It was a peaceful day in Dark Land, and one of the Koopalings was in the kitchen eating chocolate.
No duh who it was.
Ludwig: *munch* Mmmmm... I loooooooooooooooves me some chocolate!
Larry walked into the kitchen.
Larry: Hey, Ludwig! Stop chowin' on chocolate! It's the monthly weigh-in, remember?
Ludwig: Oh yeah. (to the chocolate) I'll be back for you later, my sweets...
Larry: ...
Ludwig: Well? Let's go!
Ludwig dragged Larry to the bathroom.
Ludwig: Wait here while I weigh myself.
Larry: Do you honestly think I'd want to watch you weigh?
Ludwig: ... Good point.
Ludwig walked inside the bathroom… and came outside thirty seconds later.
Ludwig: ...
Larry: Well?
Ludwig: ... I broke the scale.
Larry: YOU WHAT?!
Ludwig: ... Don't rub it in.
Larry: I never knew you were so FAT!!!
Ludwig: Yes, thank you for NOT rubbing it in, Larry.
Larry: Sooooorrrrrry for you being fat!
Ludwig: Aw no... What's King Dad gonna say?
Larry: That you're going on a diet.
Ludwig: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!! NOOOOOOO!!! I can't go on a diet! I can't live without chocolate!
Larry: Perhaps I could help.
Ludwig: What can you do?
Larry: Put you on a diet.
Larry whacked Ludwig with a metal bat and dragged him to the workout room in the castle. Larry then drenched Ludwig with a bucket of water... Don't ask me where Larry got it...
Ludwig: Ehhhh? Where are we?
Larry: The gym.
Larry took out his metal bat.
Ludwig: AAAaaaaahhh... Ok... So what do I do?
Larry: You exercise.
Ludwig: AHHHHH! You said the E word!
Larry: Fine. I'll be the mature one here. Do some sit-ups, and I'll give you chocolate.
Ludwig: Really?
Larry: Of course. (Not.)
Ludwig got down on the floor and did thirty sit-ups as fast as he could... That means he took three minutes to do them.
Ludwig: *huff, huff* Ok… Is that enough?
Larry: No. Do fifty more.
Ludwig: FIFTY?! How’s about five?
Larry: Think of the chocolate!
Ludwig began to do even more sit-ups, and finally did fifty after seven minutes.
Larry: Ok, good. Now get on the treadmill.
Ludwig: What?
Larry: Treadmill!
Ludwig: Ok! Ok!
Ludwig hopped on the treadmill and started to walk.
Larry: Hey! Fatty! You'll never lose that gut of yours if you don't start running!
Ludwig: Tooooooo... tiiiiiiiiired...
Larry: In that case, I'm gonna go get Chompy.
Ludwig: What?! What does that mean? I ask you!
Larry left, leaving Ludwig dumbfounded. Larry came back in five minutes with an enormous Chain Chomp.
Larry: This is Steak Sauce.
Ludwig: I thought you said you were gonna get Chompy.
Larry: Yeah, well, we all say things.
Ludwig: O_O
Larry tied Steak Sauce to the end of the door. Steak Sauce had such a long chain that it could reach the end of the treadmill.
Larry: Dinner!
Steak Sauce: : )
Steak Sauce: BARK BARK!
Steak Sauce lunged at Ludwig, but luckily, his chain wasn't long enough to reach Ludwig. Larry walked past Steak Sauce and flipped the switch (which Ludwig couldn't reach) on the treadmill to high. So for four hours, Ludwig had to run for his life to keep himself from being vigorously eaten. Then for another six hours, Ludwig had to figure out a way to get past the Chain Chomp.
Ludwig: Whew...
Larry: Oh, hi Ludwig! You got past the Chain Chomp, I see.
Ludwig began to chase Larry around the castle. But Ludwig couldn't keep up. He had to take a rest when he reached the kitchen.
Ludwig: Man, I need a snack.
Ludwig opened the fridge, but found only veggies and fruit.
Ludwig: What? What happened?! Where’s the chocolate?
Larry: I swapped it with healthy foods.
Ludwig sighed and got a pear out of the fridge and headed to his room, eating the pear.
And so, over the next six days, Ludwig spent his days at the gym, swimming, weight lifting, running, and hitting the punching bag, all while eating fruit and vegetables, as he was not allowed to eat any chocolate... but it's not like he could find any. Sunday finally came, and Ludwig decided to weigh-in again.
Larry: Wow. I can really tell you've lost some weight, Ludwig.
Ludwig: Really? Cool.
Ludwig walked in the bathroom. Thirty seconds later, he came back out.
Ludwig: I lost ten pounds!
Larry and Ludwig hugged each other.
Ludwig: I'm gonna go have some chocolate.
Larry: What? No! You need to stay on track on the Larry diet!
Ludwig: I want chocolate!
Larry: No!
Larry and Ludwig began to barbarically beat each other up while Steak Sauce was watching.
Steak Sauce: Wow. People call me a barbarian's beast.
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