Lemmy: Hello everyone! It is nice to be here.
(Lemmy looks at his cue cards.)
Lemmy: According to the polls, Jade Blooper is going to be our interviewing guest tonight. Give a hand for… Jade Blooper!
(The audience claps and cheers. Jade Blooper sits down in a chair across Lemmy.)
Jade Blooper: Hey Lemmy.
Lemmy: Hello Jade Blooper. Ok, first question. How does it feel to be a Sammer Guy for King Sammer?
Jade Blooper: Well, when I was training I was surprised to hear that I got in the Top 100 warriors for King Sammer… but since I’m the First Sammer… EVERYONE BEATS ME UP!!!
Lemmy: Don’t worry, Jade. I know you’ll get stronger. Anyway, next question! What was your expression when you saw Mario and his friends again?
Jade Blooper: Well I was happy to see one of the old challengers again. I mean, they didn’t complete the competition but I knew they would do it after saving all worlds.
Lemmy: Now I get you. Ok… um… let’s take questions from our studio audience! Seat 15.
Lady Timpani: Jade, if you had a choice to pick your own number of a Sammer Guy, what number would you choose?
(Jade Blooper jumps from the chair.)
Jade Blooper: OF COURSE SAMMER GUY 100!
Lady Timpani: But wouldn’t you have to train a lot?
Jade Blooper: Yeah, but at least I wouldn’t get beaten 1,000 times a day!
Lemmy: Seat 68.
Goombella: If no one comes to challenge you, what do you do in your spare time?
Jade Blooper: Well if that happens, King Sammer gives us a vacation and I rest and relax. I go to a resort with my family… and just relax.
Lemmy: Ok, we only have time for one question. Seat 31.
Luigi: Where did you get that sword?
Jade Blooper: Actually, my uncle was a former Sammer Guy and I inherited it once he past away.
Luigi: Oh, well I admire it so much.
Lemmy: All right folks! Remember to vote who you want on the next Interview! Bye everyone!
(Everyone claps and cheers.)
Jade Blooper: Bye!
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