
The Koopalings Play Baseball
By Fillet-O-Fish

Inspired by the movie The Sandlot.

The Koopalings and Jr. are sitting around the family room, bored. Bowser comes in.

Bowser: What are you guys doing?

Everyone: Absolutely nothing.

Bowser: Well, I'm about to change that! You can play baseball in the sandlot behind the castle!

He explains how to play baseball.

Roy: How'd you learn this?

Bowser: I played for the Cubs! Won every World Weries when I was there! Here, you guys can use my World Series baseball. But don't lose it. Or damage it.

Lemmy: Okay.

They all leave and go into a sandlot. Wart's house is next to it.

Ludwig: I'll pitch!

He throws it, and Morton hits it. It flies into Wart's backyard, where a vicious Chain Chomp is kept.

Iggy: That's Dad's favorite! We have to get it!

Lemmy: But he has the most dangerous Chomp on Plit!

Roy: No Chomp is tougher than me!

He climbs the fence. Seconds later, he flies out.


Larry: Relax. I'm a spy. I'm good at that stuff.

He jumps over the fence. He takes two steps and steps on a leaf. The Chomp looks at him. The camera zooms in on its eye. His pupil shrinks.

Larry: Meep.

The Chomp lunges, and breaks free of his chain. Larry runs, but trips. The Chomp- Wait, the site is family friendly.

Morton: Uh oh this is bad and I mean really bad because Dad's favorite, most prized, best, nicest ball is now over a tall, lengthy, big, giant fence and is guarded by a vicious, dangerous, man-eating, scary, growling, snarling, Chain Chomp who will-

Wendy: Thank you, Captain Obvious!

Jr: Wait, the Chomp is asleep!

Snoring is heard.

Lemmy: My time to shine!

He hops over. He goes very, very slowly.

Roy (from off-screen): HURRY UP!

The Chomp wakes up, and tackles Lemmy. It tries to eat him.

Iggy: He didn't come back! Oh noes! Wait, I have an idea!

He gets a claw made out of K'nex. He ties himself to a telephone wire, and slides above the yard.

Iggy: Now!

He opens the claw, and grabs the ball. However, the Chomp is biting it.

Iggy: NO! I'M ONLY 11!

The wire breaks. A scream is heard. A light shines down in the yard, and an angel Iggy flies up.


Ludwig: If you insist.

Jr. hops over. He turns into Shadow Mario, and paints a picture of Iggy on the fence. The Chomp runs to it and attacks it.

Jr: Slowly...

He picks up the ball. As he leaves, he turns back to normal. The Chomp turns around, and mistakes the mouth on his bandana for a steak.


It lunges toward Jr. and tears off his bandana.

Jr: Whew...

Lemmy (still injured): Oh no you don't! If I go down, so do you!

He shoves Jr. into the Chomp. I don't need to explain what happens.

Ludwig: He hasn't come back…

Remaining Koopalings: Yay!

Ludwig: I think Wendy should go.

Wendy: I'm a girl!

Ludwig: Exactly. He won't attack you.

She goes over. The Chomp stares at her.

Wendy: Good, he isn't attacking.

Wendy's bow falls off. She accidentally steps on it, and it squeaks. Wendy quickly puts it back on.


It tackles Wendy and rips off her bow. Wendy chases after it for a few minutes. She gets tired, and stops. The Chomp shoves her into some mud- which is actually quicksand.

Ludwig: Morton and I are the only ones who haven't gone.

He kicks Morton over the fence. He lands on the Chomp. The Chomp gets REALLY mad.

Morton: Words fail me.


Ludwig: Here, I have built an invention to get our ball!

There is a miniature catapult on the ground.

Ludwig: With this remote control, the ball will be ours!

He guides the catapult into the yard. The Chomp is sleeping.

Ludwig: Closer...

It goes next to the ball. The cannon part lowers and scoops up the ball.

Ludwig: Yes!

The Chomp opens an eye.

Ludwig: A little faster...

The Chomp bites the catapult and throws it into the air. It explodes.

Ludwig: NO!

The ball lands.

Ludwig: That's it, I'm going in!

He runs in and grabs the ball. The Chomp chases him out of the yard. Wipeout, by the Ventures, starts playing.

Roy: Woah...

Ludwig runs into the street and jumps over a car. The Chomp follows.

Roy: Wow...

Ludwig runs into Kastle Koopa and goes into the room where all the minions stay.

Generic Goomba: Watch it!

The Chomp follows Ludwig and tears across the hall. Several minions are sent flying. Ludwig runs into Bowser's Trophy Room. Ludwig drops the ball and keeps running, with the Chomp still behind him.

Roy: Hey, where'd Ludwig go?

He sees the ball and puts it on the stand.

Roy: Phew...

Ludwig runs down a warp pipe. The Chomp follows. They come out on the side of a cliff over the ocean.


They fall. Ludwig swims all the way to Kastle Koopa. Bowser is waiting for them, holding his destroyed ball.

Bowser: Ludwig, what did I JUST tell you?

Ludwig: Umm... Funny story... Heh heh...

Bowser: You actually destroyed the ball I didn't want!


Bowser; So I bought you a pet!

The Chomp comes out from behind Bowser.


Ludwig: WHY ME?!

The End!

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