Ingredients 2 Dead Goombas
3 Red Hot Chili Peppers
3 Carrots (sliced)
Nice Herbs
1 Tomato
2 Buckets of Water
Tools Needed Chopping Knives
Cooking Pot
Buckets (for water)
Wood for fireplace
A Cooking Fireplace
Method 1. Add the two buckets of water (depends on cooking pot size), then light the fire to heat the water
2. Add the beef cubes
3. Slice up the 3 carrots, then cut the tomato and mix together with carrots, then put into cooking pot
4. Add the Goombas and 3 red hot chili peppers into cooking pot
5. Cut up some herbs and put them away, get a different knife while cutting the meat into pieces
6. Put the meat and the herbs (leave some for the finishing touch) into cooking pot, then chop garlic and add to the mix
7. Stir well, set the timer for 3 minutes, then leave to cook (while waiting you can read a book or something)
8. Get the spoon ladle and pour into bowls
9. Add the leftover herbs to put on top
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