
ANDREI interviews MARIO
By andrei

Andrei: Welcome to Lemmy's Interview Show! Before I start, though, since this is my first Interview I will need a sidekick. I'm going to point randomly at someone in the audience. Ok, here I go... Aha! You there, what's your name?

Turst: Turst.

Andrei: Ok, Turst, you're hired. Now come up to the stage. Now today I will be interviewing Mario. Although that is a weird name for a Shy Guy.

Mario: It’s-a me, Mario.

Andrei: All right, first question, why are you a hero?

Mario: Because Nintendo made me be a hero and because I used to do lots of good deeds.

Turst: I wanna ask a question now. Is Luigi an awesome brother?

Mario: Yes, he's the best brother ever. He always helps me out when I'm stuck somewhere.

Luigi: Thank you, Mario. You're an awesome brother too!

Andrei: I'm going to ask you one more question before I do audience questions. Now, why is your favorite color red?

Mario: Because when I first saw the color red I started to like it, and then it became my favorite color.

Andrei: Audience questions. Seat 9,999,990

Boo: Are you related to Wario?

Mario: NO WAY! I hate that guy and people still say that I'm related to Wario.

Turst: Seat 74.

Bowser: What is your favorite game that you have been in?

Mario: I have been in so many adventures that I can't remember my favouite one.

Andrei: Last audience question. Seat 208

Toad: Who is your favorite boss in Super Mario Galaxy?

Mario: Bowser, because he was hard.

Andrei: Well that's all for today, until the next Interview. End Transmission.

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