(Anti Dude, a Fire Bro, and Baron von Bone, still headless, are in The Baron's apartment, watching Scary Movie 4.)
Anti Dude: Do we know this guy?
Fire Bro: Nope.
Anti Dude: Works for me.
(Petey rushes in.)
Petey: There's trouble!
(Anti Dude ties a bedsheet to himself and puts a popcorn bowl on his head. He jumps out the window.)
Fire Bro: He's gone! Yay!
Petey: ... I don't know you.
Fire Bro: That's my cue!
(He runs into a wall and is knocked unconscious.)
Petey: No comment. Me and Squeeky are gonna look for The Baron's head, Smorg 51, and Doopliss in the Hillbilly Pit. Later.
He leaves. Meanwhile...
(Anti Dude crashes on the ground.)
Anti Dude: Where's the trouble?
???: You have to interview!
Anti Dude: Aw, cripes.
(??? is revealed to be Aurora. Anti Dude shrugs, and goes to the studio.)
Moments later... *Insert pictures of Anti Dude's mask going back and forth in a circular vortex here*
(Anti Dude falls from the ceiling.)
Anti Dude: That's the last time I ever take the studio elevator.
Foodius: We have an elevator?
Anti Dude: Nope!
Foodius: Then how did you fall?
Anti Dude: I fell?
Foodius: Yeah, using the elevator!
Anti Dude: We don't have an elevator.
Foodius: Then what just happened?
(Anti Dude; I used the elevator.)
Foodius: We don't have one!
Anti Dude: I know.
(This is getting stupid.)
Foodius: It already was. Go onstage!
Anti Dude: Wait. Barry, Dimentio, Squirps- you're fired.
Dimentio, Barry, and Squirps: Why?
Anti Dude: Cuz. OUT!
(They leave, and Anti Dude goes onstage.)
Anti Dude: Today, I have a reason for you to watch my whole show!
Audience: What?
Anti Dude: Violence!
(The audience stares at Anti Dude, pleased.)
Anti Dude: Next to me is pit of starving hillbillies. I will put someone I hate in a cage above it, and the cage lowers with each question! At the end of the Interview- It's hillbilly feeding time! Our first guest is, Britney Spears!
Britney: Goo goo ga ga, goo goo ga ga-
(She gets in the cage.)
Chris Crocker (in seat LEAVEBRITNEYALONE): Leave Britney alone! She hasn't performed in years! You idiots don't appreciate her! You're lucky she's even here!
(Two Sledge Bros. remove him from the building.)
Anti Dude: Without further delay, the Interview! And I'm stopping the boss special because I can't stick to stuff like that.
(MC Ballyhoo comes onstage.)
MC: Hello!
Anti Dude: Hello. What species are you?
MC: Worm. Not to be confused with the Earth species.
Anti Dude: Are you related to Chuck Quizmo?
MC: Yeah, he's my cousin.
Anti Dude: How'd you get to own the Star Carnival?
MC: My great-great-grandfather P.T. built it.
Anti Dude: P.T. Piranha?
MC: No. His last name was Barnum. Or something.
Anti Dude: Are you related to MC Hammer?
MC: That's for me to know and for you to... not no. Sorry, the government won't let me tell.
Anti Dude: How'd you find Big Top?
MC: My great-great-grandfather's circus was pretty much dead by the time I was born. While looking through its remains, I found Big Top.
Anti Dude: Who was your favorite guest?
MC: All of them!
Anti Dude: Big Top, what species are you?
Big Top: I'm a Star, like in Star Heaven. I possessed the hat because I felt bad for it.
Anti Dude: How old are you?
Big Top: Ageless.
Anti Dude: Can you come out of the hat?
Big Top: No... I’ve been inside for a bit too long.
Anti Dude: Why do you have a propeller?
Big Top: This hat is magical.
Anti Dude: Does that mean it has a long history behind it?
Big Top: Yes. It was created by sages to update through time, and be the last resort if Plit was gonna end.
Anti Dude: I didn't ask you to tell its history. Can you do anything else?
Big Top: 7,563,086,213,643,389,324,997,134 +1 other functions, including cup holders!
Anti Dude: Audience questions! Seat YOUSHOULDHAVEBEENINBRAWLIMO.
Tom Nook: Where do you get your names?
Big Top: I was named by the audience when the carnival re-opened.
MC: MC is my title, Ballyhoo is supposed to get the crowd riled up. My real name is-
(A truck drives by, blocking him out.)
Fillet-O-Fish (not referring to him as Author anymore): What games do you want to appear in?
MC: Mario Kart Wii, or maybe a playable character in another Mario Party.
(The cage drops. Britney doesn't notice. Petey and Squeeky come back, holding The Baron's head, Smorg 51, and Doopliss.)
Baron von Bone's head: Get me my body!
Petey: Stop whining!
Anti Dude: End Transmission!
(Transmission ended!)
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