One day at Mario's house...
Mario: This house is mine!
Luigi: It really should be mine because I pay all the bills!
Mario: Silly, silly Luigi. There's no such thing has bills.
Luigi: Whatever.
Mario: We got to visit Wario and the other guy today.
Luigi: You mean Waluigi.
Mario: Who?
Luigi: The guy you called the other guy.
Mario: His name is Waluigi! You never WERE good with names.
Mario: What's your name?
Bowser: Bowser!
Mario: ???
Bowser: BOWSER!
Luigi: Mario, his name is Bowser... the villian! The guy who steals the dang snappin’ Princess Peach!
Mario:...Her name is P-E-A-C-H... Peach!
End of Flashback…
Luigi: Mario, that is you who are-
Mario: I know what you’re going to say... I have no clue.
Luigi: What I thought... Now let's go to Wario and Waluigi's house and get this over with!
Mario: But I like Wario and Waluigi!
Luigi: Really?
Mario: Well... But... Just Wario, really.
Luigi: What I thought... again.
So Mario and Luigi go to Wario and Waluigi's house
Wario: Hi MARIO!
Mario: Hi WARIO!
Luigi: You don't have to yell your names out loud, you know... We can hear you quite all right.
Waluigi: Yeah!
Wario: That's probably the only line you’re getting to say today, Waluigi!
Waluigi: Well I'm going to say words when I feel like-
Mario: I CAN'T SEE!
Wario: WHY?!
Mario: ‘Cause my eyes are closed.
Mario and Wario chuckle.
Mario and Wario: *chuckle*
While Luigi and Waluigi sigh.
Luigi and Waluigi: *SIGH!*
Toad: Hey Mario, Luigi, Wario, and tall purple stuff! The cops are after you!
Luigi: For what?
Toad: ‘Cause they’re bored! And Waluigi ate the last lemon pie at the bakery!
Wario: I'm so ashamed of you.
Wario starts to cry.
Wario: I stopped crying..
What he said.
Toad Cop 1: There they are!
Toad Cop 2: Why are we Toads cops? We’re weak and all that stuff.
Toad Cop 3: Just think we took a drink that makes us strong for the day.
Toad Cop 2: I'm not thinking that.
Toad Cop 4: Just do what he says.
Toad Cop 2: Too bad!
Luigi: How many Toad cops are trying to get us?
Toad Cop 35: About 89.
Toad Cop 89: 89 is a lucky number!
Toad Cop 7: I thought it was 7.
Waluigi: True.
Toad Cop 55: Get them!
Mario: Nice! You broke their stupid talking and they probably would have forgotten about this the next day.
Toad Cop 43: Probably.
Mario and Wario duct tape Luigi and Waluigi's mouth and tie them to some random chair and run off.
Toad Cop 81: We got the weirdoes! Take them to court, number 89, 88, 87, 86, 85, 84, 83, 82, and me!
So they do. The other cops start to chase Mario and Wario, who both get on skateboards somehow.
Mario: SWEET!
Toad Cop 59: Where did those skateboards come from?!
Toad Cop 32: You moron! They got them somehow!
Toad Cop 59: Ex-cuse me!
Mario and Wario skateboard into the court.
Mario and Wario: DANG!
Judge: Court is now in session!
Mario: What about the other people?
Judge: They can come when they feel like it!
A lot of people come in.
Judge: Funny, when I say "They can come when they feel like it" they all come in.
Wario: Really?
Judge: Well this is my first time saying it, really. But on to real things. Do you realize what you did?
Mario and Wario: Nope.
Judge: What DID you do?
Mario: Well the cops chased us for some random reason.
Judge: I like how you said random... Random...
Toad Cop 43: Just put them to jail!
Judge: Ok then! It's the Cops and the Bakery people Vs. Mario, Luigi, Wario, and Waluigi!
Luigi and Waluigi come in with duct tape still around their mouths and still in the chairs
Toad Cop 9: I call Wario to the stand!
Everyone: *gasp*
Toad Cop 9: Wario? Were you or were you not, running away from the cops?
Wario: I was not.
Toad Cop 9: Well that's all I wanted to ask.
Judge: Mario, Wario, and the unknown people! Call your witness or something!
Mario: I call Waluigi to the stand!
Everyone: *double gasp*
Mario: Did you eat the last lemon pie at the bakery?
Waluigi nods.
Mario: Did Luigi as well?
Waluigi nods and Luigi shakes his head.
Judge: That's all I need to hear...
Toad Baker: I work so hard for the perfect lemon pie, you morons!
Judge: Mario and Wario…
Everyone leans closer to the judge.
Mario and Wario cheer.
Judge: Luigi and Waluigi, for some weird reason I forgot and now remember your name…
Baker Toad: Yeah!
Luigi and Waluigi: !!!
The cops take Luigi and Waluigi away
Judge: As for you two I'll give you 760 coins.
Mario and Wario: Awesome!
The next day Mario and Wario are having a party at Mario's house, and the house is full.
Mario: Where's Luigi and Waluigi?
Wario: That's the thing about them, you never know where they are.
Toad: Cookies are done.
Mario and Wario chase for the cookies and eat lemon pie as they dance all night.
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