
By zz1666
Lord Crump: Yo, where is JOHNNY, dog?

(A huge pirate ship comes crashing through.)

JOHNNY: Arr har har, sorry we late, lads. I even brought me crew.

(Two Bandana Blues and two Bandana Reds come out.)

zz1666: Finally our amazing crew gets to make an appearance.

Mr. Salty: Spell appearance.

zz1666: A... p... p... e... a... r... e.

Mr. Salty: Wrong!

Zeek: Shut up, I’m two years younger than you and I am still much taller then you!

Cod: Yeah, you really need to stop showing off.

Lord Crump: Yo dogs, I got tow questions man.

Mr. Salty: Spell question.

Lord Crump: Let’s see, dude, q... e-

Mr. Salty: Wow, wrong already!

JOHNNY: Arg, if ye do that again ye will be sent back to me ship.

Lord Crump: As I was saying man, why’d you bring you’re crew?

JOHNNY: They were due for an appearance.

Zeek: Don’t say it, Salty.

Cod: You already quizzed zz on that.

zz1666: Yeah, he only does that because he knows I stink at spelling.

Lord Crump: Why’d you crash our studio, dog?

JOHNNY: No, I forgot about that.

Lord Crump: Nice going, dog.

JOHNNY: Say, where is Cortez?

Lord Crump: No dog, I forgot all about it, man!

JOHNNY: The audience is going to be pretty mad.

In the audience...

Lemmy: Hey, there’s no Interview.

Larry: Yes! I can go home!

Lemmy: And I don’t have to waste my time posting these horrible Interviews!


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(Crump, JOHNNY, and the crew walks out onstage.)

JOHNNY: Sorry we’re late.

Lord Crump: Yo, we wouldn’t be late if it weren’t for you, dog.

Lemmy: Darn it.

zz1666: But what about us?

Mr. Salty: Spell us.

zz1666: Us, u-s, us.

Mr. Salty: Finally you spell something right.

Zeek: Spell right.

Mr. Salty: Which form?

Cod: Darn it, I was hoping you wouldn’t ask.

JOHNNY: Just grab a seat in the audience, crew, or ye all get punished.

Crew: Arg!

(The crew throw the first four people out the window.)

Lord Crump: Yo dog, where’s Cortez?

(Cortez magically appears.)

JOHNNY: Ahhhh! Monster!

Cortez: Wrong, it’s me!

Lord Crump: Yo man, please excuse my friend.

JOHNNY: Sorry, better start the Interview. So first question, what species were you before you became a skeleton?

Cortez: I was a Giant Paratroopa.

JOHNNY: Funny, you don’t look like much of a Paratroopa.

Cortez: My two wings became extra arms, and the bone pile is my collapsed legs. Plus my jaw still has a similar shape to a Koopa’s.

Lord Crump: What was your crew, dog?

Cortez: Well, my crew started out as Goombas. But I thought they might die quickly, so Kammy cast a spell so when they died they would become flame spirits. Once a Goomba on my crew died, it became an Ember, and actually proved stronger.

Lord Crump: Yo wait, but when my crew attacked yours I saw no Goombas, dog.

Cortez: That’s because we were shipwrecked there for decades. All the Goombas died after a few years.

JOHNNY: How did you and your crew get shipwrecked in the first place?

Cortez: Flavio’s grandpa, Tastio, and his crew of Ninjakoopas attacked my ship, and Tastio took my Skull Emblem which powered my ship, and my ship crashed into Pirate’s Grotto where my crew was stuck.

Lord Crump: Why not leave, dog?

Cortez: When I awoke I was in this skeleton form and could not pilot the ship, and my crew found no exit.

JOHNNY: How did you have the weapons?

Cortez: I had a hidden room with those weapons in it.

Lord Crump: Yo dude, how did you get all that treasure, man?

Cortez: Couple of ways actually. We did find a lot of it when exploring land. However most of our treasure was what we stole from other ships when we attacked them.

JOHNNY: What was your favorite find?

Cortez: A huge sapphire ring, and a pure gold vase with a ruby diamond in it.

Lord Crump: Yo dogs, it’s time for audience questions, seat 2!

Mr. Salty: Can you pass the salt?

Lord Crump: Sure dude.

(Lord Crump tosses Mr. Salty the salt.)

JOHNNY: Seat 28!

Sir Grodus: Why’d you help Mario, give him a Crystal Star, and help destroy my evil plan?

Cortez: I only challenged Mario to a fight because I was bored. I gave him the Star because I never really liked it.

Lord Crump: Seat 11, dude!

Zip Toad: How long did you spend alive on the sea?

Cortez: If you mean by in an actual Koopa form, around twenty years or so.

JOHNNY: Seat 17!

Hohorus: How old are you now?

Cortez: Let’s see, I was shipwrecked when I was 50, so I’d say I’m about 80, but I’ve probably lost count.

Lord Crump: No more questions, eh dogs? Guess we’re done, now go home, dogs!

zz1666: Nice job!

Mr. Salty: The salt on these potato chips really compliments the salt in this salt.

Zeek: Yeah, I liked this Interview a lot.

Cod: You need some art.

JOHNNY: No we don’t.

Lord Crump: End Transmission, dogs!

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