One day at the Marios' house...
Mario: Luigi! Where's the ice cream?
Luigi: You ate it all!
Mario: Oh yeah. Go buy some then.
Luigi: NO! You go buy it! I have to do everything!
Mario: Fine.
Luigi: Ok then, so go.
Mario makes a list, then leaves to Toad's supermarket.
Mario: Wow! Look at all the stuff!
Wario bumps into Mario.
Wario: Mario?
Mario: Waluigi?
Wario: No, I'm Wario.
Mario: Oh. Sorry.
Wario: That's ok.
Mario: There's Mushrooms on sale for 79 coins! This must be my lucky day!
Mario goes outside with all the food he bought.
Koopa: You're stealing all the food!
Mario: So?
Koopa: Nothing. Here's 90 coins.
Mario: Thanks.
Wario: Mario, want to mow my lawn for 500 coins?
Mario: Sure!
Wario: Here you go.
Mario: But...
Wario: No, you deserve it.
Mario: I did nothing, and...
Wario: Take it!
Mario: Ok.
Mario goes over to a Goomba.
Mario: Are you weak?
Goomba: Yeah.
Mario stomps on the Goomba and steals his money.
Mario: Cool.
Mario goes back to the store and Wario, Koopa, and Goomba are there.
Koopa: Mario, you stole all the food!
Wario: You lied about mowing the lawn!
Goomba: You stomped on me!
Mario: So?
Koopa: Good point.
Wario: Wow, I've never seen it that way before.
Goomba: You stomped to steal my money. That make sense.
Mario goes back home.
Luigi: Wow, look at all the food and money... Mario, did you steal?!
Mario: No. I just had a really bad day!
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