
The Day The Mario Felt Ill
By antiriku930

Mario and Luigi are seen in their house sitting at the kitchen table. Mario is eating corn flakes.

Mario: Hey Luigi, I wonder what would happen if you were the smallest man in the world.

Luigi: Well, I would probably be in your stomach! Haha!

E. Gadd bursts through the door and is carrying some odd invention, as always.

E. Gadd: Look at my new machine, it makes you shrink down to the size of a corn flake!

Luigi: Were you listening to our conversation just now?

E. Gadd: No. I also didn't make this machine as soon as you said ‘stomach’.

Luigi: ...

E. Gadd: Would either of you like to try it out?

Mario: Nah. I'm done eating. I'll just go to bed.

Mario walks out of the room and upstairs to his bedroom.

E. Gadd: That just leaves you, Luigi! Would you like to test it out?

Luigi: Nah, I don't really want to be the size of a corn flake. Something bad might happen.

E. Gadd: Well I will just have to test it on myself then. Good thing I have my remote to make me normal-sized again if something goes wrong! May I use your kitchen to shrink myself in?

Luigi: Knock yourself out.

Luigi starts to walk away as E. Gadd pushes a button. A loud noise is heard and the machine explodes, shrinking both E. Gadd and Luigi. In shock, E. Gadd drops the remote and it hits the floor and bursts into pieces.

Luigi: Huh?! Why is the living room getting bigger?

E. Gadd: Oh no! Luigi, my remote was destroyed! I can't make us normal-sized again! Luigi: What?! No! Well, we had better find shelter then!

E. Gadd goes walking around the kitchen looking for something to stay in until he can fix the machine. Luigi looks around and sees a cardboard box on the counter.

Luigi: How about that box right there?

E. Gadd: Sounds like a plan.

Luigi and E. Gadd find a conveniently placed step ladder and climb up it onto the counter. Luigi crawls in the box right after E. Gadd does.

A few hours pass and Mario is seen getting out of bed.

Mario: I'm hungry... Time for some corn flakes! But first, I should find my contact lenses.

Mario looks for his contact lenses but can't find them.

Mario: Oh well, I guess I don't need them right now anyway.

Mario walks down the stairs and into the kitchen. He sees two boxes on the counter.

Mario: Which one is the corn flakes? Um... This one!

Mario picks up the cardboard box that Luigi and E. Gadd are in, and puts it on the table. Luigi and E. Gadd are both heavy sleepers so they don't notice the movement. Mario takes a bowl out of a cabinet, gets milk out of the fridge, and sets the stuff on the table. He pours E. Gadd and Luigi out of the bowl.

Mario: Well, that box didn't feel like it had very much food in it. Oh well, I guess I will just get some more after this bowl.

Mario pours the milk in the bowl. Luigi and E. Gadd wake up as soon as the milk touches them. They both start to scream.

Mario: What's that noise? It's too faint to be coming from inside the house. It must be outside.

Mario gets up and shuts the door. He goes back to the table and sits down. He takes a spoon and dips it in the bowl without looking, and picks up Luigi and E. Gadd.


Mario puts the spoon in his mouth before realizing someone said something about the spoon. He swallows the contents of the spoon and pulls it out of his mouth, then looks at the spoon as best he can.

Mario: There's nothing wrong with this spoon.

Mario picks up the bowl and pours out the milk. He starts to get more food but stops because he feels sick.

Mario: I'd better just go to bed.

Mario walks out of the kitchen and up the stairs to his bedroom, and goes to sleep.

Meanwhile, inside Mario's throat…

Luigi and E. Gadd are seen falling through a tunnel, which is Mario's neck. They both land on a toy boat that is floating on a lake of green liquid.

E. Gadd: I say, it smells disgusting in here.

Luigi: Well of course it does, it's Mario's stomach. Where do you think his normal smell comes from?

E. Gadd: True. But why is there a toy boat in here?

Luigi: Mario doesn't chew his food. He doesn't look at the bowl either. This boat is probably a prize from a cereal box.

E. Gadd picks up a toy paddle and starts rowing towards an odd shape.

E. Gadd: What is that peculiar object over there?

Luigi: Over where? Right there?

Luigi points at an object in the distance.

E. Gadd: Yes, that very same entity.

Luigi: Will you stop using odd words?

E. Gadd: Why? Do you have hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia?

Luigi: No. Wait, what?

E. Gadd: I asked if you are afraid of long words.

Luigi: No...

E. Gadd: Then don't contravene my word use.

Luigi: Your vocabulary is astounding.

E. Gadd: Don't even try it, ignoramus.

Luigi: Okay...

E. Gadd and Luigi reach the object and E. Gadd climbs on to it.

E. Gadd: Why, this is marvelous! I just must have this!

Luigi: What is it?

E. Gadd: It's a really awesome videogame. It's called The Day The Earth Stood Still: The Video Game.

Luigi: It's mine.

E. Gadd: No. It's mine.

Luigi: The decision is made.

E. Gadd: Fine. You can have it. It's all yours.

E. Gadd sees something next to the video game box. He picks it up.

Luigi: Is that a cell phone?

E. Gadd nods while shaking the stomach fluid off of the phone.

Luigi: Can I borrow it?

E. Gadd: Stop making references to The Day The Earth Stood Still. We're gonna be sued or something.

Luigi: Okay...

E. Gadd throws the phone and game back in the stomach fluid.

Luigi: Hey! My game!

E. Gadd: Nobody cares about your silly game. It was scratched anyway, it won't play.

Luigi: Find me a new one.

E. Gadd: How? How did the first one get in here? Why would there be a second one?

Luigi: I don't know...

E. Gadd: Exactly. Now let's find a way out of here.

E. Gadd starts rowing towards a corn flake that he sees nearby.

E. Gadd: If I can get to this corn flake I can probably make it into a one-seated jet.

E. Gadd reaches the corn flake and somehow makes it into a jet that only one person can fly.

E. Gadd: Luigi, this is your jet. Try not to crash it or you will be stuck here forever.

Luigi: Okay then.

E. Gadd gets another corn flake and makes it into a jet for himself.

E. Gadd: Let's go.

They both hop into their jets and start flying up through Mario's throat.

Luigi: This is so easy, flying upwards through a curved tube. Like I would ever crash. Gosh, E. Gadd is so stupid to have warned me.

Luigi crashes into the side of Mario's throat while he wasn't paying attention.

Luigi: Waah!

E. Gadd notices Luigi crash and starts flying towards him.

E. Gadd: Oh my god, Luigi, how dumb can you be?

E. Gadd stops his jet right next to Luigi's and grabs a hold of Luigi's jet. As E. Gadd isn't watching his jet falls. E. Gadd notices his jet falling after it's too far for him to reach.

E. Gadd: Oh no. Uh... Luigi... Get out of the jet...

Luigi steps out of the jet and looks down just in time to see E. Gadd's jet splash into the stomach fluid.

Luigi: Oh... Well, can't we try to build another one?

E. Gadd: No, we can’t risk full body exposure in the stomach fluid. Too much time in it will melt our bodies. We could only be in it for about one second, we wouldn't have enough time to get to our boat. I may be able to fix your jet and get a little more room in it so I can fly it to get you a new one.

Luigi: Why can't you just fly this jet out?

E. Gadd: That would be too easy. I want at least a little bit of a challenge.

Luigi: Fine.

E. Gadd goes to work on the jet, and after about 3 minutes the jet is fixed and has a little more room in the back for Luigi to squeeze into. Luigi gets on the jet and E. Gadd flies it down towards Mario's stomach. E. Gadd changes direction as soon as they get near the fluid. E. Gadd flies past several corn flakes on the path he is taking.

Luigi: Why are you passing so many corn flakes? Shouldn't you be stopping and making those into jets?

E. Gadd: No. I'm gonna make you a better jet, one that flies itself; and that kind of high technology can't be made out of food. Now just be quiet.

E. Gadd keeps flying the jet and eventually reaches the video game that he threw earlier. He flies down and carefully grabs it right before the jet falls, then he restarts the jet and flies towards the toy boat. When E. Gadd reaches the toy boat he lands the jet and gets out.

E. Gadd: Okay, now Luigi, be quiet or I won't be able to make your jet. Thank goodness this disk is big enough to make the jet I need.

E. Gadd starts going to work on making Luigi's jet out of the disk. After about an hour he finishes the jet and gets Luigi to get in it.

E. Gadd: Now let's go. Push the button that says ‘start’ to start the jet.

Luigi: I know how to read...

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