Jukilum: Here we are, on location with a Whacka who would like to make himself known to the world! So, what is life like being a Whacka?
Whacka: Well, life is tough. People like to whack me.
Jukilum: Ah, hence the name.
Whacka: Right. I just innocently pop up to say hello to people- we Whackas are very nice- and then we get whacked!
Jukilum: I hear that the usual tool is a hammer.
Whacka: Well, I can't ever really tell. If I saw the weapon that was about to whack me I would go back underground before I could get whacked, so it is always a surprise.
Jukilum: Well, you sure are persistent to continue to pop up when life is so hard.
Whacka: I suppose so...
Jukilum: Let's move on to some questions from our fans! First question: what is a Whacka's bump?
Whacka: You know how when you get hit really hard you can get a bump on your head? Well that's what a Whacka's bump is.
Jukilum: Disturbing... Second question: Is it true that you are on the endangered species list?
Whacka: Never seen it. I haven't ever been above ground for long enough to see it.
Jukilum: Because of the whacking?
Whacka: Right.
Jukilum: Last question. What would you do if I were to whack you right now?
Whacka: Oh, so this Interview is just to give you a chance to get a Whacka's Bump?!
Jukilum: No, that's not what I meant-
Whacka: I see that hammer behind your back, you’re gonna-
Jukilum: So now we know that they don't really go underground when they see a hammer! That wraps up our Interview, see you next time!
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