
Iggy Koopa's Day
By iggykoopa fan

Have you ever wondered how Iggy goes through his day? Well today you're going to see what Iggy does each day. Thanks to some hidden cameras that have been hidden around the castle, we will see once and for all Iggy's daily routine. And don't bother looking for the cameras because they are cleverly hidden and there is no way you'll be able to find-

Lemmy: Daddy, why is there a camera lens sticking out the side of this cereal box?

There's no camera lens there, now go back to eating your extra sugary marshmallow cereal

Lemmy: But it's right the-

If you ignore the camera lens, I'll give you toys that were made for kids ages three to nine.

Lemmy: Yay!

We see inside of Iggy's room, thanks to the cameras. We see Iggy sleeping on the bottom bunk of a bunk bed. He's wearing pajamas with duckies on them. He's also holding a teddy bear. Iggy's alarm clock goes off and he reaches over to turn it off, pressing a button on it.


There is a huge explosion and we see that the whole room has been destroyed.

Iggy: That's the last time I let Ludwig make my alarm clock.

Iggy walks over to a dresser and opens it, and it falls apart when he does.

Iggy: Here's my shell!

Iggy pulls out his shell. Iggy then changes from his pajamas into his shell. And don't worry, we weren't looking. Iggy heads towards the bathroom. Good thing we have hidden cameras inside the bathroom too. Don't ask me why there's cameras in there, there just are. Now let's see what Iggy does in there.

We see Iggy standing in front of the sink holding a toothbrush. He starts brushing his teeth and then he stops. He's staring directly at one of the cameras that we hid inside the toothbrush holder. I hope this doesn't ruin our documentary. Iggy reaches towards the cup and... grabs another toothbrush.

Iggy: When did Lemmy get a new toothbrush?

Iggy then looks at the toothbrush cup again.

Iggy: And when did we get a new toothbrush holder? Oh, well.

Iggy leaves the bathroom and heads downstairs towards the dining room. We see Iggy enter the dining room, where we see Lemmy still eating cereal.

Iggy: You're still eating breakfast?

Lemmy: Yep, I've been eating for twenty whole minutes, and I still haven't finished my bowl of cereal.

Iggy: How can you eat all that sugary cereal and not be hyper?

Lemmy: I've eaten so much sugar that I've developed an immunity to it's hyperfying effects. Anyway, have you been hearing a weird voice narrating whatever you've been doing?

Iggy: I taught myself to ignore anything that looks or sounds strange.

Just then, Morton runs right by in front of him and he has two heads that are both saying wedding cake.

Iggy: So, now I'm going to get me some breakfast.

Iggy goes to the pantry and opens it up. A bunch of cereal boxes fall out and you hear the sound of glass breaking when they hit the floor. There is now only one box left.

Iggy: My favorite! Iggy-O's!

We see Iggy holding a box that obviously has his name written over the actual name while his face is taped onto the box as well. Iggy opens the box of cereal, and by open, I mean he bangs the top of the box on the counter and breaks the top off. One of the pieces then hits one of the camera lenses. Great, now we lost a camera. Who's the idiot that made glass cereal boxes anyway?

The cameras and the glass cereal boxes were made by the same person. They both have his name in tiny print.

What? No they don't. Anyway, let's see how Iggy continues his day.

We see Iggy eating a big bowl of cereal.

Lemmy: Um, Iggy? Shouldn't you take the pieces of glass out of the cereal before you eat it?

Iggy: (while eating his cereal) Don't be ridiculous, Lemmy! There's nothing wrong with- OW! -this cereal. This is the best cereal- Oh that hurts! -that I’ve had. I'm not going to do anything to it except- Oh DAD the pain! -eat it. Now let me continue eating my- Ahh! My throat feels like I'm swallowing razorblades! -breakfast. I don't stop you from eating your breakfast, do I? That's what I- Oh for the love of DAD! Make the pain go away! -thought. Anyway, I had a weird dream last night, and I think that- Why? Why are you causing me so much pain? Why? -you should hear about it. Well, anyway, in my dream, I was a- (now crying) Make it stop! Please! -a girl. Can you imagine that? Anyway, it gets even weirder, because I was- Please! Please! Please make the pain go away! -also married to Luigi. How weird is that? Oh, look. I'm out of cereal now. Anyway, I'm gonna go to the gym and pump some iron. I gotta keep up this awesome physique.

Iggy flexes his completely nonexistent muscles, then leaves. So Iggy's headed for the gym. Let's see what he's gonna do there.

Iggy enters the gym and finds Roy bench-pressing over 800 lbs.

Roy: What are you doing here, runt?

Iggy: I always come here. Anyway, I'm gonna lift some weights.

Iggy goes over to the place where they keep the weights and reaches for the heaviest one he can lift without hurting himself. Iggy stops.

Iggy: Wait. I think I'm ready to go up one pound.

We see Iggy reach for a two-pound weight instead of a one-pound weight. He lifts it and starts exercising. Iggy: One! nnnnrrrgggh! Two! Aaaaggghhrrnn! Three! Hnnnnngggh! Four! Aaaaagggh!

He drops the 2-pound weight and grabs the arm he was lifting with.

Iggy: Ow! My arm feels like it's on fire! I think I pulled something!

Iggy starts to cry like a baby.

Roy: Hang on, you big crybaby. I'll be right there.

Roy goes over to Iggy and punches Iggy on the arm that was hurting.

Iggy: (stops crying) Ow! Hey! My arm feels better! How did you do that?

Roy: Easy, wimp. It's because-

Do any of you guys like music? I like rock and metal. The other day I saw a show on TV. My favorite color is red. I like pie. And um, balloons are pretty. And blah, blah, blah. Oh look, Roy's done talking now. Let's get back to Iggy.

Iggy: Wow. That was the most nerdiest thing I've ever heard. Don't you beat up people for sounding like nerds?

Roy: You're right.

Roy starts punching himself in the face.

Roy: (while punching himself in the face) So I like talking like a nerd, huh? Well, take this! And this! And some of this! Huh? I like that? Huh? Do I?

Roy continues punching himself in the face until he falls unconscious.

Iggy: Wow! That's the third time this week that this happened. Oh, well, now to go help Ludwig with his experiments. Wait, why am I being so calm about that? I hate helping Ludwig with his experiments! I end up getting hurt most of the time! I'll go see Larry instead.

Iggy leaves the gym and heads to Larry's room. On his way there, he is completely unaware of the fact that Lemmy just rolled by wearing a wedding dress and Bowser is chasing him while wearing a ballerina tutu. Iggy gets to Larry's door. We see Iggy knock on the door and Larry answers it.

Larry: Shouldn't you be helping Ludwig with his experiments?

Iggy: I don't want to help him today. I don't want to get hurt.

Larry: Ok. Well, then I guess I'll just tell Wendy that you were wearing her dresses the other day.

Iggy: Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo- Wait! Wendy already knows that I was wearing her dresses and she didn't care because she was gonna get rid of them anyway, because they were 'out of style'.

Larry: Oh, well. I'll guess I'll just show everybody THIS! *pulls out a video camera*

Iggy: Wh-what is that?

Larry: Let me show you.

Larry pushes play on the camera and we see a video on the tiny screen. Let's zoom in on it.

We see an empty kitchen. Then Iggy slides into view and he's wearing socks, boxers, and a pink dress shirt. Iggy then starts to dance and lip-sync to the song "Old Time Rock And Roll". The video then ends, and we see Iggy with a shocked look on his face.

Iggy: Noooooooo! Please don't show that to anyone! If anyone sees that, I'll lose whatever respect I have!

Larry: Soooo, in other words, you wouldn't lose anything.

Iggy: People respect me!

Larry: Your imaginary friends don't count.

Iggy: Good point. Well, I guess I'll go help Ludwig now.

Iggy leaves and heads to Ludwig's room. He arrives at Ludwig's door and knocks on it, and Ludwig answers.

Ludwig: Yes, middle sibling of mine? Are you finally here to assist me with my scientific experimentations?

Iggy: Yes. What experiments, which will most likely injure me in some way, are we going to do?

Ludwig: Follow me.

They head into Ludwig's Laboratory.

Ludwig: All right Iggy, we're going to see how much peculiarity a person's psyche can tolerate before it breaks.

Iggy: Um, what?

Ludwig: We're going to see how much weirdness you can handle before you go insane.

Iggy: Oh, ok.

Ludwig hooks Iggy up to a large machine.

Ludwig: All right, now just look out the window and tell me what you see.

Iggy is looking out the window and Larry flies by the window, shooting rainbow beams from his hands and riding on the rainbow that he makes.

Ludwig: See anything?

Iggy: No. Nothing unusual.

Ludwig: All right, now let's begin. Oh, and anyone watching this on hidden cameras might want to not watch, or they might go insane.

Oh, man. I wanted to see Iggy go crazy. Ah, well, I can wait.

Two hours later…

I think it's safe to turn the camera's back on. So let's see what happened to Iggy.

We see Iggy still hooked up to the machine and Ludwig seems to be taking notes.

Ludwig: All right Iggy, how do you feel?

Iggy: Hahahahahhahahahhaheheheheheehheehahahaha!

Ludwig: So, I take it you're feeling fine.

Iggy: The voices inside my head like applesauce! Hahahahahahahahahahah!

Ludwig: Hm. I guess I’d better fix you before King Dad sees this. Get into this other machine, please.

Iggy gets into the other machine and Ludwig does stuff and whatever.

Ludwig: That should do it.

Iggy gets out of the machine.

Iggy: Never do that again! I'm going to get some lunch now.

Iggy leaves the laboratory. We see Iggy arrive in the kitchen and heading for the refrigerator. Iggy opens the refrigerator and pulls out a huge plate of tacos.

Iggy: Tacos! The greatest food in the history of Plit!

Iggy sits down at a table and starts to eat his tacos.

Iggy: Mmmm, taaacooos.

While Iggy is eating lunch, Wendy comes into the kitchen with shaving cream on her face. And she has a very large mustache. Wendy heads towards the refrigerator and takes out a bottle of water, then leaves. And Iggy was able to see the whole thing.

Iggy: Did Wendy get a new bow? Yeah, she got a new bow.

Iggy finishes eating his tacos and leaves the kitchen.

Iggy: Well, now I'm going to go outside to play with Lemmy.

Iggy heads outside and finds Lemmy playing in the sandbox.

Iggy: Hey, Lemmy! What are you doing?

We see that Lemmy is hiding a piece of paper that says "bury Ludwig here" and has a picture of Lemmy burying Ludwig in the sandbox.

Lemmy: Um, nothing. I'm not planning on getting rid of Ludwig so that I can be next in line to become king! So don't say that I am! *shifty eyes*

Iggy: Oh, ok. Hey, Lemmy. Are we going to bury treasure in that oddly-shaped hole?

We see that the hole is shaped like Ludwig.

Lemmy: Uh, sure Iggy, sure. But we have to wait awhile for the treasure to get here. Larry should be bringing it. So, want to have fun while we wait for Larry, who is bringing the treasure, for this hole, which is definitely not for Ludwig?

Iggy: Yes!

Five hours later…

Iggy: What's taking Larry so long? Are you sure it was a good idea to let Larry bring the treasure? He probably took it for himself.

Lemmy: Good point.

Bowser (from inside the castle): Iggy! Time to set the table for dinner!

Iggy: Oh. Gotta go.

Iggy gets up and heads for the castle.

Lemmy: I thought he'd never leave.

Lemmy takes out ten pounds of chocolate and drops it in the hole.

Lemmy: Choc-co-late!

Ludwig comes and jumps into the hole and starts eating the chocolate. Then Lemmy starts filling the hole up with sand.

Lemmy: Mwah haha ha ha ha ha hahahaha! With you out of the way, I'll become the king next and not you!

Ludwig: You do realize that you have attempted this multiple times in the past, right?

I wonder if Iggy's in the castle yet.

We see that Iggy is almost to the front door. He stops and turns around and can see Ludwig trying to climb out of the hole while Lemmy's hitting him with the shovel to keep him in.

Iggy: Hey, Lemmy! You wanna come back inside with me?

Lemmy: No thanks! I'm good!

Iggy: Ok!

Iggy goes inside and heads towards the dining room.

Iggy: What are we having for dinner?

Bowser: Food! What else?

Iggy: Oh, goody!

Iggy sets the table.

Later on…

Bowser: Iggy! Go tell everyone that the food is ready!

Iggy: Ok, King Dad!

Iggy goes to tell his siblings that the food is done. Iggy gets to Larry's room and opens the door, and sees Larry dancing to the song "It's Not Unusual".

Iggy: Hey, Larry. Dinner's ready.

Iggy goes to Morton's room and finds him reciting a speech about boring stuff.

Iggy: King Dad says dinner's done.

Iggy goes to Wendy's room.

Iggy: Hey, Dad says-

Wendy: Get out of my room!

Wendy throws something at Iggy and hits him in the face.

Iggy: Ow.

Iggy goes to Roy's room.

Iggy: Dinner's-

He gets punched in the face, and we see he has a black eye. Iggy goes to get Lemmy and and Ludwig, but he sees them at the table already. Ludwig is dirty and covered in bumps and bruises. And Lemmy is acting like nothing happened. The others arrive for dinner and start to eat the food. Don't ask me what they do or say, because nobody cares about that.

Later that night after dinner…

Iggy is getting ready for bed. First he's brushing his teeth. Now he's-

Iggy: Shut up! I can't take it anymore! You don't hear me narrating everything you're doing! When I find you, I'm gonna do something so bad it'll probably be made illegal in eleven households!

Um, ignore the voice! And whatever you do, don't look in the shower because-

Iggy opens the shower curtains, and finds a guy with a microphone, headset, and TV screens showing various parts of the castle.

Iggy: Who are you?

I'm the narrator. I've been narrating your day.

Iggy: Well, stop! It's creepy! And how long have you been in there?

Since the beginning of the Scribble.

Iggy: Well, now you're gonna end the Scribble.

Fine! Well, that concludes a look at a day of Iggy's life. I hope you enjoyed it, now go home and live your life if you have one. And one more-

Iggy: I'm sorry, but the narrator is unable to finish what he was saying. (we see the narrator tied up) Anyway, go away and leave me alone! )Iggy then goes to bed.)

Sleep tight, Iggy, soon I shall have my revenge. Mwah ha ha ha- (The microphone falls on the narrator's head.) Ow. (He falls unconscious.)

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