Lemmy: Good evening, and welcome to Lemmy's Interviews! You may be a little concerned because of the title, but trust me, I'm not actually interviewing myself. I'm actually interviewing my clone.
Lemmy: Don't listen to a word he says! I'm the real Lemmy, and he's the clone. I should be the one welcoming you to Lemmy's Interviews, because I'm Lemmy!
Lemmy: Er, well, it seems that my clone is a little confused today, but hopefully I will get both you and him straightened out.
Lemmy: You know, I don't really have time for this. I've got a big website, and I need to get back to my update!
Lemmy: I'll set him straight, folks. Only I would know the answer to this. Hey clone, where do I keep my Freeze Gun?
Lemmy: I keep my Freeze Gun in a small locked compartment at the back of my closet!
Lemmy: What's the combination to my safe?
Lemmy: 24 right, 14 left, 4 right, and then you, or should I say, I, have to say "Roy is an idiot"!
Roy: I'm gonna get you - both of you - later!
Lemmy: I don't think this is going to work, so-
Lemmy: -Let's take some questions from the audience!
Lemmy: You, in seat 475.
Koopa Troopa: When did you get cloned?
Lemmy: It was an experiment gone wrong in Ludwig's lab many years ago. I was three, and then I was cloned. We were confused at first as to which one was real, but now I know that I'm the real one.
Lemmy: He's right, except that I am the real Lemmy here, and we weren't confused at all, but he wanted to be the real one.
Lemmy: Whatever. You, in seat 92.
Bowser: You'd better get this straightened out and fast, cuz I'm only gonna feed one of you!
Lemmy: You know me, King Dad! I'm your son!
Lemmy: Ugh! Can't you see how fake he is? He doesn't look anything like me!
Lemmy: You, in seat 210.
Karma: Do you two get along?
Lemmy and Lemmy: No!
Lemmy: You, in seat 211.
Ludwig: I'll reverse the effects of the experiment if you dispose of Karma...
Lemmy: Ok!
Lemmy: No!
Lemmy: Shoot! Then we can't!
Lemmy: You, in seat 87.
Lemmy: Hey! I'm leading the interview here!
Lemmy: No, me!
Lemmy: Me!
Lemmy: Me!
Matthew: Hey, can one of you tell me what the new sections in your Land are going to be?
(Lemmy and Lemmy look at each other.)
Lemmy: Well, that's about all the time we both have for today! Be sure to be here next time when I-
Lemmy: He means me, will interview some one else.
Lemmy: I know who it is, but he doesn't.
Lemmy: That's a lie! I know all the answers around my Land because it's mine!
Lemmy: Mine!
Lemmy: No, mine!
(The two Lemmys scream so loud that the camera, which has been moved to a locked safe with a bulletproof window, shatters.)
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