Dark Koopa: Okay, time for your first Interview! Yeah...
Pura: I already did one.
Dark Koopa: Your first one as security guard.
Pura: I don't want to do another one.
Dark Koopa: Then you're fired.
Pura: Okay.
Dark Koopa: Well, that didn't work...
Pura: See ya.
Dark Koopa: Oh, wait, you're under contract!
Pura: It said nothing about me having to interview people.
Dark Koopa: Hmm... Well, I'm not interviewing Lord Crump...
Pura: Crump you say?
(Pura jumps into the interviewer chair.)
Pura: Bring him out.
Dark Koopa: Thumbs?
Thumbs: Stop making me do stuff you can do yourself... Come on out, Crump.
Lord Crump: Buh huh, okay.
(Crump walks out and does a Richard Nixon pose while dodging tomatoes from the audience. He soon sees Pura.)
Crump: ... Bye.
(Crump runs out the front door screaming like a girl. Moments later, he runs screaming back through the back door. He's tripped by Pura as he passes by.)
Pura: Get in the chair, you bumbling oaf!
Crump: Okay, okay.
Pura: Now, I'm gonna ask you a few questions.
Crump: I'd rather you not.
Pura: Too bad. Firstly, how did you, of all people, become Grodus's right-hand man?
Crump: I'm the strongest X-Naut out there.
Pura: No, you're just durable. I've seen some Elite X-Nauts stronger than you.
Crump: Yeah, that's it.
(Pura punches Crump.)
Crump: Hey! What was that for?!
Pura: I was seeing if you were durable.
Crump: But you already know I am!
Pura: Yup.
Crump: ...
Pura: Next is that ridiculous laugh. Why do you have such a stupid laugh?
Crump: I have throat problems. Leave me alone.
Pura: You're lying.
Crump: Err, well, I just thought the laugh was cool, so I laughed like that all the time. Now that I'm so used to it, I can't really stop.
Pura: Well, I can assure you the laugh isn't cool.
Crump: Is too.
Pura: Is not.
Crump: Is too.
Grodus: Shut up, Crump. Your laugh is moronic.
Crump: ... Way to take the enemy's side...
Pura: Now for that robot Magnus Von Grapple. Who made that piece of junk?
Crump: The X-Naut PhDs...
Pura: Why did they build it for you?
Crump: Grodus's orders. He didn't want it himself, so he handed it off to the next person in power.
Pura: Which is sadly you. Okay, what about the pirate ship? Another thing made by X-Naut PhDs?
Crump: Yeah... I helped with that one!
Pura: Which explains its failure.
Crump: ...
Pura: I have to wonder how anyone was fooled by that pirate getup you had. How did you manage that?
Crump: Hey, I moved one of my horns. That makes me unrecognizable.
Pura: ...
Thumbs: Remember Pura, this was Mario, Flavio, and a bunch of NPCs. Shouldn't be too hard to fool.
Crump: Yup, yup, yup, yup, yup, yup, yup, yup, yup, yup, yup-
(Pura punches Crump.)
Pura: Stop that.
Crump: Ow...
Pura: How did you heal in that fight against Mario in Chapter 5?
Crump: First aid on the ship.
Pura: I don't see how that would heal all the wounds.
Crump: Well, they're just PhD potions... They're yummy.
Pura: Right... Back to Magnus. Who named it?
Crump: The top scientist in our clan: Magnus Von Snapple.
Pura: Sounds like a type of fruit drink...
Crump: Well, he did love to drink...
Pura: Erm... Okay, that thing around your neck... What is it? Some say it's a beard. Others say it's a cape.
Crump: Cape, defintely. X-Nauts don't have beards. We prefer looking like superheroes.
Pura: Yet you're villains...
Crump: Yup, yup, yup, yup, yup, yup, yup, yup, yup, yup, yup-
(Pura punches Crump again.)
Pura: I said to stop doing that. Now, your suit... Why is it purple?
Crump: My favorite color is purple. What's your excuse?
Pura: I am purple.
Crump: Oh...
Pura: Okay... now here's an interesting one: How did you survive being launched into space?
Crump: Uh... Oh! Lucky for me I ran into an X-Naut spaceship. They brought me onboard and back to the moon.
Pura: You have spaceships?
Crump: Yes, yes we do.
Pua: You gonna clarify?
Crump: Nope.
Pura: Well, I'm out of questions, so it's now time for pain and misery.
Dark Koopa: Ooh! I'll get the saw!
Pura: No need.
(Pura's hands start to glow.)
Crump: Evasive action twenty-five!
(Crump hits himself in the head with a shovel.)
Crump: Aha! If that doesn't hurt me, nothing wil-
(Crump collapses on the floor.)
Pura: Well, that was stupid.
(Thumbs starts to bury Crump.)
Thumbs: Well yeah, this is Crump we're talking about.
Pura: Thumbs, stop breaking the fourth wall.
Thumbs: I wasn't.
(Dark Koopa is hit with a crate.)
Dark Koopa: Whoever thought up this gag should be severely punished.
Pura: End transmission.
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