
By paperkoopa

Lemmy: Welcome to the Lemmy Interview show. Today we have PaperKoopa interviewing Toad or, as others call him, Sailor Mouth.

Toad: What?! (185**?!82)!

PaperKoopa: Stop now! We have not even started yet!

Toad: Okay.

PaperKoopa: So, first question. Why is it that your name is Toad but you’re a Mushroom?

Toad: I don’t know. It’s all Nintendo’s fault. All of them, they’re stupid.

Nintendo People: Toad! It is not our fault. We let Mario pick which of your names we used.

Mario: I like cheesy pie!

Toad: O_o (18**?920)!

PaperKoopa: You have two names?

Toad: Yeah, my first name is Toad. My second it Louis. I LOVE MY NAME!

Nintendo People: We’ll never use Louis in the video games!

PaperKoopa: O_o Anyway, second question. Why in video games are there so many of you?

Toad: Those are my brothers.

PaperKoopa: Then who are the girl Toads?

Toad: My sisters.

PaperKoopa: Then why are you dating Toadette?

Toadette: How did you know?

PaperKoopa: I have my ways.

(You see Yoshi tied upside-down with a truck stuffed in his mouth.)

Toad: Well, she is part Shroob, but her mom came to Earth.

PK: I soooo didn’t need to know that. Anyway, third question! Do you like being a Mushroom creature thingy?

Toad: Sure. We live regular lives with our Mushroom selves other than when evil is about and then that (!@$^!@%^$#^@W#&^*%($%@@@#%$) Mario has to come! I’d rather go to Bowser’s side!

PK: Enough with the anger! You really need help, you know that? Anyways, fourth question! Do you plan to marry Toadette?

Toad: YES! She’s the only person I’ve never sworn at! I LOVE YOU, TOADETTE!

PK: Awwwwww! That would be sweet if she bought tickets to the show! Cheapskate!

Toad: !#@!@$$!@#$#@@!@#@@#$#$#$@#$%!@#!!!

PK: You really should stop that. Anyway, questions 5 and up will be from the audience. Seat 7.

Paratroopa: What would you do if you could fly?

Toad: I would fly away to Bowser so Mario would never come near me again!

PK: Cool, you finally didn’t swear. Seat 69.

Ludwig: If you wanna join our side, why don’t you?

Toad: Nintendo. If I changed sides they said they’d kill me.

(You see the Nintendo people holding various weapons.)

PK: Seat 687.

Mushroomer: Is it true you are the first Mushroomer?


(The Mushroomers bow down and make a shrine of him.)

PK: Eighth question. Seat 892. Wow, I’ve got a big audience!

Boo: Would you be tasty in soup?

Toad: I guess so.

Boo: Good!

(The Boo whistles. Shy Guys come and pick up Toad.)

Chief Shy Guy: We get to have Mushroom soup!

Other Shy Guys: Huzzah!

Toad: (81****!?92010280@)!

(The Shy Guys leave, carrying Toad.)

Lemmy: Well, see you next time, folks, and remember, you can’t sue me or else you’ll be just like Peach.

(You see Peach tied upside down with a sock in her mouth and watching an Olson Twins video with Larry.)

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