
By Fireball and Phantos67

Fireball: Hello, and welcome to my awesome, extreme Interview show!

Luigi: Hey, where's your lame interview partner, WT?

Fireball: What do you think, taking a break again! Goodness Luigi, you should know that by now!

Luigi: Where's his-

Fireball: Shut up, Luigi.

Wario: Wario must know, who are you interviewing, and are you interviewing by yourself?

Fireball: I'm surprised you care, Wario.

Wario: Same.

Phantos67: Sorry we’re late. Traffic and all. So you’re Fireball, pleasure to meet you. I'd shake your hand, but I have none.

G Bloop: I got the camera.

Phantos67: Where's Booster?

Kroshi: Don't tell me you guys are interviewing Booster!

Fireball: We are? Oh man!

Booster comes in.

Wario: Hey! You look just like the great Wario!

Booster: You? Great? Don't make me laugh, pal! ... Ha!

Wario: Nice, you spoiled the moment.

Fireball: Stop fighting, you guys can fight when the Interview... Just fight now then. Take your bets here! Take your bets! Wario has a 1 in 2 chance of winning! Good chances!

Wacko: The opposite of what my boss votes.

Phantos67: My vote is for Wario.

Wacko: Then mine is for Booster.

G Bloop: Wario.

Popple: Booster.


Wario knocks out Booster.

Fireball: Hooray!

(Fireball gives Booster a 1-Up Mushroom.)

Fireball: You’re bad at fighting, stick to being a loser.

Booster: I’m fine, that's very mean!

Fireball: Sure...

Booster: Just ask me some questions!

Kroshi: Fireball would like to, but he's pretty random, so Phanto 6-something guy can ask the first question. If that IS his name...

Phantos67: ... It's Phantos67!!!

Wacko: Ask a question, Boss.

Phantos67: Oh all right, but the next time somebody forgets my name I'm letting them have it. Q1: Why do you bare so much resemblance to Wario?

Booster: I'm pretty sure we are distant cousins.

Wario: I didn't know that.

Waluigi: Me neither!

Waluigi's Twin: So I am too?

Phantos67: I dunno, I just ask the questions around here. And what are you doing here?

Waluigi's Twin: Seeing how good a job Fireball is doing without me.

Fireball: I'm doing fine, but second question, how did you and Valentina get married? Since when would you two share the same interests?

Booster: I have a fine doll collection, and she does too. That's what we first talked about, and we both hated Mario! But I don't really hate Mario, we both think Dodo is dumb and we like wedding cake.

Fireball: Well that didn't explain a lot.

Kroshi: No, it didn't. Man, Booster is even more boring then Endark, WT's helper...


Fireball: There go my speakers, I should get them fixed.

Phantos67: All right. So, Booster...

Booster: Yeah?

Phantos67: Are you going to make another appearance in a game ever?

Booster: Nevar! I'm going to stay out of Mario's path from now on.

Phantos67: Why don't you team up with Wario?

Booster and Wario: NEVAR!!!

Phantos67: The word never is spelled N E V E R, not N E V A R.

Booster and Wario: Whatevar.

Phantos67: ...

Fireball: You’re breaking the fourth wall, Phantos67!

Phantos67: I know, somebody should repair it.

Kroshi: How did he break it?

Fireball: He's saying spelled, when he should say sound! But on with the next question, why do you have a Flower Tab?

Booster: I didn't even notice, I gave that as a gift to my wife though.

Fireball: You didn't notice, but you gave it to your wife, and you noticed then?

Booster: Well I noticed when I got back to my tower.

Fireball: Liar...

Booster: NEVAR!



Wacko: Mind if I ask a question?

Fireball and Phantos67: N-

Wacko: Good, how do you feel about Mario present-day?

Booster: I'm kind of scared of him.

Fireball: I said N-

Wario: WIMP!

Booster: NEVAR!

Phantos67: *sigh*

Luigi: Man, your Interviews are worse with Phantos67, Fireball.

Fireball: Shut up, Luigi!

(Fireball throws Luigi against the wall and Luigi crawls back to his chair.)


Fireball: Next question, how does it feel to kiss Bowser?

Booster: HEY! I thought I was kissing the princess... But it was ok...

Wario: WEIRDO!

Booster: NEVAR!

Fireball: Ok, that's getting old, and fast, I might add.

Phantos67: Booster, as soon as we’re done interviewing with you, you're dead.

Wacko: Ask some questions, for goodness sake!

Phantos67: And you might be dead at the end, also.

Wacko's Fans: NEVAR!!!

Phantos67: All right, stop it, that is getting so old it's bugging me, and when I get bugged, KA-POW!

Fireball: And why are there Wacko fans in my audience?!

Wacko: Because I’m cooler than you two. I'm asking this one.

Fireball: I don't see your name on the title. Oops! Broke the fourth wall. Or did I? No, I didn't.

Wacko: What are your feelings toward Bowser present-day?

Booster: I think he's a cool guy and all, but he's not a big doll fan which kind of makes us mortal enemies.

Phantos67: Over dolls?! What is with you and your dolls?!


Wario: He's not related to the great Wario. Not a chance.

WT: Phew.

Phantos67: Are you going to leave us to our Interview?

WT: Not really.

Phantos67: My reputation... My reputation…

Wacko: It stinks already, a little more won't hurt.

Fireball: All right, I'll ask a question, then Phantos67 can ask a question, then I will, then the crowd can ask some questions!

Luigi: Why didn't you just say "I'll ask two more questions and Phantos67 will ask”?

Fireball: You’re so stubborn, Luigi!

Luigi: How-

Fireball: It would be wise not to argue, or you will be joining Booster when we take care of him... if you know what I mean.

Luigi: No.

Fireball: We’re going to beat Booster up, and you as well.

Luigi: Oh...

Phantos67: Hehehehe...

Fireball: Moron! Next question, what's with the name Booster?

Booster: My father gave me the name, because the tower is so tall you need an extra "Boost Bar".

Fireball: And may I ask, what is a "Boost Bar"?

Booster: Why, the Booster bar is nothing to laugh at, and recovers your HP and is good for road trips-

Kroshi: It's not a commercial, buddy!

Phantos67: It's-a my turn!

Mario: Copycat.

Phantos67: You will also be joining Booster and Luigi. So, what are your attacks?

Booster: Spritz Bomb and Loco Express, why?

Phantos67: I'm just asking you a question.

Booster: Ok, go ahead.

Phantos67: I ALREADY DID!!!

Booster: That was pathetic.

Fireball: You’re pathetic!

Booster: My pride!

Fireball: Like you had any. Last question, if you could team up with one person to takeover the world, who... And you don't have to explain...

Lemmy: Yes he does! The viewers may be interested in this!

Fireball: Fine!

Booster: Bowser by all means! He's strong enough to take Mario down... right?

Bowser: Well... No... The Star Rod ...No... No I'm not.

Kroshi: Pick a seat, Phantos67!


Albatoss: If you had to pick a game (other than the game you were in), what game would you like to be in?

Booster: Super Mario 64 DS. I think I could do pretty well.

Phantos67: How come you resemble an X-Naut?

Booster: I don't.

Phantos67: To me you do...

Fireball: All right, we can't beat up, Mario! I just remembered he's my awesome friend. You can beat him up, Phantos67. If you feel like it.

Phantos67: All in good time.

Mario: No... *gulp*

Fireball: Seat 3232WHA.

X-Naut Dude: Like, dude, Valentina’s like, your, like, wife?

Booster: Well she's ok. I'm a little worried, because she wasn't feeling good today. Dodo should take care of her though. Her plans to get Mario are still in her head.

X-Naut Dude: That's like, not touching, dude.

Fireball: Hooray! X-Naut Dude is back! With all of his dudes and his likes.

Phantos67: I think I'll get Mario out of the way.

(Phantos67 breathes a fireball on Mario and he starts running around, then G Bloop gives him the shock of his life, and finally Thud squashes him.)

Phantos67: That was fun. Seat KID THE KOOPA!

Koopa Kid: Any relation to Bowser?

Bowser and Booster: NEVAR!

Phantos67: You are digging your grave, buddy.

Fireball: I'm only picking two more seats, then Phanto can pick one more, then we’re done! I'm getting sick of listening to Booster!

Kroshi: As am I.

Phantos67: Same here.

Fireball: Seat 325WITHACHERRY.

Waluigi: What happen to your royal Snifits?

Booster: They’re not royal! They’re messing up as always! They’re baking for me and me wife. Dodo even seems to like them.

Dodo: I'm not dumb! Like in the past couple of Interviews Fireball interviewed me, and I'm not stupid!

Booster: Birdbrain... What... Who's watching Valentina?!

Dodo: Probably the Snifits.

Booster: Oh no!

Phantos67: Final seat! Seat WIGIT THE PIDGIT!

Wigit the Pidgit: My second appearance! YAYZ! Oh, you spelled my name wrong last time, you know. So, do you think you could use some better attacks?

Booster: Yeah, I wish I had some more attacks, but-

Beanstar: Wish granted!

(The Beanstar gives Booster a bunch of really cool attacks.)

Phantos67: Uh oh.


Fireball: Uh, before you do anything, I'll pick one more seat...

Booster: Fine, but make it snappy! I'll get REVENGE ON YOU GUYS!

Fireball: Seat MARIO34.

Mario: Did you really think you could beat me?

Booster: Yes!

Mario: Well, HA!

Booster: But now I CAN! Now to take care of Fireball and- Where are they?

(We see Fireball, Kroshi, Wacko, Phantos67, and Wario all running away.)

Fireball: End transmission!

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