending pain. I'd just like to reiterate for the umpteenth time that I hate you. I hate you now, I've hated you since we met, and I'll always hate you. And there's nothing you can do to change that.
Thunk: Zeddy must have put lots of feeling into words.
Thunk: ... Boss quiet now.
Zed: ... Yeah, I was kinda expecting him to ignore most of what I said and make some smart-aleck comment at my expense.
Thunk: ... Boss?
DB: Thunk, would you give us a moment?
Thunk: Um...
DB: Just close your eyes or something. And don't listen.
Thunk: Okay!
(Thunk shuts his eyes tight and starts humming loudly.)
Zed: What? What is it you're doing, DB? Why are you making Thunk do this? Is this another scheme that'll get me horribly mangled? Because if it is, I don't wanna be part of it. Please?
DB: You wait just a second. Atmosphere!
(DB pulls out a phonograph and starts playing... ragtime music on it.)
DB: Hm. I was hoping for something more emotional, but... Eh... Good enough. Zed, I know we've had our differences in the past. I may have said some things that hurt you, and you've said some things that have hurt me too. But I think we can get past all that. Because deep down, I'm sure we both know that we're mature adults who can work out any problem that comes our way. What do you say?
Zed: ... Are... Are you apologizing? Truly? Seriously?
DB: ... You're right, this character development thing is stupid.
(DB throws the phonograph at Zed.)
Zed: Yeow! That's not what I meant!
DB: No, don't be modest about it, you're correct It's best that we stay true to who we are! From now on, I'll be sure to be twice the DB! And you be sure to be twice the Zed!
Zed: ... Actually-
DB: Oh yeah, your character is horrible and lacking in substance.
Zed: Hey!
DB: And Thunk! Stop making those annoying humming noises and start smashing more often!
Thunk: Yessir! Hur!
(Thunk starts smashing... the air?)
Zed: ... You're a terrible person, Dark Boo, you know that?
DB: Oh, I'm not that bad. Now stop talking Zed-talk and tell me how we're going to make this crashlanding not hurt.
(Zed turns his head to realize they're about to crash directly into the side of a castle.)
Zed: ... Well that's not fair.
DB: Castles are never fair, Zed. You'd do well to learn that.
Thunk: Thunk smash!
(Right before hitting the castle's side, Thunk miraculously throws himself in front of the other two, destroying the wall in their path.)
Zed: Hey, looks like we're safe for once.
(DB and Zed then fly through the hole in the wall, slamming into crates full of weapons, sharp objects, and other hurtful things.)
Zed: Spear... in... spine...
DB: Axe... in... face...
Thunk: Thunk... in... floor...
DB: ... I blame this one entirely on you, Zed.
Zed: You blame EVERYTHING on me.
Koopatrol: All of you, shut your mouths, and to your feet.
(DB and Zed look up to see several Koopatrols standing before them.)
Koopatrol: Are you deaf? All three of you. Up. Now.
(DB and Zed slowly rise, the weapons still lodged in them. Thunk struggles for a good few minutes.)
Koopatrol: All right. Now put your hands, fins, and stumpy-ball-type-hands up, where we can see them.
DB: They mean business. They even found the “my hands are fins” technicality.
Zed: That sounded stupid.
DB: Then you word it better!
Koopatrol: Shut up, you pudgy blob and you bone-bag.
DB: Hey... He called me fat! No one talks to me like that!
Koopatrol: Oh yeah? And what are you gonna do about it?
DB: Ha. Ha. What am I gonna do about it...? Zed? Thunk? Charge!
(A few minutes later, DB, Zed, and Thunk are all sitting in a prison cell guarded by a Boom Boom.)
Zed: Great plan.
DB: It would've worked, if you two actually did something.
Thunk: Hey...
DB: All right, to be fair, you did squish one of them. But you should have remembered how VULNERABLE you become after using that attack!
Thunk: Sorry. Thunk's memory is like sun-dried tomatoes.
Zed: Uh... How?
Thunk: Thunk likes sun-dried tomatoes...
DB: Leave Thunk alone, Zed. At least he did something.
Zed: Those Koopatrols had me pinned before I could even make a move!
DB: Excuses, nothing but them!
Zed: Oh yeah? Why didn't you do anything?
DB: Because as leader, I don't have to do anything until my minions have been subdued. Unfortunately, if I'm eliminated at the same time as my cohorts, there's nothing I can do. And I can't really help that, now can I, Zed?
Zed: ... Can we just get on track towards the Interview, since I know we're going to end up doing one no matter what?
DB: Interesting thought and duly noted. Hey, guard person!
Boom Boom: What do you want?
DB: Would you be so kind as to tell me where we are currently imprisoned?
Boom Boom: Heh. You three are trapped in King Bowser's dungeon. And you're not leaving anytime soon.
Zed: Whaat?!
Thunk: Koopa castle?!
Boom Boom: That's right. For breaking and entering, trespassing, and destruction of property, not to mention assault and battery. You chumps are in deep trouble.
DB: Can I deny all of it?
Boom Boom: No. That axe in your face proves you were in one of our weapon stockades.
Zed: ... Why haven't you taken that out yet?
DB: Shut up, that's why. Now let's start the Interview!
(Thunk spits out a camera, which Zed sets up in the cell.)
Boom Boom: ... What is this?
DB: Ugh. Freakin' interviewees get dumber all the time. I'm going to ask you questions, and you're going to answer them as best you can! Understand?
Boom Boom: Of course I do, but... What's in it for me?
DB: ... We'll be quiet when the Interview is over.
Boom Boom: And...?
Zed: Sir, I'd just like to say that this is a very good deal. And if he isn't quiet afterwards, you can hurt him very badly, right?
DB: What?! Wait-
Boom Boom: Hmm. That is a good deal. All right, do this Interview thing. Interview me. Now.
DB: But... Urgh... Fine. For all of you watching at home, this episode of Dark Boo Interviews comes to you from... one of Bowser's dungeons. Today, I interview the Boom Boom that's guarding the cell I'm in. That's right, I'm in prison. Neat, huh?
Boom Boom: Enough intro, get to the questions.
DB: Fair enough! Are Boom Booms just very muscular Koopa Troopas, or are they a subspecies entirely on their own?
Boom Boom: Of course we're a subspecies, or whatever you said! Common grunts don't have spiked shells, like me!
DB: Spinies do.
Boom Boom: Spinies are weak and slow. Without a spiked shell, they'd be COMPLETELY useless.
DB: Would you stop talking about Spinies?
Boom Boom: Wha-?! You brought them up!
DB: Bah! I would never randomly change the point of conversation, liar!
Boom Boom: You little...
(Boom Boom punches between the bars to hit DB in the face.)
DB: Yeow! How dare you hit the interviewer?!
Boom Boom: Because you're an idiot.
(DB and Boom Boom begin shouting insults at each other. Meanwhile...)
Zed: Huh. Didn't take long for this Interview to fall apart.
Thunk: Thunk bored.
Zed: Uh... I guess we'll take care of the filler, then.
Thunk: ...
Zed: ...
Thunk: Ur...
Zed: I got nothin'.
(Er. Back to the interview, then.)
Boom Boom: Just ask another question already!
DB: MAYBE I will! Why do you guys flail your arms so wildly when you fight Mario?!
Boom Boom: That was us trying to punch Mario as we ran at him! With our fists flying like that, one touch and he'd be a goner!
DB: Unless he had an upgrade.
Boom Boom: Don't contradict me.
DB: Plus, Mario would take equal damage just from bumping into a Goomba... So logically, shouldn't a Goomba's power be equal to, if not greater than, a Boom Boom's power?
Boom Boom: No! Argh! Your words make me want to punch you again!
DB: All right, all right, I'll keep going! Why did your spikes protect you when you were still, but not while you were in motion?
Boom Boom: What you saw when we weren't moving was us inside of our shells. The cruddy camera angle just lets you see our head, even though it's tucked safely away.
DB: The poor camera never gets any love.
Zed: With all due respect, two dimensions don't really give cameras a whole lot to work with.
Thunk: And camera really hard to program for fancy 3D games.
DB: Poor thing.
(DB briefly hugs the camera.)
Thunk: Hur.
Boom Boom: You freak.
Zed: Oh, this is nothing.
Boom Boom: I don't care, get on with the questions!
DB: Impatient. So, are you guys in charge of the fortresses you guard?
Boom Boom: Duh. We're the strongest ones in there! Dry Bones and Boos are too weak to be in charge of anything, and Thwomps are too stupid to be given any power at all.
DB: What?!
Zed: I resent that.
Thunk: Joke would work better if Thunk was Thwomp and not Whomp.
Boom Boom: The Koopalings and King Bowser are too busy to watch the little forts we build to stop Mario. So they leave trustworthy Boom Booms behind to make sure nothing happens.
DB: What could possibly happen if you weren't there?
Boom Boom: The minions might leave, Mario would be able to get through the fort a lot easier, and somebody might break this.
(The Boom Boom pulls out a ? Ball.)
DB: Ooh, what's that?
Boom Boom: The self-destruct device that was made for all the forts. Smashing the ball causes the entire structure to explode. So you can see why we couldn't just leave it lying around with incompetent minions-
Zed: Stop stop stop. Let's do this one step at a time. Okay. What purpose does having this self-destruct mechanism serve?
Boom Boom: If we need to abandon the fort, we don't want it to fall into the hands of the Mushroom Kingdom.
Zed: What about the ones in the Koopa territory?
Boom Boom: Same reason. The last thing we need is for them to have a base from which they can invade Dark Land!
DB: The Toads and Peach don't seem like the types who would invade, though. That's what you guys do.
Boom Boom: Better safe than sorry.
DB: Right. Now then-
Zed: Ohhh no, I'm not done until we establish some logic about this ball.
DB: Phooey!
Zed: Why a ball?
Boom Boom: Small and easy to transport.
Zed: Why do you make it so simple as smashing the ball?
Boom Boom: Nobody has time for long self-destruct sequences anymore!
Zed: All right, but HOW is it as simple as smashing the ball?
Boom Boom: How should I know?! I didn't design them!
Thunk: Impact on shiny ball probably cause remote trigger to activate explosives rigged in fort, Thunk think.
Boom Boom: Uh, yeah, that.
Zed: ... Anyway, how can Mario survive the explosion with no injury if HE'S the one who smashes the ball all the time?
Boom Boom: No one in their right mind would break the ? Ball inside the fort. You take it OUTSIDE, and activate it from a safe distance.
Zed: How could Mario know all that?
Boom Boom: The instructions are printed on the back. Are you almost done?
Zed: Two more. First, how come entire fleets of tanks and ships can be destroyed by the same objects?
Boom Boom: We don't want our military equipment being stolen by any Mushroomers.
Zed: Huh. Lastly, and probably most important, why do YOU have one?
Boom Boom: It's the self-destruct mechanism for this particular dungeon of the castle.
Zed: But... What purpose does that serve?!
Boom Boom: When it comes time to remodel the dungeon, we just blow it up and go from there. And yes, it's fun.
(An axe flies at the ? Ball, which the Boom Boom pulls out of the way, putting it back in his shell. He glares at DB.)
DB: Um. I sneezed?
Boom Boom: An axe.
DB: Yes.
Boom Boom: Out of your face.
DB: Uh-huh.
Zed: I was wondering how long you were going to keep that thing lodged in your head.
DB: Shut up, Zed, you're ruining my plan!
Zed: You already missed the ball, what else can you do?!
DB: I have a few tricks up my sleeve... Or at least I would if I wore a shirt! Ah? Ahh?
Zed: ... That was terrible.
Thunk: There crickets in here?
DB: Shut up, Zed. (to Boom Boom) Can I have the ball now?
Boom Boom: No. Are we done with the Interview yet?
DB: Of course not! We only just finished talking about that horrible ball that you're now going to smash on the floor.
Boom Boom: No.
DB: Blast it. I suppose I may as well continue... Why do some Boom Booms jump really high and others have wings?
Boom Boom: Some of us like to have magically attached wings while others, like me, can proudly show their leg strength by leaping high into the air and across the room.
DB: How come you stop after getting hit twice?
Boom Boom: At that point we enter a fit of rage where all we can do is run super fast back and forth with our fists flying everywhere.
DB: All right, but why don't you even use your abilities until after you're hit once?
Boom Boom: We don't like wasting our strength unless our enemy can prove they're a threat. Example, Mario stomping on our head tells us he's a threat.
Zed: ... I'm sorry, but how is it that people in this world can still think Mario is NOT a threat? The very sight of him should make all minions use their best abilities or flee in terror!
Boom Boom: We have poor eyesight?
Zed: Liar.
Boom Boom: Okay, okay, but this doesn't just go for Boom Booms. Even though he's done it again and again, the thought of a mildly overweight plumber taking on the entire Koopa Troop sounds crazy! It makes everyone drop their guard! Even I have trouble believing it sometimes!
DB: He's right, y'know. A plumber? Ha! Hm... Hey... Zed, Thunk! I bet WE could take down Mario!
Thunk: Thunk like that!
Zed: Noooo. No no no no. Not even the most brutal threats in the world will force me to fight that guy. I'd fight Bowser before Mario.
Boom Boom: Oh REALLY?
Zed: Wait-
Boom Boom: Koopatrols!
(A few Koopatrols enter.)
Boom Boom: This Dry Bones says he wishes to fight King Bowser.
(They all laugh uncontrollably.)
DB: Ah hah, what an idiot!
Zed: I hate you.
Boom Boom: Take the skeleton to King Bowser, would you?
(The Koopatrols escort Zed out of the jail cell, still laughing.)
Zed: Well, at least I'm away from this Interview...
(And Zed's gone.)
Boom Boom: ... You're probably not going to see him ever again.
DB: Oh yes I will. See, Zed has this funny way of not dying. But we're not talking about him, we're talking about you!
Boom Boom: Still?
Boom Boom: What?
DB: I mean YES! How come whenever Mario enters your chamber, you're tucked away in your shell?
Boom Boom: It's comfortable and safe. Plus, we need to conserve our energy in the event that Mario DOES come along.
DB: Why not buy a recliner with a forcefield? It wouldn't look anywhere near as silly. Except for the random-recliner-sitting-in-the-middle-of-a-fortress part.
Thunk: That funny, hur hur.
Boom Boom: On my salary? Yeah, right!
DB: What?! How can you NOT be paid well? You're supposed to be elite Koopas!
Boom Boom: That doesn't mean anything! Bowser expects us to accept that getting to guard a whole fortress is a reward in itself! That, dental, and four coins an hour.
DB: How good is your dental?
(Boom Boom opens his mouth, showing his crooked, yellow teeth.)
Boom Boom: Uz zis ansher yar queshion?
DB: What?
Boom Boom: (closing his mouth) Does this answer your question?
DB: Does what answer my question?
(Boom Boom opens his mouth again.)
Boom Boom: Ish!
DB: What?
Boom Boom: (closing his mouth) THIS!
Boom Boom: Look at my teeth. *opens his mouth*
DB: ... Okay?
Boom Boom: *closes his mouth* Now. Does that answer your question?
DB: What question?
(Boom Boom punches DB in the face.)
DB: Urk! I mean, why yes sir, it does answer my question!
Thunk: Stop punching Boss in face!
Boom Boom: What are you gonna do about it, you stupid brick?
Thunk: Thunk have plan.
Boom Boom: Sure ya do.
DB: Hey! Pay attention when I ask you a question!
Boom Boom: Huh?
DB: I was asking about the specific tanks you guys command.
Boom Boom: What about 'em?
DB: Why are they so small and waaaay in the back of the fleet? Most of them don't even have their own cannon!
Boom Boom: We're in the back because we have the ? Ball that can destroy all of the tanks under our command at once! If we were in the front and the tank was blown up or something, that'd mean all of the others would be destroyed too!
DB: Okay, fine, you lying coward-
Boom Boom: What did you-?!
DB: -but that doesn't explain why your tank is so ridiculously small and poorly equipped!
Boom Boom: The command tank isn't built for combat. It's built for maneuverability and speed.
DB: Except all tanks only seem to be able to go forward in a straight line. And since you're behind everyone else, your speed means nothing!
Boom Boom: Yeaaaah, the engineers behind the tank's design were fired for that.
DB: Out of a cannon?
Boom Boom: Yes, the tank cannons.
DB: Oh. The irony.
Boom Boom: Yes.
DB: Indeed.
Thunk: Cough.
DB: ... Cough?
Thunk: Hur?
DB: Was that seriously your contribution to the conversation?
Thunk: Thunk sick!
Boom Boom: ... Whomps can't get sick.
(Thunk tries to keel over, but just falls down altogether.)
Thunk: Thunk have bad virus! Guard better come in and help Thunk!
Boom Boom: Ha! Do you think I'm really that dumb?
DB: Thunk, I appreciate your effort in formulating an escape plan and all, but this is just ridiculous and stupid. Not even Zed would- Well, maybe he would, but it's still a bad plan. Now get up.
Thunk: ... Thunk stuck.
DB: Oh, for the love of-
Meanwhile, in the throne room...
Bowser: Bwahahahahaha!
Magikoopa: ... May I ask, why are you laughing, King Koopa?
Bowser: No, you may NOT ask!
(Bowser throws the Magikoopa across the room and down a flight of stairs.)
Magikoopa: Good throw, Sire!
Bowser: Bah! I don't need your compliments!
(Zed is soon escorted into-)
Bowser: Bwahahahaha!
(... Into the throne room-)
Bowser: Bwahahahaha!
(... By some Koopatrols.)
Zed: Well, we're off to a GREAT start.
Bowser: Who dare uses sarcasm in my throne room who isn't, uh, me?!
Koopatrol: That would be this grimy bag of bones, sir!
Zed: Just because I'm green doesn't mean I'm- Hey!
(Zed is pushed before Bowser, who glares at him.)
Bowser: Don't I know you from somewhere?
Zed: You don't remember the Interviews you've been around for?
Bowser: Interviews?! You mean those weird things Lemmy does in his so-called Land?!
Zed: Well, him and his minions...
Bowser: Bah! I don't have the time or patience to remember every little intershow that had the great fortune to feature ME! Now what do you want, greeny?!
Zed: To go home?
Koopatrol: If I may interject, Sire, this foolish Dry Bones has expressed his wishes to fight you.
Bowser: Hungh?!
Zed: To be fair, they're probably lying.
Bowser: QUIET! You dare challenge the great, magnificent, and dashing King Koopa?!
Zed: No?
Bowser: Bwahaha! Only a moron would want to fight me!
Zed: And I do not.
Bowser: But, if that's what you want-
Zed: It's not.
Bowser: -then gimme your best shot!
Zed: Eh?
Bowser: Go ahead! Show me what little green Dry Bones can do, before I roast them to a crisp!
Zed: What if I do nothing?
Bowser: Then I'll fry you anyway.
Zed: Oh... You REALLY want me to take a shot at you?
Bowser: What are you, stupid?! If you don't, I'll use your bones to pick my teeth!
Zed: Well... All right...
(Zed grabs a spare bone, as Bowser and the Koopatrols watch in great anticipation.)
Zed: Here goes nothin'.
(Zed throws the bone at Bowser. It conks him right between the eyes, then falls to the floor. The room is silent.)
Zed: ... Erm. I guess this is the part where I'm incinerated?
(Bowser falls face first to the floor, unconscious. The Koopatrols all run to his side, shouting in panic.)
Zed: ... And then Zed fled.
(So he did. Back with the actual INTERVIEW...)
DB: Audience questions!
Thunk: (standing again) Boss never finished thought from earlier.
DB: I zoned out! Audience questions!
Boom Boom: What audience?!
DB: The other prisoners, of course! Cell 2!
Dry Bones: You said the ? Ball makes the fort explode, right?
Boom Boom: Yeah.
DB: That was a dumb question. Cell-
Dry Bones: I wasn't done yet!
DB: That doesn't make you or your questions any less dumb.
Dry Bones: I WANTED to ask why the fort in Grass Land exploded if Mario decided to find the Magic Whistle instead of fighting the Boom Boom. See, I used to guard that place and-
DB: What do you mean “if” he decided to get the Whistle? It happened a long time ago, and it's commonly accepted that Mario fought and defeated all the Koopalings in all seven kingdoms WITHOUT teleporting via use of a whistle.
Dry Bones: Alternate universes?
DB: A poor save, but we'll go with it.
Boom Boom: Taking the Whistle must have triggered self-destruct mechanisms as well.
DB: But... Why?!
Boom Boom: Probably to eliminate the guy that tried to steal it.
Dry Bones: But Mario was okay afterwards... I mean, if he took the Whistle... in the alternate universe.
DB: Shaddup.
Boom Boom: I don't know! The self-destruct mechanism malfunctioned and the explosion was delayed long enough for Mario to leave?
Thunk: What if explody-device worked properly in OTHER alternate universe?
DB: Thunk, you know you're not allowed to ask Moron Questions. They're bad for your health.
Thunk: Yes, Boss...
DB: Finally moving on! Cell 4!
Iggy: Why am I in here?!
Boom Boom: You're King Koopa's son.
Iggy: And?!
Boom Boom: That's it.
Iggy: ... Oh yeah.
DB: Cell 8!
Shy Guy: Why are you guys always alone...? And really far away from each other?
DB: Yeah, two Boom Booms are never even in the same fort.
Boom Boom: We don't get along very well with one another. We're just as likely to fight each other as we are to fight Mario. One able-bodied Boom Boom is better than two exhausted Boom Booms.
Shy Guy: Why can't you guys be friends...?
Boom Boom: We're just angry, violent, super-competitive Koopas. We do best solo. It's not worth the risk of teaming up.
DB: Be friends, he says... Bah! Cell 1!
Bob-omb: Why are you guys always defending stuff instead of going on the attack?
Boom Boom: Since Mario always ends up having to go through us anyway, does it make a difference?
Bob-omb: Um...
Boom Boom: It's also a lot easier for us to hold down the fort than to actively search out Mario. It's what we're trained to do.
Thunk: Thunk trained not to squish turtles, but he did anyway.
Boom Boom: Bricks can't be trained to do ANYTHING.
Thunk: Thunk know chemistry...
DB: We're not talking about chemistry anymore until you can prove it.
Thunk: Aw.
DB: Anyway, time for the last question.
Boom Boom: And then you'll be quiet?
DB: Maybe. Cell 5!
Goomba: If you guys are so great, why are Boom Booms only in Super Mario Bros. 3?
Boom Boom: There are actually very few Boom Booms among Koopas. Most of us either guard forts or work deep within, like me. The point is, Mario doesn't have to bust through fortresses as often as he used to, and after the events of Mario 3, there were even fewer Boom Booms in the Troop. Not many people can take a huge beating from Mario, not to mention get caught in an big explosion, and expect to be able to fight again.
DB: Bah! You get beat up by Mario? How tragic. And your fort explodes with you in it? That's it? You wimps! Even I can manage worse than that! I've been knocked across the universe and back!
Thunk: Thunk and Zeddy too.
DB: And those losers too!
Thunk: Aw.
DB: Just look at Bowser. He can withstand falling in lava, getting thrown into gigantic explosives, and even being caught in a super-massive black hole!
Boom Boom: That IS why he's the boss. King Koopa is a tank. Nothing can take him down!
(Zed runs in, panting for breath. Which is kind of pointless, him not having lungs and all. Not that anyone cares about these contradictions anymore... *sigh* He completely ignores Boom Boom, pushing right past him.)
Boom Boom: Hey!
Zed: I knocked out Bowser.
DB: Huh?
DB: Oh dear, Bowser must have pounded the sense out of him. He's delusional!
Zed: No. No! You're not taking this away from me! I knocked the King of the Koopas out cold! And in one hit!
Thunk: Wow!
DB: Yes, that's great, Zed. And when we get home to the spaceship, you can have a big peppermint candy that'll give you superpowers!
Zed: Listen to me for once!
(As Zed rants, a squad of Koopatrols enter.)
Koopatrol: That foolish Dry Bones struck King Koopa! He must be seized and imprisoned at once!
Boom Boom: Not a problem...
(Zed doesn't notice as the Boom Boom cracks his knuckles and advances on him. He's too busy telling his story.)
Zed: And just like that, the bone hit him in the face, WHAM!
(Zed throws his fist backwards, striking the Boom Boom in the jaw and knocking him really far backwards. The ? Ball flies out of his shell and soars through the air.)
Boom Boom: AUGH!
Koopatrol: The ? Ball! Catch it!
(The Koopatrol squad begin fumbling for the ? Ball, only managing to keep it from hitting the ground, unable to catch it, the bumbling idiots.)
DB: Zed, it's not a question of how you knocked him out, but why I should even believe you, you filthy liar.
Zed: What good would it do me to lie?!
(The Koopatrols all fall to the ground in a heap, still failing to catch the ? Ball. It rolls along the floor towards Zed.)
DB: I dunno. Makes you look a lot less weak and pathetic than you really are?
Zed: EAAARGH! DB... Dark Boo! I hate you! I. HATE. YOU!
(Zed stomps his foot furiously just as the ? Ball rolls underneath it. It shatters everywhere. DB, Zed, Thunk, and everyone else in the dungeon stare at the broken device in silence.)
Thunk: ... End transmission?
(DB nods.)
DB: End transmission. Quick. Before-
On the opposite side of the castle...
Lemmy: Boom-bang-ka-blam? What kinda noise is that?
(Transmission end.)
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