We see darkness… We see images of fear, and fright…
Super Goomba wakes up from his nightmare to see Goomba Guy, a red Anti Guy with a Goomba stitched on his forehead who is SG's lawyer-type person, staring at him.
SG: Wha...? Why'd ya wake me?
SG: Ack! For what?!
GG: Your Interview!
SG: ... What Interview?
GG: Don't you remember?! We've been planning this for months!
SG: Wha... SHOOT! You're right! Ugh, getting your first Interview after many years can make one forget...
GG: You get down to the studio! I'll get Goombario!
SG: Right!
SG and Goomba Guy begin rushing around SG's house getting various things ready. Things like breakfast, clothes, and SG's first Interview crew. Then they prepare to leave.
SG: Wait! Wasn't I performing a co-interview?
GG: Yes! You're the one with the paper holding the name of your co-interviewer!
SG: Oh... um... Shoot, I smudged it in my sleep... I'm interviewing with... Drk Kappa?
Goombario: Who's he?
SG: Meh. Must be some new guy hoping to get his first vote or something. Well, let's go!
Meanwhile at the Interview Studio....
Dark Koopa: Why am I being duct-taped to this chair?
Thumbs: I'm testing its durability.
Dark Koopa: The tape?
Thumbs: No, the chair.
Dark Koopa: Fine. As long as no one asks me to do an Interview in the next 30 seconds.
(Super Goomba and associates enter the studio.)
Dark Koopa: Rage.
Thumbs: What horrible timing.
Dark Koopa: Seriously!
Thumbs: They were supposed to enter at 29 seconds, not at 3 seconds.
Dark Koopa: Get out.
Thumbs: Okay.
(Thumbs exits, leaving Dark Koopa duct-taped to the chair.)
Dark Koopa: I didn't mean that literally! Blah.
SG: 'Kay, so I'm supposed to interview with you... Drk...
Dark Koopa: That's not my name. And I'd love to know how you pronounced that, considering it has no vowels.
SG: Waitaminute... Who are you?
Dark Koopa: Dark Koopa.
SG: Oh... dangit. Uhm... Who are we interviewing?
Dark Koopa: What am I, an interviewer? I don't know.
SG: Uh... Aren't you an interviewer?
Dark Koopa: No. Never.
SG: Uh, yeah, ok, whatever you say. (to audience) So, today we are interviewing... uhm... this... Clubba over here!
Clubba: Huh? Wha?
Dark Koopa: You are the next contestant on The Prince is Right!
Clubba: Oh man. Oh yeah!
(The Clubba runs onstage.)
Clubba: Hey... This isn't-- *is cuffed to interviewee chair* HEY!
SG: Pay more attention next time.
Dark Koopa: Aw, I wanted to play Plinko...
SG: Why are you always aslee--
Clubba: ZZZZzzzz....
SG: Uh-huh...
Clubba: Hu- Oh, I'm just really lazy. I hate working, and I hate guarding. It's so boring. But I do like hitting things!
Dark Koopa: Then why are you always guarding something?
Clubba: Guards get to hit things!
SG: Were you supposed to be guarding something before?
Clubba: Why yes I- AW, DANG IT!
Dark Koopa: Well...
Clubba: I knew I was supposed to be working today!
Dark Koopa: So, Clubbas are rumored to not be very bright. Is this true?
Clubba: Today is... Wednesday, right? Or is it Sunday?
Dark Koopa: It's Friday.
Clubba: They have a whole day just for fries?!
Dark Koopa: That answers that.
SG: How do ya feel about reappearing in Super Paper Mario?
Clubba: That wasn't me, that was my cousin.
Dark Koopa: He meant your species.
Clubba: Oh... oh! It's cool, I guess. It's not actually me, but it's nice our species gets more exposure. I'd like to appear outside of Paper Mario games though...
SG: When Kammy summoned a Clubba to guard a chest, did she pull a Clubba outta thin air, or did she pull a Clubba from another location entirely?
Clubba: Actually, that was me! As for where I came form, I... don't... know... AUUUUGH!!! MY WHOLE LIFE IS DESTROYED!!! WHO AM I?! WHAT AM I?! AAAAUUUUGGHH!!!
(Dark Koopa takes the Clubba's club and hits him with it.)
Clubba: Ow! Thanks... Kammy teleported me from Tubba's Castle and barely explained a thing. I was so confused!
Dark Koopa: When aren't you confused?
Clubba: That's a confusing question.
SG: I'll take that as a "never". So... are you a breed of Koopa?
Clubba: I don't know what that means!
Dark Koopa: He is. It's sad when I know that. Why are most Clubbas green?
Clubba: Why are most Koopas green? They just are.
Dark Koopa: There's a lot of red Koopas too.
Clubba: Well, they just are, okay?! White Clubbas are like red Koopas.
Dark Koopa: Then what Clubbas are like Dark Koopas?
Clubba: Dark Clubbas.
Dark Koopa: No.
Clubba: Fine.
SG: Kay. Are you a breed of Spike?
Clubba: Lakilester?
Dark Koopa: Those things from Yoshi Story.
Clubba: They're like our cousins.
Dark Koopa: I thought your cousin was in SPM.
Clubba: I mean species-wise!
Dark Koopa: Why are White Clubbas called White Clubbas?
Clubba: Because they're white? It's to tell them apart from normal Clubbas, I guess.
SG: What do you think of Grubba?
Clubba: ZZZZZzzzzz...
SG: *facepalm*
Clubba: I'M UP! Well, he's your typical evil Clubba, making him awesome.
Dark Koopa: So I guess you're evil?
Clubba: I don't know! But evil is coolest.
Dark Koopa: I agree.
Gloomtail: I eat evil for breakfast!
Dark Koopa: Aren't you evil yourself?
Gloomtail: ... Hm. How do I eat myself? This is quite a conundrum.
Dark Koopa: While you figure that out, it's time for audience questions.
SG: You, in the back.
Goombario: I-
SG: What are you doing in the audience?
Goombario: I wanted to ask a question... =(
SG: Fine, fine... But get back up here.
Goomba Guy: Isn't it against the law to-
SG: Quiet, you.
Dark Koopa: There's a Goomba GUY now? Is it a Shy Guy dressed up like a Goomba or something?
Goombario: Do all Clubbas have hair?
Clubba: No, but most do.
Dark Koopa: Is it always in that style?
Clubba: Nope again. It's just how Nintendo portrays us since it's a popular style.
SG: You, over there!
Tubba Blubba: What do you think of me?
Clubba: You're my employer!
Tubba Blubba: So... what do you think?
Clubba: A bit demanding, a bit of a coward... And you kind of smell bad.
Tubba Blubba: You're fired.
Clubba: RAGE!
SG: You, just entering the studio!
Luigi: Uh... what?
Clubba: I agree.
SG: Ergh... You near the front!
Goomba: What exactly WERE you guarding?
Clubba: I don't know! I guess Tubba needs the extra security because he's a scaredy cat.
(Tubba proceeds to bodyslam the Clubba.)
Dark Koopa: It appears our interviewee had been bodyslammed.
SG: You ok?
Clubba: Mmff...
SG: Guess not.
Dark Koopa: So, that's all for today on-
Lemmy: Lemmy's Interview Show!
Dark Koopa: Just couldn't contain yourself, could you?
Lemmy: When have I ever?
Dark Koopa: Point. I leave now!
(Dark Koopa exits, passing by Gloomtail, who is currently chewing on his arm.)
SG: *shrug*
SG, Goombario, and Goomba Guy leave, followed by the audience, Gloomtail, and Tubba.
Later that night…
Clubba: Zzzz-huh? Wha? Why is it so dark?
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