DARK KOOPA interviews BOW
By Dark Koopa

Dark Koopa: I think everything is back to normal.

Thumbs: Why are you wearing yellow shoes?

Pink: And why am I wearing a neck brace?

Dark Koopa: I said normal! Today I interview Bow.

Bow: Because I'm special.

Dark Koopa: You wish. Now, why do you own that mansion in Forever Forest?

Bow: Because I'm a princess.

Dark Koopa: That's a laugh. How are you a princess?

Bow: I'm daughter to King Boo.

Dark Koopa: You? Related to King Boo? Yeah right. He's so huge and you're so puny. Ah, you're killing me.

(Bow starts smacking Dark Koopa with her fan.)


Bow: Stop laughing at me! I'm still very young.

Dark Koopa: Fine. What's the deal with the fan?

Bow: It's a good luck charm. It was given to me by my grandfather. It also makes a good weapon, as you can see.

Dark Koopa: Ow.

Thumbs: Sorry to interrupt, but Pink can't get the neck brace off. Her head is too fat.

Dark Koopa: No argument there.

Thumbs: Well, I'm just saying. Continue.

Dark Koopa: Alright. Why wasn't King Boo in the mansion when Mario went there?

Bow: He said he was off on some official business on Isle Delfino. He put me in charge.

Dark Koopa: Why does Bootler do everything for you?

Bow: Orders from my father. Also, I think he likes me.

Bootler: I do not. Your perfume just smells good...

Dark Koopa: What's with that thing on your head?

Bow: Thing? I wear it to look pretty. I am a princess after all.

Wendy: It failed.

(Bow sticks her tongue out at Wendy, who returns the favor.)

Dark Koopa: How did you capture Skolar?

Bow: It was easy. I caught him with a net while he was trying to escape from Tubba Blubba. I got the idea from this mad scientist.

Angry Scientist: Angry! Angry!

Dark Koopa: Well, time for audience questions. Seat 2.

Angry Scientist: Why did you stealness my ideaness?

Bow: I watch Sheep in the Big City a lot. Sue me.

(The Angry Scientist runs off to call his lawyer.)

Bow: Oops.

Dark Koopa: Seat 34.

Larry: Why are you green?

Bow: I eat jello a lot. Sue me.

(Larry runs off to call his lawyer.)

Bow: This is not my day.

Dark Koopa: Seat 10.

Yoshi: Do Bow still scare Tubba Blubba?

Bow: Sometimes, but not as much as I used to. He could go back to his Boo-eating days.

(Yoshi runs off to call his lawyer.)

Bow: I can't explain that one.

Dark Koopa: Well, that's all we have for today. And since you hit me... Pink!

(Pink eats Bow.)

Pink: My stomach is getting crowded.

Huff 'N Puff: I hate the digestive tract...

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