
The Koopalings Bake a Cake
By Kasira the shy girl

Karma: Guys, we never eat anything sweet around here. We should bake something!

Roy: We eat sweet stuff!

Karma: Pure sugar doesn't count!

Morton: I agree! We should bake a cake! We should bake a wedding cake because they are good and they smell good and that is spectacular amazing stupendous perfect and wedd- Mfff!


Wendy: I am not going to stop putting on makeup so that we can bake some stupid cake!

Lemmy: Sounds like-

Iggy: Fun!

Ludwig: Maybe a chocolate cake?

Larry: Who is this person standing behind the chair?

Karma: Oh, that's just Kasira. She's a Shy Girl.

Larry: Shy Girl?

Kasira the shy girl: I'm a Shy Guy and I’m a girl! Think, dude!

Ludwig: Never mind that. TO THE KITCHEN!

Wendy: Fine, whatever.


Iggy: Uh, so what do we do now>

Karma: You get out a mixer, duh.

Lemmy: So uh-

Iggy: Where is that?

Ludwing: That I do not know.

Wendy: I barely even know where the kitchen is!

Kasira the shy girl: Here Karma, I found it in the cupboard

Karma: Thanks! Ok, now we need...

She looks at the cookbook.


Morton: *spits out a sock* A WEDDING!

Karma: ... Butter

Iggy: I found some!

Karma: And some flour

Larry: Here is a flower

Fred The Mole: I think she means the ingredient

Kasira the shy girl: Hey, what are you doing in this Scribble?

Fred The Mole: You put me here.

Karma: ANYWAY, next we need eggs

Wendy: What would we want with little white ovals?

Karma: I don't know, but it is an ingredient

Morton: Are we making a wedding cake because wedding cake is good and it is very filling and important in life and you must put eggs in a wedding cake because wedding cake has eggs and eggs- Mmppf!


Karma: It is just a normal cake!

Lemmy: So where do we find eggs?

Karma: Do you guys know where ANYTHING is here?

Larry: Not really

Ludwig: Found some!

Karma: Great! Where were they?

Ludwig: Fridge

Iggy: (reading recipe) Mix thoroughly... How?

Karma, Morton, and Ludwig: You turn on the mixer! *Morton continues rambling for a bit*

Iggy: OHHH....

He turns on the blender.

Iggy: GAGHH!

Others: What happened!

Iggy: My hand!

He pulls his (injured) hand out of the mixer.

Karma: Oh no! Are you bleeding?

Iggy: No.

Karma: Good, there isn’t any blood in the recipe. Next we need... cake mix.

Larry: Yeah, we have no idea where that is.

The chair Wendy has been leaning back in slips, and she falls into a rack of cooking stuff.

Wendy: Ugh... Found it.

Karma: Great! Now we need to add... ok, who wrote choclate in here with really bad handwriting?

Ludwig raises his hand.

Karma: Ugh... Fine, we'll add chocolate.

Chocolate is added.

Karma: Bake at 350 for 20 minutes.

Lemmy: NO WAY!

Karma eyes Lemmy.

Lemmy: Ok, ok

They put the cake in the oven.

Ludwig: And now, we wait.

Wendy: What now?

Ludwig: WE WAIT!

Larry: *yawn* I’m bored

Roy backs into Kasira.

Kasira: Grrr... GAHHHHG!

Kasira jumps up and attacks Roy.

Roy: OWWW! That's some pet you have, Karma!

Karma: Yep.

Larry: Cake’s done!

Karma: Not yet. We need icing

Morton: Got some!

He gets some odd looks.


Roy: It was a PRECAUTIONARY sock.

Larry swipes his icing and ices the cake).

Mario: It’s-a Mario! CAAAAAKEEE!

Mario eats the cake.


He bites Iggy.

Kasira: Grrr... I wanted some cake...

Fred The Mole: So did I! Hmpff...


The End

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