
Stuper Mario Misadventures Christmas Special
By Super Troopa

Super Troopa and Goombie are standing on a screen with a snow effects.

Super Troopa: Welcome to the Stuper Mario Misadventures Christmas Special! Due to delays on the finale, I made this!

Goombie: Wait, hold on. Won't people who don't celebrate Christmas find this offensive?

Super Troopa: Well, they don't have to read this.

Goombie: Oh, good point. Wait, how did we afford snow effects?

Super Troopa: Oh, our stage worker has dandruff.

Goombie: We have a stage worker?

A man's body falls down onto the stage.

Super Troopa: Well, we HAD one. Thanks a lot for jinxing us!

Goombie: Let's just start this thing.

At Mario and Luigi's ho-

Super Troopa: Hey! Hey! Only I cue the Scribble.

Goombie: Whatever.

Super Troopa: Roll Scribble!

Um... Anyway. At Mario and Luigi's house...

Mario: Let me see! Let me see!

Luigi: Okay, okay, calm down.

He takes out a Christmas tree.

Mario: YAY!!! Tree, tree, tree!

He starts dancing around the house.

Luigi: Oh come on! Can't you just stop being a childish idiot for one second?

Mario: Fine then, G.

Luigi: ... You know what? Forget what I said.

Mario: K.

Luigi: So first let's put the lights on.

Mario: Um... I can't because uh... I got a... takethismomenttorememberrandomexcusesusedbefore...Sso I guess I can't set it up.

Luigi: Fine then.

He sets down a train track and puts a cookie on the train, and it goes around the tree.

Mario: ... Cookie... Luigi! Get the cookie!

He throws Luigi onto the train, but he still has the lights in his hand from setting up the tree.

Luigi: ... I'll get you for this.

Mario: Yeah, whatever. I'm just excited because soon it's going to be... Tuesday! Woohoo!

Luigi: Oh, I thought you were going to say about Santa Claus.

Mario: Who?

Luigi: ... Wow. I don't know what remote cave you live in, but-

Mario: Down the street, second on the left.

Luigi: ... Anyway, how can you not know about Santa?

Mario: Just by not knowing. Duh!

Luigi: Right. Santa Claus is a person who gives presents to people on Christmas.

Mario: What's he look like?

Luigi: Well he's red, fat, and has a beard.

Mario: Oh great, another homeless guy breaking into our house!

Luigi: He's not homeless, he lives in the North Pole.

Mario: Oh yeah, that's real genius! Living in the middle of the cold with no civilization. I'm sorry, what were you saying?

Luigi: Um... I'm gonna check the mail.

He goes outside and checks the mailbox.

Luigi: Let's see, bill...

He throws out a bill.

Luigi: Bill...

He throws out another bill.

Luigi: Bill...

He throws out a billboard.

Luigi: Bill...

He throws out Bill Clinton.

Luigi: Hey, a letter from the princess.

Mario: Is it another invitation to a party?

Luigi: Well, yeah, but um...

Mario: Let's go.

He rushes out the door.

At the party...

Mario: All right, snacks!

Toad: Sorry, not until the princess arrives.

Mario: Hey, is that George Lucas?

Toad: Where?! I'm a huge Star Wars fan!

He runs off.

Mario: Ha!

He reaches for the snacks

Snacks: Really? George Lucas?

They run off.

Mario: Aw...

A Toad comes through the door.

Toad: Messenger speaking! Messenger speaking! A messenger is about to arrive.

He leaves and another Toad comes through the door.

Toad: Messenger speaking! Messenger speaking! The princess is about to arrive.

Princess Daisy comes through the door.

Mario: What the?!

Well I didn't say what princess!

Mario: Bring Peach or your Wii files go byebye!

No! I just made it to the Grand Finale Galaxy in Galaxy! Okay, fine! Daisy explodes and Peach comes out.

Peach: Hello everyone! Welcome to my party! You should find fun, games, food-

Fat Man: W00T!

Peach: -and plenty to do. Have a great time.


Mario: Hey Peach, can I ask you a question?

Peach: You just did.

Mario: Can I ask you another question?

Peach: You just did.

Mario: Can I ask you another question not including this one?

Peach: Oh, sure.

Mario Okay. *ahem* Peach. you think you can take up a diet?

Seconds later...

Peach: And stay out!

Mario: You didn't even kick me out yet.

Peach: Oh, sorry.

She kicks him out.

Mario: *sigh*

He goes home. Later Luigi comes back too.

Luigi: Wow, that was a great party. Too bad you got kicked out.

Mario: It's okay. Now to wait for Christmas Eve.

On Christmas Eve...

Mario: Now to wait for Christmas Eve.

Luigi: Don't tell me you've been saying that since the party.

Mario: Now to wait for Christmas Eve.

Luigi: It is Christmas Eve.

Mario: Woohoo!

Luigi: So, how about you help me decorate?

Mario: But it's Christmas Eve.

Luigi: Well can you at least help me cook?

Mario: That I'll do, because I can't stand your cooking!

More seconds later...

Luigi: And stay out!

Mario: *sigh* What's wrong with me? I... I'm a monster!

He walks up to the Grinch's Mountain.

Grinch: Hey, what are you doing here?

Mario pushes him off and stands at the top.

Mario: Well, here goes.

He spreads his arms out while facing the edge.

Mario: I insulted everyone and was nothing but a jerk. I have no reason to live anymore, so...

He falls back into the snow.

Mario: I'll just make snow angels for the rest of my life!

Suddenly, Santa's sleigh comes crashing down next to him.

Mario: AAH! A homeless guy! I know kung-fu! I read Learn Kung-Fu in Two Seconds in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Parody!

Santa: No. I'm Santa! Quick, deliver the presents to the Mushroom Kingdom.

He fades away.

Mario: Heh. This is just like The Santa Claus, but I'm not turning into Santa.

Hermie III: I thought you were Thanta Clauth...

Mario: Shut up. Anyway, it's finally time for me to do something good. Go, reindeer! Hiya!

He whips them.

Reindeer: Ow! You don't have to whip us! You can just ask us to go.

Mario: Oh, sorry.

Reindeer: Well sorry ain't gonna cut it.

They all walk away.

Mario: Oh crud. Looks like I'm gonna have to do it the old-fashioned way!

He pushes the sleigh and jumps on it.

In the morning...

Luigi wakes up.

Luigi: Well, I might as well let Mario back in the house since it's Christmas.

He walks into the living room.

Luigi: What the?! No presents?!

He walks outside and everyone is out there with disappointed faces.

Random Toad: I have called this meeting to announce that I have found a Dorito under my couch. Oh, and we have no presents either.

Luigi: I know and... Wait. What's that? Santa Claus? No wait, it's... Mario!

Everyone: Mario?!

Mario is sleighing down a hill.

Mario: Almost there...

He makes it but starts spinning out of control.

Mario: Whooooaaaa!!!

He lands on the ground and the presents fall off a cliff.

Mario: Um... Hehe.

Everybody: Get him!!!

Mario: Wait!

He goes to the center of the town.

Mario: I know I screwed up, but at least I tried to do a good deed for everyone. Besides, Christmas isn't about presents. It's about spreading Christmas cheer, singing, and remembering the silent night during which that miracle happened even though Jesus might've been born in July due to recent studies. And also the three wise guys who made smart remarks to question the value of Christmas in the first place. Oh wait, it was wise men. Well, except for that stupid one that wasted all of his money on gold for a baby that has nothing to do with it. But, getting back on track, I'm pretty sure we can all find it deep down in our hearts to have a wonderful Christmas without presents, while enjoying warm company from each other. Because that's the greatest gift of them all. So, what do you say?


Random Toad: I like presents better.

They all start making negative comments.

Mario: I'll give you each ten bucks.

Everyone: Yay!

Mario: Now let's spread some Christmas cheer.

Everyone holds hands and sings. Luigi walks up to Mario.

Luigi: Wow! You made the whole town get together!

Mario: Yeah, and I'm sorry for being such a jerk.

Luigi: No, I agree with you on that one. Seriously, I tasted the lasagna last night. Bleh! Well anyway, thank you for what you've done.

Mario: You mean offer ten bucks?

Luigi: ... Let's end this before I have to answer that.

Super Troopa: That's all!

Goombie: Really?

Super Troopa: Yes, and I hope all of your holidays are filled with love and cheer!

Everyone from Stuper Mario Misadventures: Have a merry Christmasm everyone!

Super Troopa: Or else!

*creepy music*

The End

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