
Waluigi's Website
By Fireball

One day at Wario's house, Waluigi was on the computer

Waluigi: This is going to be the best website ever!

Wario: That's what everyone says.

Waluigi: No! It's really going to be the best one ever!

Wario: Would you stop lying!

Waluigi: Ok then. Let’s have a bet! If my website gets a 1,000 hits, you give me the whole house.

Wario: And if I win?

Waluigi: You get my website.

Wario: It sounds like a bad deal. Hmmmmmmmm.

Waluigi: Well?

Wario: Ok.

Waluigi gets busy on his website. After 5 hours he is almost done


Waluigi gets his cell phone

Waluigi: Hello?

Wario (on his cell phone): Hello Waluigi. This is... Wario! Yeah. Dr. Wario.

Waluigi: So what’s up, Doc?

Wario: I got a good deal on... L's that look like Luigis.

Waluigi: Really?

Wario: Yes.

Waluigi: Where, Doctor?

Wario: At Mario's house.

Waluigi: Thanks,Dr. Wario!

Wario: He fell for it! What a loser!

Waluigi: Docto?

Wario: You’r welcome, chump. Bye!

Waluigi: Bye doctor who’s not Wario and won't mess up my site and make it look bad!

Waluigi goes out the door to Mario's house

Wario: Now to give his website a little deleting!

Wario presses random buttons because he think the delete button is Q, W, E, R, T, Y, U, I, O, P, A, S, D, F, G, H, J, K, L, Z, X, C, V, B, N, and M.

Wario: Now to make his face look like Bowser…

Wario then erases Waluigi’s face from the site and adds his own face.

Wario: Looks like Bowser to me. Now to change it to Wario's Great Website!

Wario does what he says.

Wario: Great! Just great!

Waluigi comes in and Wario hides under a lamp.

Wario: He can't see me now.

Waluigi: What? Who said that!

Wario: The lamp!

Waluigi: Ok then. And now to put my website on the Internet!

Wario comes out from under the lamp.

Wario: Ha! I messed up your website and now everyone can see it.

Waluigi: I didn't press the button yet.

Wario: Could you press it, please?

Waluigi: Ok.

Waluigi presses the button

Wario: Yeah!

Waluigi: I could stop it but I'm too lazy!

The next day Wario and Waluigi are on the website and see how many people have visited.

Wario: 142,585,867,376,278,387,827,286,723,776,834,683,476,347,689,786,747 hits!

Waluigi: I win!

Wario: No, it’s my website.


Wario: Go to Lemmy’s Land today, everyone!

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