Bomb Boo: So I’m a part of your Interview crew now?
Plazma: Yeah. Since we’re all stuck with each other going insane, we can have more people for our Interview crew!
Lord Crump: So that means our Interview crew is Plazmakidz, Dry Bones, me, Topmaniac and Bomb Boo?
Topmaniac: Yep, I think that pretty much rounds it up.
Dry Bones: So, are we going to continue our card game?
Plazma: Yes. Bomb Boo, got any 5’s?
Bomb Boo: No, got any 9’s?
Plazma: Yes, two. Topmaniac got any-
(Suddenly there’s a loud THUD outside and everybody looks out the windows and sees that they are in Freezeflame Galaxy, the Freeze part.)
Bomb Boo: I’ll go outside and check who’s here.
Lord Crump: I’ll maintain the heating so we don’t freeze to death.
(Bomb Boo goes outside and finds Baron Brrr sitting on his little platform thing.)
Baron Brrr: Who goes therrre?
Bomb Boo: Uh, Bomb Boo.
Baron Brrr: Well, what do you want, Mrrrrr. Bomb Boo Sirrrr?
Bomb Boo: Well I think we’re stuck here, soo, wanna be interviewed?
Barren Brrr: Surrrre.
(So the duo head back to the ship. Meanwhile…)
Lord Crump: Well, I think I got the heating system under contr- Uh oh.
Plazma: What?
Lord Crump: The system is malfunctioning so it could be very cold in here ‘til I can get it up and running again. Go see if Bomb Boo is back.
(So Plazma goes to the Interview room to see if Bomb Boo got back.)
Bomb Boo: Hey Plazma, I got a person to interview.
Plazma: Who is it?
Baron Brrr: It’s me, Barrron Brrrrr
Plazma: Well Bomb Boo, you wanna take it from here?
Bomb Boo: Sure. Question one, what are those tiny versions of you called?
Baron Brrr: I don’t know what they arrre called exactly but I think the Ice Puffs are prrretty close to them.
Bomb Boo: Question two, where did you get the name Baron Brrr from?
Baron Brrr: Well I got the “Barrron” parrrt frrrom the fact that “King” sounded too powerrrful, and I’m kinda easy to defeat. The “Brrrrrr” parrrt is obviously frrrom the fact that I contrrrol Frrreezy Peak.
Bomb Boo: Question three, do you have a sister?
Barrron Brrr: Yes, and she’s the Count of Frrreezeflame Galaxy’s Flame parrrt.
Bomb Boo: Question four, why do you extend your r’s?
Baron Brrr: It’s my accent, guess it just comes naturrral to the people of Frrrozen Peak.
Bomb Boo: Short answer, but last question, do you have any relation to Bowser?
Baron Brrr: Not rrreally because, almost like Boulderrrgeist, I was just trrrying to prrrotect my land.
Bomb Boo: Audience questions!
(Bomb Boos looks at the crowd and sees that they all fell asleep, then froze.)
Bomb Boo: Well while we thaw them out, see you next time on “The Plazmakidz Interview Show”.
End Transmission.
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