Morton: Oh, I know! And I know stuff! Stuff is what I know! We can go upstairs to watch TV! Walking up the stairs is fun! So is watching T-
Ludwig: Please be quiet, my dear brother. But you are right. I say we must go upstairs!
Croco: (jumping in through window) Sup! I'm here to sell you item-
Lemmy: This isn't another RPG again, is it?
Croco: ... No. Just buy stuff.
After buying lots of stuff and such, the trio began their journey up the stairs.
Morton: Strange, it's quiet. And there's lots of minions here, so there shouldn't be quietness...
Lemmy: The quiet is gone no-
Lemmy: 1000 HP
Morton: 1000 HP
Ludwig: 1000 HP
2 Koopatrols
*Lemmy: Huh?
*Ludwig: It appears that the dinosaur thing tricked us.
*Morton: Yay! Let's fight! Let's fig-
*Lemmy uses Silence!
*Lemmy sticks a sock into Morton's mouth!
*Ludwig: Argh! They're coming this way!
*Both Koopatrols hide in their shells and shoot themselves at Lemmy and Morton!
Lemmy: 860 HP
Morton: 870 HP
*Ludwig uses Successful Invention!
*It blows up one of the Koopatrols! Ludwig loses 500 HP!
*Lemmy: Hey wait a minute, aren't you one of our minions?
*Koopatrol: Yes.
*The Koopatrol is confused! It throws itself out a window.
*Ludwig: Well that's one way to end a battle.
*Morton's mouth is finally ungagged!
*Morton: Hooray! I can talk agai-
*Lemmy equips a Glued Sock to Morton! Morton gains the Silence attribute!
The heroes continue up the stairs, fighting against more idiot Koopatrols. They eventually get to the top.
Lemmy: We're finally here!
Morton: Finally! TV! Television! Tele-
Lemmy: What happened to the sock?
Ludwig: Bandit stole it during the second to last random encounter.
Lemmy: Oh. Anyway, let's go.
???: Vait! Little Turtle Bits!
A block man appears!
Block Man: I am zee French block collector from the new Bowser's Inside Story-
Lemmy: They made another Mario and Luigi game without us?!
Block Man: Zilence! There iz von more monzter to fight! Beware!
Ludwig: Hey... There's something coming our way!
Lemmy: 1000 HP
Ludwig: 1000 HP
Morton: 1000 HP
Croco: 800 HP
*Morton: It's the liar! The swindler! The thief!
*Croco: Yes! I'm in charge of the whole thing! I tricked the rest of your siblings into RPG fights, so while you're all distratced, I can steal your TV!
*Lemmy: You monster!
*Croco didn't care!
*Croco: Wait, did I waste a turn?
*Lemmy claws at Croco!
*Croco takes 230 damage!
*Lemmy: Yes. Yes you did.
*Ludwig eats a bar of chocalate! He gains the Hyper status! He rushes through Croco with speed!
*Croco takes 500 damage!
*Croco: Erk... Dieing... TAKE THIS!
*Croco uses Miracle Mushrooms! A red Mushroom hits him! Poison Mushrooms hit the Koopalings!
*Croco is fully healed!
*All three Koopalings takes 200 damage!
Croco: 800 HP
Lemmy: 800 HP
Ludwig: 800 HP
Morton: 800 HP
*Ludwig: I beleive this is going nowhere.
*Morton: Wait! I shall save us!
*Lemmy: Cool! You're so serious, you didn't talk long!
*Morton uses push!
*Croco is pushed out of the window!
*Lemmy leveled up! He learned Wheel of Fortune!
*Ludwig leveled up! He learned I'm Gonna Be a Millionaire!
*Morton leveled up! He learned Some Gameshow Related Move!
Croco: NO!1!
Lemmy: Finally. It's all over.
Morton: The end. Finale. End the. Finally. Endin-
Ludwig: Well let's proceed!
Ludwig tries to open the door! Nothing happened!
Lemmy: ... What happened?
Ludwig: ... It's locked.
All three Koopalings cry.
Block Guy: Hey! Ztop forgetting my veal name!
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