DT: No stalling, no subplots, and finally, NO DOOPLISS!!! This much relief is enough to bring a person to dance.
(DT starts dancing the riverdance.)
Author: I wrote that part after I had one of my weekly cCoffee overloads... I'm not getting rid of it.
Bogmire: Okay, DT will interview the Bouldergeist because I don't like boulders... or geists.
DT: Very well. Okay Bouldergeist, what are you?
Bouldergeist: A Boolder, a Boo made out of rocks.
DT: Why are some of your rocks Bomb Boos?
Bouldergeist: I don't control what Boos posses, and I needed some rock armor.
Bogmire: How were you created?
Bomb Boo: Whenever a Bob-omb and a Boo... uh... connect, they... Okay, I'll cut to the chase; we are created by Boos who possess Bob-ombs at the exact second they explode.
Bogmire: And that happens how often?
Bomb Boo: Quite often; Bob-ombs will usually be so surprised by our presence that they blow up at the same second we possess them.
Bogmire: Interesting.
Back to DT...
DT: (on the phone) No, I ordered a Cheese and Power Steak Pizza... No. I do not owe you if you're late... Well, If I was Doopliss I'd, I'd, I'D... Fine. One with cheese, one with Mushrooms, and one with jelly... I know, custom orders cost... JUST GET THE ORDER HERE IN TEN MINUTES OR YOU'LL BE THE NEXT PERSON I INTERVIEW!!! *hangs up* Sorry about that, some problems with the Mario Brothers Pizza Service... Did I say Mario? I meant Wario.
Bouldergeist: Please get on with it.
DT: Okay. Who created you? And if no one created you, then just tell me about Boolders.
Bouldergeist, Well, I was created when a Boo possessed a Geodude. And I'm not going to leak ancient Bouldergeist secrets, like how I am actually a possessed Golem... D'OH!
Back to Bogmire...
Bogmire: If you're a Bob-omb, then where’s your fuse?
Bomb Boo: My fuse is my tongue.
Bogmire: So that’s what Mario grabbed. Now, do you have any relatives from Plit?
Bomb Boo: Uh, Big Bob-omb, Boolossus, Game Boo, Boomeo, and Kirby.
Bogmire: Kirby?
Bomb Boo: Only when he has that bomb power-up.
Back to DT...
DT: How often do you need to find new boulders?
Bouldergeist: Only when those infernal Bomb Boos explode on me.
DT: Last question from me, do you have any relatives from Plit?
Bouldergeist: Only Kirby.
DT: Kirby?
Bouldergeist: Only in stone form.
DT: Ahhh.
(Bogmire enters the room.)
Bogmire: This went well.
DT: I have to agree. No Doopliss, no set destroyed, no Mimi to annoy me to DAD knows where… And I just realized... My pizza is late, now I have to interview a Goomba next. Oh well. This was a good day.
(Bouldergeist notices Bomb Boo.)
Bouldergeist: DEATH TO BOMB BOOS!!!
Bomb Boo: Eeep!
(Bomb Boo explodes, along with the other 12 on the Bouldergeist.)
DT: So close, SOOOOOO close. Well to the contest results, my new catchphrase is; NOTHING, because no one entered. Oh well, a catch phase isn't So-
Bogmire: End transmission before DT explodes.
(Transmission Ended)
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