Susan: Hi everybody! Welcome to...
Lemmy: Lemmy's Interview Show!
Susan: You're so cute, Lemmy.
Lemmy: Aren't I?
Susan: Not as cute as Larry.
Lemmy: That's your opinion....
Susan: I'd like to point out that this is my first Interview, so I hope everyone enjoys it. I got the hic-ups. Bad timing. Let's bring out my guest... Duplighost!
Duplighost: BOO! Did I frighten you?
Susan: No, but you got rid of my hic-ups.
Duplighost: Good enough.
Susan: Where do you live?
Duplighost: I live in Shiver Mountain, outside of Crystal Palace.
Susan: What is your form of attack?
Duplighost: I headbutt my opponents. Also, I can do this!
(Duplighost transforms into Susan.)
Susan: Cool!
Duplighost: I can transform into exactly what my opponent looks like and I have their skills.
Susan: That doesn't look like me. The hair is all wrong.
Duplighost: Fine. I'll change back.
Susan: If you're a ghost, why can't you fly?
Duplighost: Well, I'm not actually a ghost, but if people think I'm a ghost, they will be afraid of me.
Susan: What's it like working for Crystal King?
Duplighost: It's just basic stuff. He tells us to guard an area, and if someone goes by, we attack them. That's about it.
Susan: How do you get along with your co-workers?
Duplighost: The White Clubbas are nice to be around, but the Magikoopas are bossy and kind of a pain.
Susan: Since you're not a ghost, how old are you?
Duplighost: 33.
Duplighost: Is the yelling necessary?
Susan: No, but I did it anyway. Seat 71.
Lemmy: Why do you like the cold?
Duplighost: Well, I like to wear a blanket on my head and a cold place is the best place for a blanket.
Lemmy: Can you take the blanket off?
Duplighost: Okay.
(Duplighost takes the blanket off.)
Everyone: AHHHH!
Susan: Put the blanket back on!
(Duplighost puts the blanket back on.)
Susan: Wow! You are really ugly! Seat 13.
Roy: Do you get any rewards for doing a good job?
Duplighost: A few Duplighosts did a good enough job to get to work in Bowser's castle, but that's all I've ever seen.
Susan: Last question. Seat 64.
Larry: Uhhhh...
Susan: LARRY!
Larry: AHHHH!
(Susan chases Larry out of the studio.)
Lemmy: Let me guess. You're not going to end this until Susan says 'end transmission'.
Stupid Camera: That's right.
Lemmy: *sigh*
Four years later...
Susan: What do they say at the end of an Interview again?
Dark Koopa: End transmission.
(Somehow the Stupid Cameraman hears Susan from about 100 miles away and turns off the camera.)
Lemmy: Finally! Oh great. Everyone died of starvation. Good thing I brought popcorn!
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