Extreme: Welcome to another Interview.
Dark Koopa: Lies. They're not welcome.
Lemmy: Lemmy's-
(Dark Koopa cocks his shotgun.)
Lemmy: *gulp*
Dark Koopa: Say something else. I dare ya.
(Lemmy is quiet.)
Dark Koopa: Good, good.
Blue: Wow, you blackmailed Lemmy.
Dark Koopa: Wait, what?
Blue: I said "Blackmailed".
Dark Koopa: Oh.
Extreme: So who's our unlucky- err, I mean special guest this time?
Flavio: Flavio hates you all.
Dark Koopa: That guy, who thinks he hates everyone more than me.
Flavio: Flavio hates you!
Dark Koopa: I hate you more.
(This goes on for about five minutes, but Flavio is too tired to speak anymore.)
Dark Koopa: Hey, man in parenthesis, how can we interview him if he can't talk?
Flavio: Aha! Flavio has tricked you all!
Dark Koopa: That was a lame trick.
Flavio: Why thank you. Want to hear another one?
Extreme: No.
Dark Koopa: No.
Flavio: Lies!
Dark Koopa: Li- Truth!
Extreme: Interview. Now.
Dark Koopa: Yes... Erm, why are you a sea captain? You're lame.
Flavio: I am the richest man alive! I am able to do what I want to do.
Dark Koopa: How much money you got?
Flavio: More than you, of course.
Dark Koopa: Specify. A lot of people have more money than me.
Flavio: I told you. I am rich. I am a millionaire who loves to tell...
Extreme: Lies?
Dark Koopa: That sounds about right.
Extreme: Next question: Why do you tell stories only about you?
Dark Koopa: Isn't it obvious? He's an ego-holic. I could tell that from the moment he talked.
Extreme: I asked him.
Flavio: No, he's right. I have quite the ego. The best ego.
Extreme: Which Eggo?
Dark Koopa: Ego, not Eggo.
Extreme: Yum.
Dark Koopa: Now I'm hungry.
Flavio: Keep on questioning me!
Dark Koopa: Where'd ya find that Skull Gem?
Flavio: My great great great grandpappy Flavio found the Skull Gem from Cortez. He said he found it in the cave with him nowhere around.
Extreme: So, where did you get that hat from?
Flavio: I stole it.
Extreme: Is that a lie?
Flavio: Why would I lie about stealing?
Dark Koopa: Ego boost.
Extreme: I'd say so.
Flavio: ... Flavio hates you all.
Extreme: Good for you. Dark, ask another question.
Dark Koopa: He still hasn't answered where he got the stupid hat from.
Flavio: I stole it.
Dark Koopa: I think we clarified that was a lie.
Flavio: Okay, so I bought it.
Dark Koopa: From where?
Flavio: Bob's Hat Store. Buy now.
Dark Koopa: ... This Bob guy has way too much free time.
Bob: You're asking me.
Dark Koopa: I'm not asking anything. Go away, weirdo.
Extreme: Next question. How is it that you bought a boat, and you have enough money to buy a new one, but you didn't?
Flavio: Flavio's lazy.
Dark Koopa: How'd you get your crew? Really, I can't understand how anyone can tolerate you.
Flavio: I promised them lots of money.
Dark Koopa: Was it a promise you were gonna keep?
Flavio: Of course not.
Extreme: Then why does lying run in the family?
Flavio: Why doesn't it?
Dark Koopa: Not bad, Mr. Braces. Err, why do you have braces?
Flavio: Too much candy.
Extreme: From?
Flavio: Flavio loves candy. Flavio eats it all the time.
Dark Koopa: Dark Koopa dislikes speaking in the third person.
Extreme: Extreme also hates speaking in the fourth person.
Dark Koopa: Uh... Anyway, I think your crew is coming for their pay.
Extreme: Or is it Thumbs?
Thumbs: Nah. I'm right here. With a shov- I mean, happy fun-time stick.
Pa-Patch: I want my bloomin' 'ay.
Extreme: You want hay?
Pa-Patch: P-ay.
Extreme: P-Hay?
Pa-Patch: Shut up.
Extreme: How much does he owe you?
Pa-Patch: He promised a million coins.
Crew Member 1: Me too.
Crew Member 2: Me too.
Crew Member 3: Me too.
Crew Member 4: Aww man, our names are numbers.
Thumbs: Silly NPCs...
Extreme: Yep.
Flavio: Flavio's gotta split!
(Flavio runs off.)
Dark Koopa: That pun was lame.
Thumbs: It wasn't a pun.
Extreme: I guess that's it for the Interview.
Blue: Unless...
(Thumbs bashes Dark Koopa with a shovel.)
Blue: Oh great.
Extreme: What did you do that for?
Blue: Thumbs...
Thumbs: This is taking too long. I want to see the 100th Interview special already! You get free toothpicks. Toothpicks!
(Thumbs drags Dark Koopa off.)
Blue: Well, that's all for tonight.
Extreme: So much for my 20th Interview.
Thumbs (from far off): 100 is a prettier number!
Extreme: Well, join me and Blue next time. I'm Extreme.
Blue: I'm Blue.
Lemmy: And I'm ending this. End Transmission.
Iggy: Me likey gumdrops!
Lemmy: ...
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